Pasta with pork in all its splendor! Baked and fried pasta and pasta recipes with pork


Macaroni and pork are very satisfying and delicious. No wonder the combination is so popular.

There are a huge number of recipes with these ingredients at the base. They can be baked, fried, stewed and each dish will be special, not like any other.

Pork pasta - general cooking principles

Pork for such dishes is usually used pitted. The pulp is cut into small pieces: cubes, bars, straws. If a specific form is not indicated, then you can do it at your own discretion. Then the meat is fried in a skillet, stewed, combined with separately cooked pasta or seasoned side dish already in plates, spread the additive next to or on top.

Often pasta and pork are cooked with all kinds of casseroles. They add vegetables, sauces, spices, mushrooms and, of course, cheese. When baked, it turns into a golden brown crust, making the dish much more beautiful and tastier. And if you add crackers or a few nuts to the cheese, the dish will be even more flavorful.

Pasta with pork (fried)

A simple recipe for pasta with pork in a pan, which is somewhat reminiscent of a navy. We take any pieces of meat without bone.


• 400 g of pasta;

• 400 g of meat;

• 100 g of onion;

• 10 ml of oil;

• salt pepper;

• 1 carrot.


1. Put a pot of salted water on the fire. We cook pasta according to the instructions on the packaging.

2. Pork cut into cubes no more than one centimeter. Heat a spoonful of oil in a pan. If the meat is without fat, then pour 3-4 times more.

3. Lay the meat, quickly fry over high heat, then reduce, cover and simmer in our juice for about 15 minutes.

4. Cut the onion, rub the carrot.

5. Remove the lid, add vegetables to the meat. Fry all together until cooked. For 3 minutes put salt and pepper.

6. Add the cooked pasta to the finished meat. Mix. We warm up together for a couple of minutes and turn it off.

Pasta with pork and vegetables in a pan

Recipe for another perfect pasta dish with pasta with pork, vegetables. It turns out very juicy, does not require gravy.


• 350 g of pork;

• 400 g pasta or spaghetti;

• 1 onion;

• 1 Bulgarian pepper;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 1 carrot;

• spices, oil;

• dill greens.


1. Put the meat cut into small cubes or strips into a skillet with two spoons. Fry until half cooked.

2. Add the onion, diced, and cook for another minute.

3. Now put the carrots, fry with the meat further.

4. As soon as the carrots change color slightly, you can add sliced ​​tomatoes and straws from bell pepper. We cook all together for about five minutes.

5. Cook pasta according to the instructions, lubricate with any oil.

6. Put pasta or spaghetti in plates. Lay pork with vegetables on top.

7. Dill washed, cut with a knife, sprinkle on top. Serve immediately while the dish is hot.

Oven pork pasta

The recipe for pasta baked with meat under an appetizing and very fragrant crust of cheese and crackers. Bechamel sauce is prepared for pouring.


• 0.5 kg of pork;

• 0.3 kg of pasta;

• 70 g of cheese;

• 60 g crackers;

• 600 ml of milk;

• 40 g butter + vegetable;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• onion head

• spices.


1. Rinse the pork, dry with napkins, cut into cubes. We chop onions arbitrarily.

2. Pour a little oil into the pan, first throw the onion, fry for a couple of minutes.

3. Next, add the pork and cook over high heat for about five minutes together, then turn it down and bring it to low heat almost ready.

4. Boil any medium-sized pasta, but not quite to the end. They should be a little harsh. We recline in a colander. Then mix with meat and onions.

5. Put butter in a pan, melt. Add flour, fry. Pour milk, first 100 ml, then everything else and warm the sauce. To taste salt, pepper, garlic. As soon as the sauce begins to "gurgle", turn off the stove.

6. Mix the meat, pasta and sauce so that everything is evenly distributed in the dish.

7. Lubricate the form, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. We spread the prepared mixture, level it.

8. The remaining crackers (about 40 g) are poured into a bowl, rub the cheese there, mix. Pour pasta with this mixture.

9. Put the dish in the oven, bake for half an hour at 180 degrees. If the crust is fried earlier, then you can remove it after 20 minutes. When serving, decorate with herbs.

Pork pasta with cream sauce

To prepare this dish, you can use cream of any fat content. The sauce is tender, aromatic, perfectly combined with pork and pasta. Olives are used for decoration, but you can skip this point.


