Pizza dough as in a pizzeria is a delicate thing, loves men's hands! Features of the pizza dough pizza dough and the secrets of its strength


Once in Italy, pizza was considered food for the poor.

Today, open cakes are considered a real treat, and sometimes even a festive dish. There are hundreds of different fillings, but the basis of all the basics is a tortilla.

If you prepare the dough correctly, then the pizza will be delicious with any filling. Culinary specialists of Italy are specially trained in this process.

The base is thin, delicate, and does not dry out during baking.

Prepare a delicious pizza dough as in Italian pizzerias?

Pizza dough as in a pizzeria - general principles of preparation

A feature of the pizza dough pizza dough is elasticity. It is soft, but does not break. It is airy but subtle. Do not use the classic yeast dough for pies for pizza. It will turn out quite wrong.

What is the basis for preparing in pizzerias:

Flour. Uses ordinary wheat flour of the highest or first grade. Sometimes a little cornmeal or starch is added, depending on the recipe.

Butter. It is added in strictly limited quantities. Usually for 500 grams of flour is no more than 2 tablespoons.

Water or milk. Must be warm, just above body temperature.

Salt and sugar. Used to taste and activate yeast.

Despite the fact that the pizza dough should be thin, it is still allowed to stand for 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the recipe and the ingredients included.

Then form a cake with your hands. But not every housewife will be able to do this, so it’s better to use a rolling pin.

When forming the base, the table is sprinkled with flour or greased with vegetable oil.

Recipe 1: Pizza Dough as in Thin Pizzeria

It is with this test that the base is thin, crispy. Despite the presence of yeast, the cake does not rise much. From these ingredients you get three slices of thin pizza dough as in a pizzeria for three open pies.


• 250 grams of water;

• 500 grams of flour;

• 0.5 tsp. sugar and as much salt;

• 20 grams of oil;

• 7 grams of yeast.


1. Take a bowl, pour warm water, carefully pour out dry yeast. Do not stop mixing so that they do not catch lumps.

2. Add olive oil, salt and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly to dissolve the grains.

3. Now pour the flour, which must be sifted.

4. Knead the dough. It must be elastic. It is important to catch the right consistency. If the mass sticks to your hands, then add more flour. But be careful, the basis of too steep dough turns out tough.

5. Now we divide the dough into 3 equal parts. Each will weigh approximately 270-280 grams. Put the koloboks back into the cup.

6. Cover with a cloth towel, remove to heat for half an hour. If you do not plan to bake all 3 pizzas at once, then one kolobok can be removed in the refrigerator and even in the freezer, placed in an airtight bag.

7. After half an hour we take a “rested” dough, roll out a cake. Italians do this without rolling pin, but we can use an assistant.

Recipe 2: Pizza dough as in a pizza with aromatic herbs

The recipe for fragrant pizza dough as in a pizzeria, which goes well with tomato and meat fillings. Ideally, you will need a mixture of Italian herbs for cooking. But if it is not, then you can confine yourself to a duet of dried basil and oregano, which it is advisable to grind in a mortar.


• 250 grams of flour;

• 120 grams of water;

• 15 grams of oil;

• 0.5 tablespoons of Italian herbs;

• 1 tsp Sahara;

• a bag of yeast;

• a pinch of salt.


1. You need to sift the flour, right on the table. Now we add aromatic Italian herbs to it. If the leaves are large, then rub it with a pestle or just with your hands.

2. Dissolve salt with sugar in water, introduce yeast. Let the grains swell a little.

3. Make a deepening in the flour, pour out the liquid and knead the Italian dough.

4. Let the lump lie down for about 20 minutes, divide in half and cook two thin pizzas. They will not be very large. About 25-27 cm in diameter.

Recipe 3: Tender Pizza Dough as in a Milk Pizzeria

To prepare such a test, you will need fresh milk, although you can use baked milk. It mixes with yeast, tolerates freezing well, after thawing it practically does not change its properties.


• 200 grams of milk;

• 2 eggs;

• 0.5 tablespoons of sugar;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• a small bag of yeast;

• 400-500 grams of flour;

• 2 tablespoons of oil.


1. We warm milk to body temperature, it is not necessary to warmer.

2. Add the yeast with sugar, mix.

3. The eggs are mixed with salt, then combined with the milk mixture.

4. Add vegetable oil, it is better to use olive.

5. Sift the flour, send to the total mass and knead the dough. You don’t need to pour out all at once, we add it gradually so as not to overdo it. The dough according to this recipe will turn out soft, but not sticky to the hands and bowl.

6. Cover with a napkin, let stand for an hour.

7. Divide into two equal parts and use as intended.

Recipe 4: Quick pizza dough in a pizzeria

It will take no more than 10 minutes to prepare such a pizza dough as in a pizzeria. Therefore, you can immediately turn on the oven and cook the filling. Then do not have time! Dough without yeast, porosity is achieved by adding baking powder. Instead, you can use ordinary soda, but so that the finished product does not acquire an unpleasant odor, it must be repaid with any acid.


