Honey, sand, biscuit and waffle cakes with boiled condensed milk. Cream creams recipes with condensed milk


Boiled, carmelized condensed milk, it’s a “toffee”, is a delicacy, which you still have to look for rivals. More recently, only housewives used it in cakes, and there was such a cream much tastier than any factory one. And the tomboys had been discussing for a long time whose mother was preparing the tastiest cake with boiled condensed milk in the whole world.

Cakes with boiled condensed milk - general principles of preparation

• In the manufacture of homemade cakes, boiled condensed milk is especially popular. It is coated with cakes or added to creams. Such creamy masses are distinguished by a delicate taste and beat well if you choose the right product. It is important to purchase natural boiled condensed milk, consisting of whole milk and sugar, and not a mixture of vegetable fats and preservatives.

• What cakes are prepared using boiled condensed milk? Yes, almost any! There are a lot of recipes for waffle cakes with condensed milk, especially boiled, recipes for which use only it. To smear honey, sand or biscuit cakes, creams based on cream or sour cream are prepared with condensed milk, often the product is added to the soufflé mass or whipped with butter.

• It is worth noting that the taste and quality of the cream base depends not only on the condensed milk, but also on the products with which it is mixed. They must be fresh and of high quality.

• To add to the finished cream or boiled condensed milk, add nuts or layer the cream layer with prunes. Decorate such a cake with the main cream mass or separately prepared cream. Often, the surface of the dessert is poured with melted chocolate or icing.

A simple recipe for a wafer cake with condensed milk with chocolate icing


• packaging of factory wafer cakes

• 50 gr. any nuts.

In cream:

• a can of boiled, natural condensed milk;

• Butter "Traditional" butter - 100 gr.;

In the glaze:

• butter, high fat - 30 gr.;

• two tablespoons of medium-fat milk;

• 3 tablespoons of dry, fresh cocoa powder;

• 50 gr. refined beet sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Put oil in advance from the refrigerator and cut it into small pieces directly in a bowl. When it becomes soft, beat, gradually adding condensed milk in three spoons. The finished cream should be uniform. The presence of grains suggests that whipping should be continued.

2. It is desirable to form the cake immediately on the dish. Put the first cake on it and thinly grease the cooked cream. Put the next wafer workpiece on top and coat it with cream too. Form the whole cake this way.

3. Using a water bath, dissolve granulated sugar in milk. In a hot mixture, do not remove from the stove, dilute cocoa. Add oil and, stirring regularly, boil for several minutes.

4. Lightly cooled thick glaze, fill the surface of the wafer cake and sprinkle the chopped nuts on the dessert.

Waffle cake with condensed milk - "Classic, homemade"


• three eggs;

• one and a half glasses of high-grade flour;

• a glass of beet sugar;

• 150 gr. “Creamy” weighted margarine;

• a spoon of soda;

• 100 gr. sour cream;

• for impregnation of boiled condensed milk.

Cooking method:

1. Put margarine in a saucepan, chop right into it in slices and put on moderate heat. When melted, remove from heat and cool well. Transplant the flour several times, immediately mixing it with soda.

2. Whip cooled margarine with sugar and eggs, add sour cream. Gradually pouring flour, and each time kneading it with a whisk, prepare the dough. It should not be thick or too rare, focus on the density of the still not frozen home sour cream.

3. Turn on the electric waffle iron and wait ten minutes, after which apply a thin layer of vegetable oil to the working surfaces of the appliance.

4. To make a round dessert, pry the dough with a tablespoon, pour it on the center of the bottom surface and firmly press the top cover. In at least a minute check availability. Well-baked cakes always have a light golden hue and are easily removed with a spatula.

5. If you want a rectangular cake, pry the dough with a small ladle and apply, pouring a strip over the fourth row of bulges. Count from near edge. If the dough comes out along the edges, remove it with a knife.

6. When you bake all the shortcakes, form a cake, smearing the homemade preparations with boiled condensed milk. Do not lubricate the top cake, put a plate on it and put a small load on it for a couple of hours.

