Features and benefits of protein: who can use it? Recommendations for taking protein without harm to the body


The term "protein", which is translated into Russian as a synonym for "protein", is commonly associated with sports nutrition.

Protein, in its essence, is a protein - an integral element of human food, which must be ingested regularly due to a lack of ability to accumulate.

Protein Functions: Organic Benefits for the Body

Protein is an organic compound having a complex structure and predominantly amino acids in the composition. In protein molecules, nitrogen is mandatory. In the human body, protein is present in the structure of muscles, bones, tissues, tendons, skin. In addition, protein has certain functions:

• transport - oxygen transfer to cells and tissues;

• regulatory - hormones are proteins in nature, so protein regulates their intake in the body;

• protective - taking part in immune reactions, a sufficient amount of immunoglobulins ensures the elimination of toxins from the body;

• catalytic - acceleration by enzymes of most processes in the body;

• energy - the function is activated when there are no other sources of energy other than protein.

Positive qualities of protein, benefits for the body of athletes and ordinary people

A protein could not have gained such enormous popularity in the absence of strong arguments in favor of itself:

1. The drug stimulates the active growth of muscle mass, which leads to the achievement of the best sports results.

2. Protein is an exceptional protein without a lot of fats and carbohydrates in the composition.

3. The substance increases the level of free amino acids in the body and reduces the level of sugar in the blood, which helps to reduce appetite.

4. The product is a good way to satisfy your hunger or snack during work.

5. Thanks to protein, you can easily replenish the daily protein intake, which is very convenient for vegetarians or people on special diets.

6. Protein powder is very easy to use. It is enough to mix the mass with milk or water to prepare a satisfying protein shake.

7. The product is absorbed in the body by almost 100%, without forming discomfort or heaviness in the abdomen.

8. Saturates the body with a whole complex of amino acids.

9. Stabilizes the level of insulin, which has a beneficial effect on the body of patients with diabetes and healthy people.

10. Increases strength, endurance, performance, energy among athletes.

11. Protein is an excellent find for athletes who rack their brains over what to eat after training. The product is ideal for these purposes, as it is easily digestible.

12. The powder is easy and simple to store, convenient to carry. It is not a perishable product, which favorably distinguishes it from other protein foods.

13. Modern protein is most often found with various additives. Therefore, from the whole variety you can choose the most suitable taste for yourself, for example, chocolate, strawberry, banana and others.

14. The protein that is part of sports supplements has a natural origin, therefore it is well physiologically compatible with the human body.

15. The product is safe for health if taken in moderation and combined with sports.

The main beneficial properties of protein:

• enrichment of the body with valuable and useful substances, vitamins;

• normalization of the functioning of all vital systems of the body;

• improvement of blood quality, normalization of hemoglobin level;

• the formation of a powerful immune system, increasing the body's defenses;

• improvement of metabolic processes - as a result of weight stabilization and adjustment of the work of internal organs;

• equalization of hormonal levels, improvement of brain activity, acceleration of tissue regeneration;

• acceleration of the recovery process after significant physical exertion.

Negative aspects of protein: harm and side effects

Like most foods, protein also has some disadvantages and contraindications. Among the main disadvantages are:

1. The ability of a protein to provoke the appearance of eating disorders. The greatest likelihood of malaise in people with lactose intolerance. But you can get out of this risk group by purchasing products without the content of this ingredient.

2. Failure to comply with the prescribed dosages adversely affects the functioning of the kidneys and liver. If organ diseases already exist at the time of the start of protein intake, then its intake is better to limit.

3. Ordinary protein powder is practically not saturated with vitamins and substances necessary for the body. Therefore, it is better to choose special complexes, enriched with all useful ingredients.

4. The cost of protein is quite high, and taking the drug is necessary on a regular basis, so not everyone involved can afford such a meal.

5. In its pure form, protein has far from the most pleasant taste. Manufacturers are trying to eliminate this shortcoming by adding sweeteners, dyes, and flavor substitutes to the product.

As for the harm of protein, the product is capable of causing it to the body in such cases:

• when buying products of dubious quality - if in European countries and the USA protein can easily be purchased from supermarket shelves without fear for its quality, then it is very easy to find fakes here without proper certification;

• in the presence of diseases of internal systems and organs;

• if you are allergic to the product or its components;

• with excessive intake of protein in the body.

Before taking the protein, it is advisable to consult a doctor and undergo an examination for the presence of diseases of the stomach, kidneys, liver, urinary system.

Rules for taking protein: the harm of the drug and valuable tips

In order not to overdo it with a dosage of protein and not cause harm to health, it is enough to adhere to some rules for taking the product:

1. The optimal protein intake is 1-1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight. Professional athletes and some trainers consider optimal 2 g per 1 kg of body weight, maximum 4 g.

2. When calculating the amount of protein consumed, it is necessary to take into account the proportion of protein entering the body along with food. The average indicator for a normal diet of an adult 70-80 kg man is equal to 70 g, which is almost half the daily protein intake. With this weight, the optimal amount of protein is 100 g per day, 70% of which is protein.

3. You should not completely replace a standard lunch or dinner with protein nutrition, as this is just a dietary supplement, you should always remember this.

4. It is advisable to include a protein supplement in the diet during active sports, otherwise the protein may simply not be absorbed by the body.

5. For 1 time, you should not eat more than 20-30 g of protein.

6. Take a daily dosage of the drug for 4-5 times, and in different proportions. In the morning and after training, you can consume more product than other methods. This should be done in the intervals between main meals.


Watch the video: Chronic Kidney Disease: Protein Intake (June 2024).