People who are actively engaged in sex, receive a high salary


German scientists made a curious observation: people who have sex at least five times a week have a salary higher than their less sexually active tribesmen. The reason for this, perhaps, is the increased efficiency and self-confidence, which are acquired, thanks to the success in the sexual field. All this somehow gives such people an increase in salary of 5%.

Such information was obtained during a survey of people in the age of 25 to 50 years. The health of single people was more modest than those who led an active sex life. Moreover, the latter had higher salaries.

The absolute lack of sex reduced wages by as much as three percent. Interestingly, in Russia, active sex life stimulates the receipt of higher wages by as much as 15%.


Guest 07.04.2016
The working capacity of mistresses of all stripes and relatives is that they often miss any, go to hospitals during working hours, have lunch and drink tea whenever they want and get an undeserved salary. At work, they should pay as abroad for the work done and not for love and family relationships

Guest 07.04.2016
Of course, if you are not engaged in work during work hours, but you also have sex, and you still need to help the top and have a rest, and your salaries are higher than others.

Locksmith 04/07/2016
At enterprises, they pay well only with their own, even if they work hard, Russians oppress guest workers pay more

Guest 07.04.2016
Relatives, mistresses who sleep with some boss or those who help to steal the top, are paid above others, others are shown the door if you stop at paying for labor, sometimes you listen advised to go to court and so on no court will help everywhere in enterprises injustice work as retired people generally show the door and dump the pension you get as if they are not doing the work as well as other young people or you have to work a whole shift for the owner for half the salary everywhere edlivost


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