7. Decorate the dessert to your liking or, as well as cakes, brush with condensed milk.

The recipe for sponge cake with condensed milk - "Tenderness"


• sugar - 330 gr.;

• 90 gr. wheat flour of high quality;

• three eggs.

For souffle:

• a pack of sweet cream butter;

• boiled condensed milk - 200 gr.;

• low-fat cow's milk - 50 ml;

• squirrels from three eggs;

• 20 gr. “fast” gelatin;

• bitter, not less than 70%, chocolate bar - 100 gr.;

• "Peasant" oil, preferably 82% - 200 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Separate the squirrels from the yolks in advance and refrigerate for half an hour. To prevent the yolks from drying out, carefully pour them into a jar and leave them on the table. Be sure to close the container with a lid, pour it so that it does not spread.

2. Pour the cooled yolks into a dry clean bowl and begin to beat, gradually pouring a spoonful of granulated sugar to them. When you get a dense mass with a slight glossy shine, whisking, introduce one egg into it. After this, immediately pour the whole measure of flour and carefully mix it into the lush egg mass.

3. Cover the bottom of the form with parchment paper and carefully transfer the biscuit dough into it, smooth the surface and put in the oven for 15 minutes. After cooling, cut the finished biscuit into two cakes.

4. Beat the softened butter until fluffy. Combine it with condensed milk and continue to beat until you get a uniform cream base.

5. Soak the gelatin, fill it with cold water when it swells, add sugar and put on low heat, or rather use a water bath. Remove from heat when all components are evenly dispersed.

6. Beat the proteins until stable peaks and pour a hot gelatin mixture into them with a thin stream. Whisk again and, without stopping the process, add the oil cream. It is advisable to introduce it slowly, 2-3 tablespoons.

7. Cover the clean form with cling film and place the lower biscuit cake in it. Pour half of the cream soufflé onto it and lay with the following cake. Pour the remaining soufflé mass from above, level the surface and place in the cold for six hours.

8. Melt the chocolate in well-heated milk and spread the surface of the cake well with a chocolate mass. Slightly thicken the glaze, smooth the sides and place the cake in the refrigerator, in the "warm" compartment, until the top layer solidifies.

Cake with boiled condensed milk: honey recipe with prunes and nuts


• half a glass of sugar;

• three tablespoons of milk;

• 250 gr. any honey;

• creamy margarine - 100 gr.;

• a spoon of soda;

• 150 gr. natural butter;

• three eggs;

• high-quality baking flour.

In cream:

• half a liter of oily homemade sour cream;

• a can of caramelized condensed milk;

• a third of a spoonful of crystalline vanillin.


• 200 gr. soft pitted prunes;

• 100 grams of dried walnut kernels.

Cooking method:

1. Place the pan in a water bath, and combine honey with sugar in it. Pour a pinch of fine salt, pour in the milk and warm for 2-3 minutes. Add margarine at the same time with butter. Keep warming, stir the contents of the pan until the mixture becomes completely homogeneous.

2. Enter the baking soda, warm for another three minutes, remove from the stove and continue stirring continuously for five minutes, cool.

3. Into the chilled honey mixture, one by one, add the eggs and, adding a little flour, knead a soft plastic dough. Divide it into pieces and roll the balls. It should be eight pieces.

4. Roll the dough into thin round layers and bake them on a baking sheet covered with parchment, until a soft golden hue. Fold the baked cakes in a stack and leave to cool.

5. Beat sour cream with boiled condensed milk, adding vanillin. Cut prunes into thin strips, chop nuts.

6. Cover the cooled cakes with cream and fold them, sprinkling with chopped nuts and prunes. At night, place the honey cake for soaking in the refrigerator.

