50 ways to become happier


To feel inner harmony and happiness, every woman needs to devote time, attention and care to herself. Even the most caring of men will never be able to satisfy all the desires and needs of a woman - they are so diverse and, sometimes, contradictory.

To achieve complete happiness, inner comfort and well-being, a woman must know what fills her with energy and pleasure. Therefore, we have compiled for you a list of activities that will help you find indescribable satisfaction from life, a sense of joy and tranquility. The result of the methods described below is not short-term: energy and joy will become your constant companions.

1. Visit the massage parlor regularly. The woman’s body languishes without touch and caress. It must be kneading, stroking, wrinkling, otherwise the woman’s vital energy will stagnate, put pressure on the body from the inside. This can lead to ailments and illnesses. If there is no opportunity to go for a paid massage, do it yourself at home, or ask your loved one. Watch a video on the topic, read about massage techniques and get down to business!

2. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Bad habits take away from us not only health, money and beauty, but also joy and energy. Stop smoking, drinking, swearing, and staying up late. You will have so much energy, joy and enthusiasm that you will certainly expect another success!

3. Read poetry. Not everyone loves poetry, but try to find ones that will resonate in your soul. You will feel harmony and comfort from reading "your" poetry, understandable and close to you. It will also help you speak more beautifully, and you will begin to think more correctly!

4. Meet your friends from time to time. Female communication, even if it is only a discussion of children, men and clothes, brings a lot of benefits. This is a kind of energy exchange, which can strengthen each of the participants in the conversation. So, it’s easier for a woman to cope with her own problems and feelings, while a man will be more helped by internal dialogue and work on himself.

5. Take walks. Walking in the fresh air is necessary for a woman at least once a day. Communication with nature is very important to us. Walking favorably affects the hormonal background and general well-being of a woman.

6. Listen to your favorite music daily. It can be the same music or every day different, classical or popular - it doesn’t matter. Favorite music raises the mood, improves well-being and inspires us!

7. Get the ability to relax. If you are not at work, discard complex topics and discussions. A woman, for youth and beauty, needs to "turn off" her head, relax and not strain her with endless thoughts. Thinking about trifles is also useful and right!

8. Pamper your body with a fragrant bath. Let your bath smell fragrant with oils, and in the water itself there will be foam or rose petals. This will help your skin shine with freshness and purity, and you yourself will be guaranteed relaxation and excellent mood!

9. Learn the basic yoga asanas. This will calm your mind and give it strength, and give your body endurance and flexibility.

10. Try to take vocal lessons. Even if the expression "A bear has stepped on your ear" is personal in character for you, this is not a reason to refuse such activities. The fact is that singing cleanses the chakra, which is located in the throat. After such cleaning, you are unlikely to want to swear, reproach and saw the soulmate.

11. Go shopping. Oddly enough, you can go shopping without money. Just measure your clothes, enjoy your beauty in new things - it really charges women with happiness and energy.

12. Communicate with older and wiser women. Here we will focus on the transfer of knowledge and female wisdom, the opportunity to look at one’s life from a different perspective. Communication with mom, grandmother, great-grandmother and a qualified female psychologist is suitable.

13. Dance. For sexuality and new powers, the female body needs movement and rhythm. Give preference to sensual dance styles: Latin American, Arabic and others.

14. Take care of animals and flowers. Caring and caring for those who need it is a great way for a woman to be filled with energy and satisfaction.

15. Assist the person who asked you to. This is one of the most powerful tools that allows you to feel much better, more confident and happier. You can also feel free to ask for help - it also enhances female energy.

16. Read books that interest you and visit bookstores. Reading books is very inspiring for women, gives them breadth of thought and rewards them with new knowledge. From time immemorial, women have been the guardians of knowledge and passed them on to their children.

17. Delegate part of household duties to family members. Here you will have several bonuses at once: there will be more free time, and the help provided to you will warm and amuse.

18. Cook food with pleasure. Everything connected with cooking is given to any woman from God, therefore it is only necessary to reveal the hidden potential in oneself or improve the existing skills. Cooking with soul gives a woman strength, tenderness, satisfaction and kindness.

19. Do not leave unfinished tasks and tasks. Master the planning and adhere to a clear schedule of tasks and responsibilities so that everything is in time. This will help to always remain self-confident, calm and balanced.

20. Bring sophistication to your life. Let the table be a beautiful tablecloth, candles and exquisite delicacies. Let fresh flowers stand on your table in your house (you can even give them to yourself), and let paintings weigh on the walls. Let your wardrobe be beautiful and stylish outfits. Ennoble your life, home, wardrobe and everything that surrounds you. This will make you not only more attractive, but also more harmonious and satisfied. The magic of life in detail!