• 1 teaspoon of sugar, ripper and salt;

• 2 cups of flour;

• 1 egg;

• 200 grams of water;

• 20 grams of oil.


1. Sift the flour directly with the baking powder directly onto the table.

2. Separately mix the egg with sugar and salt until the solids are completely dissolved.

3. Add oil.

4. Pour warm water.

5. We make a depression in the slide from the flour, pour water with the products diluted in it and knead the dough.

6. Divide into 2 parts, roll out, lay out the filling and send to the oven!

Recipe 5: Pizza Dough in a Pizzeria

One of the most common options for making pizza dough in a pizzeria. The base is very soft and airy. The recipe is universal, combined with any fillings from sweet to savory and savory fillings.


• 250 grams of flour;

• 20 grams of oil;

• 7 grams of yeast;

• 200 grams of water;

• salt.


1. Pour water (about 40 degrees) into a bowl, dissolve the yeast and salt. If pressed yeast is used, the amount must be increased by 3.5 times.

2. Pour 5 tablespoons of flour, stir with a whisk. Get a talker. Cover the bowl with a napkin and leave it alone for 10 minutes.

3. Add the flour, add the oil, mix well. The dough should be soft.

4. Cover with a towel again and leave for 45 minutes.

5. Once the mass rises well, you can make pizza. From this amount, 2 large basics will be obtained. It is important to roll them as thin as possible.

Recipe 6: Pizza dough as in a kefir pizzeria

If the dough does not work on yeast or if they simply do not exist, then cook on kefir with the addition of soda. It also turns out thin and very similar to real dough, as it is prepared for pizza in a pizzeria.


• 2 eggs;

• 300 grams of kefir;

• 1 incomplete teaspoon of salt and soda;

• 15 grams of oil;

• flour as needed.


1. Pour soda into warm kefir, mix. The mass will begin to hiss, foam, so do not use a small bowl.

2. Break the eggs into another cup, add salt and beat well with a whisk until a light foam appears.

3. Combine the egg mixture with kefir, add oil.

4. Pour the sifted flour. Knead the dough. We use flour as much as it will be absorbed. The dough will be pretty cool.

5. Roll up the bun, cover with a napkin and leave for a quarter of an hour to swell gluten. This dough can be used immediately, but it is better to let it lie down so that it is easier to roll out.

Recipe 7: Pizza Dough as in Tomato Pizzeria

Very tasty and fragrant pizza dough, which does not crumble, is elastic and easy to use. Well, of course, it has a nice color, which gives the tomato paste included in the composition.


• 20 grams of tomato paste or any ketchup;

• 15 grams of sugar;

• 300 grams of water;

• a bag of yeast;

• salt;

• 20 grams of oil;

• 500 grams of flour.


1. Combine the sifted flour with yeast and salt. It is advisable to use extra fine salt.

2. We plant tomato paste in warm water. Add the liquid a little bit, rub the sauce well so that no lumps form.

3. Add sugar to tomato water, stir until dissolved.

4. Put butter, flour with yeast, make elastic dough. We roll 2 balls out of it.

5. Put the koloboks in bags, send them to the refrigerator for an hour.

6. We get out, roll out and cook pizza!

Recipe 8: Pizza Dough as in a Garlic Pizzeria

In Italy, this dough is most often combined with meat fillings. Ideally, dried and minced garlic is used. It just mixes with flour. But we will do it with fresh cloves so that the process is clear.


• 175 grams of water;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• 280 grams of flour;

• 1 tsp Sahara;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• 7 grams of dry yeast.


1. Pour warm water into a bowl, put salt, sugar, butter, stir well.

2. Now you need to chop the garlic. This is best done with a blender. We put peeled cloves, interrupt in mashed potatoes.

3. Add the garlic mass to the previously prepared liquid, stir.

4. Sift the flour, mix with dry yeast.

5. Pour the garlic water into the flour, knead the dough.

6. Cover with a towel, let lie for 40 minutes.

7. Divide into 2-3 pieces, depending on the desired size of the pizza. Roll out, put the filling and bake.

Pizza dough as in a pizzeria - useful tips and tricks

• Is there no rolling pin at home? You can find a worthy replacement! Take any glass bottle with a flat surface, remove the labels, wipe and you're done! You can also use a sleeve from a roll with foil or cling film. Of course, it’s not very convenient to wield these items, but it’s quite possible to roll out several flat pizza cakes.

• This dough will be obtained only if the proportions of products are respected. Do not pour oil or water "by eye". The result may not please.

• The longer the dough lies, the softer it becomes. Consider this if you need to cook it long before baking. In this case, it is better to add a little more flour or sprinkle the table well when rolling the base.

• Dry yeast was gradually replaced by pressed yeast, as it is much faster to approach, not capricious in storage, not prone to mold. But if they need to be replaced with raw ones, then increase the amount by 3 times. Conversely, if pressed yeast is indicated in the recipe, then when replacing with a dry product, the amount must be reduced.