Sponge cake with condensed milk - "New Year's" (from cakes on sour cream)


• 1.5 cups of high-quality flour and refined sugar;

• three tablespoons of starch;

• non-liquid sour cream, 20% - 300 milliliters;

• 3 large eggs;

• soda - one and a half teaspoons;

• two tablespoons of poppy seeds;

• light pitted raisins;

• a handful of chopped nuts;

• 0.5 l. a glass jar of condensed, caramelized milk;

• 100 gr. milk chocolate bar.

Cooking method:

1. Stir in a spoon the sour cream and transfer to a bowl. Add sugar there, add all the flour and starch. Pour in the eggs and mix all the ingredients, whisking with a whisk.

2. Quench the soda with vinegar, add another frothy mass to the dough, beat well again and pour the dough into three bowls, equally divided.

3. Mix one part with raisins soaked in water, add poppy in the other, and finely chopped nuts in the third.

4. In the same forms, bake three biscuit cakes and cool them by placing them on a wire rack. Then form a cake, smearing the cake with condensed milk. Garnish the top with melted chocolate, sprinkle finely chopped nuts on the sides.

Cake with boiled condensed milk: recipe from shortcrust pastry - "Festive"


• butter "Peasant" or "Traditional" - 50 gr.;

• three yolks;

• sugar - 170 gr.;

• 200 gr. sour cream non-liquid, medium fat;

• table vinegar - 1 tsp;

• a small bag of vanilla, crystalline;

• 460 gr. high-quality flour;

• soda - 1 tsp.

For cream:

• 120 grams of peanuts;

• 30% cream - 250 ml;

• boiled, factory condensed milk - 400 gr .;

• 180 gr. "Peasant", the freshest oil.

Cream for decoration:

• three proteins;

• sugar - 235 gr.;

• a third of a teaspoon of “lemons”;

• 85 ml of boiled water.

Cooking method:

1. On low heat melt the butter completely, cool.

2. Whisk the yolks slightly with regular sugar, then add vanilla to it, put sour cream and pour in the cooled oil, mix. Quench soda with vinegar in a tablespoon and immediately pour the mixture into the oil mixture. Pour all the sifted flour and knead the uncooked dough.

3. Divide it into fourteen identical pieces and roll them in round layers of the same diameter. You can trim the plate using it as a stencil.

4. In several places, pierce the cake blanks with a fork and bake until lightly browned at 180 degrees, cool.

5. Fry peanuts in a dry frying pan. Remove the dark shell from the cooled nuts and chop finely with a heavy knife.

6. Beat the butter softened at room temperature at a minimum of revolutions of the mixer with condensed milk. In a separate bowl, whisk with a mixer, bring chilled cream to puffiness.

7. Mix the creamy butter base with the cream that has increased in volume. Beat lightly, then add finely chopped nuts, mix.

8. Beat the chilled proteins.

9. Sugar with water, put on medium heat. When boiling syrup, reduce heat to a minimum and, stirring, boil for another four minutes. Add citric acid and continue cooking as much.

10. After this, remove the syrup from the heat and pour it into the squirrels, which are whipped vigorously at this time with a mixer, while pouring in a stream. Continue whipping until the cream has cooled.

11. Smear shortcakes with butter cream and fold to form a cake.

12. Smear the sides and top of the cake with protein cream. Gather the remaining protein mass in a pastry bag and gently squeezing it, decorate the cake with it.

Cooked condensed milk cakes - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Creams for layering wafer cakes with condensed milk will not work. Delicate factory cakes quickly absorb a rare cream, become moist and not crispy. It is best to apply condensed milk on such cakes.

• For impregnation of homemade waffle cakes, on the contrary, it is better to take a thin creamy mass and preferably without butter.

• Butter, sour cream or cream should be whipped separately before mixing with condensed milk. So the cream will turn out more magnificent and beat faster.

• When preparing a sponge cake with condensed milk, be sure to control the "moisture" of the cake. It may be necessary to soak them with sweet syrup or juice, as condensed milk "cream", as a rule, does not give enough moisture, and the dessert may turn out to be rather dry.


Watch the video: Eggless Cheesecake Popsicles Oreo Cookies and Cream (June 2024).