21. Look after, communicate and raise children. Only with children can a woman reveal all her facets, natural instincts and talents. Play with children, teach them how to sculpt, draw and everything that you get - you will feel fully happy, as it is.

22. Try yourself in acting classes. Recall the great Shakespeare: "All life is a game, and the people in it are actors." Emotion is the middle name of a woman. Therefore, trying on images and roles, a woman learns to better understand herself and her life situation, to control her facial expressions, gestures, gait. The game gives the woman a special grace and seduction.

23. Do not skimp on makeup and personal care. This advice gives a lot of pleasure to the woman herself, and also stacks men in stacks. A woman who looks good does herself a big favor: pleases herself, delights men and angers other women!

24. Drop envy. Never compare yourself with others - we are all different and not like each other. Accept your uniqueness and remember that to be the best in everything will never work.

25. Wear dresses (skirts can be used). Feminine items of clothing very much affect a woman. It blooms, grows younger, becomes more tender, charming and touching.

26. Watch romantic films, read novels. It makes us happy and feminine.

27. Learn new cultures. This is a way to not only expand your worldview, become more interesting and erudite. This method will help you not to become locked in yourself.

28. Spend time near the water. A woman needs to be in contact with water: rivers, lakes, the sea. Such a pastime will help a woman to be filled with harmony, sexuality and complete satisfaction.

29. Exercise regularly. For a woman, this is not just a way to keep herself in great shape, but also a source of energy, strength and good mood.

30. Take out all the trash and rubble from your life and home. Start small, let the closet be the only clothes that you like and that you regularly wear. Carry out an audit of things in your home, give them unnecessary to those to whom they are useful, and who can not afford them. Emotional trash is harder to deal with. Use meditative or psychological techniques for this. The space freed from the trash will be filled with light, purity and energy.

31. Appreciate what you have. Be thankful for everything that surrounds you. Learning this is not easy, but with this attitude to life, you will become much happier and happier.

32. Regularly pay attention to your hands. Manicure, moisturize and take care of your pens. Men just want to kiss well-groomed, beautiful female hands.

33. Visit exhibitions, museums, galleries. This will give you energy, an even deeper look at the world, and also decorate your look. Everything beautiful makes a woman even more attractive and charming!

34. Find yourself a mentor. Teachers of life can be beloved authors of books, lecturers, clergy, and just acquaintances from everyday life who are admirable.

35. Keep your own diary. It is very important to splash onto paper and then be aware of your desires, thoughts, fears and goals. Then we can work on the analysis of everything recorded, thereby improving our life in the future.

36. Take a collage of beautiful pictures. Have an album with your most beautiful, best photos at your fingertips. Admire yourself and your beauty! For a woman, it is very important to realize her beauty, charm and uniqueness. Your collage will be a reminder of how beautiful and unique you are.

37. Define the circle of your desires. Reflect on what you want from life, especially in your personal life. Write your thoughts on paper - so more likely that everything written is realized in your life. Men set clear goals: “I can,” “I will.” The feminine approach is different: “I want” and “I need” and to a real woman, filled with energy, everything comes and is attracted, as if by itself. Without strain, effort and overstrain.

38. Make your speech affectionate and melodious. Control your voice, its timbre and intonation. When you speak affectionately, gently with everyone, especially men, your energy will double.

39. Learn flexibility. Sometimes in a dispute, competition, a woman is better to give in and remain calm and balanced. What an enraged woman, domineering and in no way inferior to a woman looks like - a spectacle very funny and caricatured.

40. Be selective in intimate relationships. A woman will feel joy and happiness sexually with someone she loves. Otherwise, she will face devastation and loss of vitality.

41. Always be clean (life, clothing, your own body). This conserves and enhances feminine energy and strength.

42. Engage in needlework (modeling, knitting, beads, sewing, pottery). In the arsenal of needlework classes there is sure to be something that will be interesting and pleasant to you.

43. Learn to praise people and compliment them. It will make your life brighter, kinder and more beautiful.

44. Learn to openly express love. Kiss, hug, stroke your loved ones and relatives, say good words. You will feel happier and happier.

45. Learn how to make bouquets. New forces and energy from working with flowers are provided to you.

46. ​​Eat right. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and other natural and healthy foods. Eat an apple rather than a sandwich. This is not only a guarantee of health, but also optimism.

47. Devote some time to loneliness. Do what you love in moments of solitude. It is at such moments that the right and brilliant ideas come to us.

48. If you sleep in bed in one - put a soft toy in the bed. It is harmful for a woman to sleep alone, and a plush animal will give warmth and comfort.

49. Buy yourself a new perfume. A pleasant aroma strengthens a woman and makes her more confident, sexy and happy!

50. Want change - change the color of your hair. Change will not take long!


Watch the video: 5 Ways To Live A HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE. Health, Wellness & Happiness (June 2024).