Prayer for the preservation of the family and the disciplining of the husband


The pain of a woman who pulls on herself a crumbling marriage, three children and a cold husband can be understood only by those who have once experienced this. The pain of a man, whose beloved woman no longer considers him the center of the universe, can only be known by those who desperately want to return past feelings.

What to do when the family, which seemed to be a stronghold, is bursting at the seams due to external influences?

The reasons may be different:

  1. Quarrels and scandals because of misunderstanding each other.
  2. Problems at work.
  3. Precarious financial position.
  4. Lack of new emotions and impressions.
  5. Inability to express the accumulated and solve the problem together.
  6. Another woman, another man.
  7. Unhappy parents marriage, mother in law, in-law.

All this is urgent and solvable.

In such situations, when the hands are lowered and the veil of despair dims, there is a last method, which works flawlessly.

Family magic

Sincere conversations do not always help, psychologist, relocation, rupture of communication with negatively affecting relatives. No matter how hard you try to fix everything with the help of traditional methods, if something is broken, it is senseless to make a plaster. Just like a broken branch needs an influx of live juice to grow together, and a disorganized family needs help from above.

White magic knows many ways to return the family to its former balance. First of all, its action restores harmony within the person who uses it, and then in the whole environment. With its help, you can achieve stunning results, if you follow the main rule: belief in yourself and the action of magic.

Conspiracies and Prayers for Family Preservation

Both traditional white magic and strong Christian prayers can help yourself and your spouse to preserve relationships. Their action differs only in the source from which you draw strength. Turning to the conspiracy, you draw strength in nature, lunar energy and your own etheric capabilities. Turning to prayer, you turn to the Lord for support and showing the way to the world.

Everyone chooses the way to follow. Whatever you choose, you must be ready to clear your mind of negativity and help the higher forces with whatever you can. To do this, it’s not enough for you to read a prayer, you need to listen to the changes and reflect on them, see the situation from different angles, work on new information.

Appeal to higher forces opens a new breath. It gives the strength to live and fight on, shows new ways and opportunities. But inaction after treatment will not lead to the desired result. When resorting to prayer, be ready to receive a surge of energy and use it for good, only then a new tide will be granted to you and the matter will start from the dead point.


The very first method that the honorable dignitaries recommend to their parishioners is the prayer to the Holy Matron. It is suitable for both women and men, the Blessed is supportive of everyone who wants to improve relationships in marriage. Matron patronizes families and people boldly come to her for help at any age, from all over the world. You have been married for decades, or years, in any situation there is always the opportunity to go to church and pray.

You can turn to the Blessed One both at home and in church. It is important to have an icon of Saint Matrona, if you hold a prayer at home, and several church candles. In any church, the icon is already there, you only need to buy a candle and pray in front of it. You can also ask the priest to join you in prayer in order to strengthen your call.

If the path of an ark or icons with a particle of the relics of the Holy Matron passes through your city, do not miss the opportunity to worship them. A special effect can be achieved by going to the Pokrovsky Monastery on Taganskaya Street in Moscow, where the relics and icons of St. Matron Nikonova are kept.

Prayer Matrona for the preservation of the family has the strongest effect. You will immediately feel if she was received and the saint heard you. The fire of the right answer will light up inside you: is your path true, will Heaven favor your marriage?

It is held at any time of the day. Place the Matrona icon in front of you, place three flowers in front of it, a tribute to the saint, and a lit church candle. The text of the prayer is not necessary to learn by heart, say that you feel as it is, in your own words.

“Matronushka-savior, patroness of people, be gentle and indulgent to the servant of God (your name). I pray to you in despair and grief, in the hope of holy blessing. Thy thorny path, as thorny thy share, and in the name of the salvation of man, I pray thee: help, Holy One, help the Blessed One, the Lord in the name and the Spirit I pray. My marriage (describe how many years you have been married, with whom) is wrong and destructive, the pain in the hearts has settled. I ask you to help expel her, bring back the former happiness, get rid of (describe the problem of marriage). For that, I thank you. Amen!"

In churches, they often read another, well-known prayer, so if you want to read it together with the priest, memorize the following text in advance:

Akathist to Guria, Samona and Aviv

The next, no less famous prayer among the people, is the Akathist to Guria, Samona and Aviv. Important and effective, it is designed to be a tabletop daily prayer of every girl and wife.

The holy martyrs who were executed in 293-322 of our century are known by the legend of their salvation to the unfortunate Euthymia, the traitor’s wife. Since then, saints have been venerated as saviors and guardians of marriage, family, true faith, and righteous deeds.

This prayer is read for an icon depicting three saints; it is important to observe the text and the emphasis.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to preserve the family

The Orthodox prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker helps in situations when conflicts are just beginning in the family, and their cause is unknown. Such a prayer helps to clear the mind and understand the primary sources.

This prayer is long and difficult, not everyone can learn it by heart. Therefore, it is recommended to rewrite the prayer on the sheet by hand, thereby giving it even greater strength. The full text of the prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker on the family is here (the download link will open).

To a believer, this prayer will give strength and confidence, will impart wisdom and vision to the path.

Prayer books that change a person’s fate should be read daily for forty days. Having missed one day for any reason, you should start the Orthodox rite first, in order to feel the desired effect. It is best to read it in a deserted place or in the walls of a house, having an image of a saint in front of you.

Prayer for the preservation of the son's family from divorce

The pain of a husband and wife is great, but the pain of a loving mother is even stronger. Mother, looking from the outside at the destruction of the marriage with her own children, desperately wants to help them. Most often, these attempts lead to the opposite effect, the unwanted intervention of the older generation is rejected by the younger ones.

In this case, the prayer will save, for which it is not necessary to interfere in the life of a young family. It is read on the icon of the Mother of God, under the turnover of which a common photo of the family is embedded. The newer the photos and the happier the faces of the children on them, the stronger the maternal call will be.

“Lord Jesus, Son of God, Holy Mother of God and Holy Spirit, I call upon you, God's servant (your name), in the name of my children (names of son and daughter-in-law). Their marriage, which was concluded before the face of the Lord (date of marriage) was alright and strong, but they set off on the wrong path and left their home blessing. I beg you, pressing ones, turn your gaze towards the servants of God, and favor them. Send down your light and blessing life-giving, send strength and perseverance, fire to the heart’s spirit, warm hearts in marriage one. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

It is important in a prayer to talk about the son and daughter-in-law as about their children, not sharing them. By accepting a sister-in-law to the family, you accept her as a daughter and any mention of the fact that she is not your own, will upset the Mother of God.

White magic plot to restore a broken marriage

A woman who is a holy believer who truly wishes to return her husband and restore her former balance in marriage will be treated with a bright magical ritual. His goal is to incite passion and return warm relationships. It is held on the seventh lunar day, on a bright night. Regardless of whether the relationship is complete, and whether you are communicating with your spouse, the conspiracy has been tested in action by many generations of witches. Those who did not fully succeed in it, note another property. This plot turns events to a previously unknown side, opens eyes to new opportunities and attracts a better life. This conspiracy helped someone to return her husband, to someone to find a new one, someone could calm down and start waking up in the morning with a smile, build their lives and move on.

Regardless of your goals, this conspiracy does not harm you, but only improves any circumstances.

For the plot, prepare:

  • Seven church candles;
  • Photos of your family;
  • Icon lamp for incense;
  • Incense with the smell of any spicy herbs;
  • Icon of the Virgin;
  • Leaves of dried willow, basil and laurel;
  • Mortar and pestle;
  • Paper;
  • Pen.

Preparation for the ritual is not only the acquisition of necessary elements, but also spiritual cleansing. Before the magical effect should endure one-day fast, visit the temple, put a candle in the health of the spouse and children. They recommend to go through the sacrament of confession and receive absolution.

Having cleared of evil, feel free to proceed to the plot at a specified time.

Lonely in the bedroom, open all the windows and sit on the floor. Spread a clean sheet on the floor or any piece of fabric. Candles better to light in the candlestick or on a metal dish. First, light the seven church candles. Then incense designed to clean the atmosphere of the room. Face to yourself set the icon of the Virgin. Take the family photo in your hands, look at the faces, stroke them, remember the brightest and warmest moments. Kiss your face and put the photo on the floor.

Throw in the mortar and then chop the herbs.

Write your name and spouse's name on a piece of paper. Holding the sheet in your hands, read the plot:

“Holy Mother, holy Father, lay my mouth at your feet on the night that is steadfast. Hear me the powers of heaven, open your eyes and give me a look. As we were married on the day of the sacred (date), we lived happily for several years, and we lived in perfect harmony as a servant of God (your name) and a servant of God (spouse's name). Children were born into that marriage (if there are no children, omit the sentence, if there is, give their names). Without flinching, the fire shone in our hearth, but the ways of the world are immeasurable. I take pride in your footsteps, the All-Powerful Lord, his Son and the Holy Mother of God. I ask for your help, give strength to your slave, open my gaze clear, give strength to your hands and open my heart to understand all things. I charge my marriage to your hands, as your will is hallowed, so will I receive it. For the good of me, for the good of my husband, for the good of the deeds of the Lord. So finish. Amen!"

Kiss the leaf, attach it to the icon of the Virgin, then gently burn the candles and ash over the flames and mix with the herbs. Herbs do not need to burn. In the morning with a mortar in your hands go out on the threshold of the house and develop herbs by the wind, saying:

“What has happened is dust, flowers will be reborn from dust, new beginnings multiply, light will reign in my soul. Amen".

Go back to the house without wiping your hands, on the back of the photo, draw a cross with a dusty hand and hide it in the photo album.

After that, continue to live a normal life. Pray to God in the evenings and thank him for his help. Take care of yourself: go to a beauty salon, take courses of procedures, make a new hairstyle, manicure, buy a new outfit and shoes. Set aside sadness and trouble for later. Look around for beauty and happiness, meet new people and accept the world as it was not nice to you, new. Feel changed, desired and interesting, go on a new date, turn off the phone.

If the spouse is intended for you by God, he will return. If not, then God prepared you a better fate.


A prayer for the preservation of well-being in the family will help when all means are exhausted and there is no strength left to fight. With its help, you can regain strength and improve life. Since ancient times, in difficult situations, people have appealed to the higher forces for help, and they never answered with silence to the truly suffering.

Believe in yourself, believe in the Lord, and good luck will smile upon you.


Watch the video: Prayer For Your Children - The Prayer For Our Children (June 2024).