• 300 g pasta, spaghetti;

• 200 g of pork;

• 2 onions;

• 1 spoon of flour;

• 250 ml cream;

• salt oil;

• pitted olives 10-12 pieces;

• to taste garlic, hot pepper, curry.


1. We cook in the usual way spaghetti or any other pasta.

2. Turn on the stove, pour a little oil into the pan.

3. Cut the pork into strips, fry until it is rosy, remove it from the pan with a slotted spoon so that the fat remains.

4. Add the onion, chopped into small cubes, into the fat and passé.

5. Put a spoonful of flour, fry until golden brown for a few seconds, along with onions. Then, add a thin stream of cream. Stir, put spices, salt sauce. You can add crushed garlic to taste.

6. We warm the sauce, but do not let it boil.

7. Return the fried pork to the pan. Cook over low heat for several minutes, so that the meat crust softens.

8. Combine all this with boiled spaghetti or pasta, mix.

9. We put it in plates. Cut olives into quarters, sprinkle on top.

Pasta with pork, cheese and nuts

A recipe for appetizing pork with pasta, which is also baked in the oven. Hard cheese, you can "Russian", only walnuts.


• 0.3 kg of pasta;

• 0.3 kg of pork;

• onion;

• 4 tablespoons sour cream;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• a pair of eggs;

• 2 tablespoons chopped nuts;

• 150 g of cheese.


1. Cut the meat into strips or small cubes. Fry in a skillet until almost done.

2. Cut the onion, add to the meat, brown. Salt, stir, turn off after a minute.

3. Boil pasta in the usual way, free from liquid.

4. We combine pasta with meat in one dish.

5. In the sour cream we put crushed garlic, eggs, pepper, add the third part of the grated cheese. Shake and transfer to pasta with meat. Mix everything thoroughly.

6. Lubricate the mold, spread the whole prepared mixture.

7. Combine the remains of grated cheese with nuts. Sprinkle the dish.

8. Send to the preheated oven. Fry at 200 degrees until golden brown. We make sure that the pieces of nuts are not burnt.

Pasta with pork and mushrooms

A recipe for delicious pasta with pork, mushrooms and cream. You can use any pasta made from durum wheat, the shape and size of the dish will not spoil.


• 300 g pork tenderloin;

• 300 g of pasta;

• 150 ml cream or sour cream;

• 250 g of champignons;

• 1-2 onions;

• spices, dill, dry or fresh herbs.


1. We cut pork with cubes or cubes. Spread in the pan. If the meat is not very fat, then add a little oil. Fry for 15-20 minutes until fully cooked. You can cover the pan for a while.

2. Wash the mushrooms, cut into plates. Peel the onion heads, cut into half rings.

3. Take the meat out of the pan. Throw mushrooms into this fat. We fry until all the moisture leaves them.

4. It's time to add the onions. Cook until rosy color.

5. In the cream add salt, pepper, stir. Or use sour cream.

6. Pour mushrooms with sauce, simmer for a couple of minutes.

7. Now we return the pork, cook another five minutes all together, at the same time bring it to the desired taste, at the end we season with dill.

8. Cook the pasta, put the slide on a plate, on top of the mushroom with pork and serve.

Chinese-style pasta with pork and green beans

Chinese dish of pork and pasta, which is cooked in a pan. Green beans can be taken fresh or frozen.


• 200 g of pork;

• 250 g of pasta;

• 200 g of beans;

• 1 onion;

• 40 ml of soy sauce;

• 2 tablespoons of tomato;

• oil, spices.


1. Cook the pasta in a water pan according to the instructions.

2. Separately, boil green beans, and also salt with water. It is enough to boil for 5-7 minutes.

3. Cut the pork into strips, put it in the pan and start frying. Bring the slices to softness, add the chopped onion.

4. Once the onions become transparent, put the boiled beans and now fry everything together until the water from the pods evaporates.

5. In a bowl, mix soy sauce and tomato. You can use any ketchup. Pour the contents of the pan, quickly stir.

6. Now we cook the meat for several minutes, do not leave it. As soon as the dish darkens, immediately turn off.

7. Spread the meat for pasta, stir, decorate with herbs, serve hot.

Pork pasta - tips and tricks

• To make the pasta perfect, not stick together and the taste is not affected, at least one liter of water should be taken per 100 g of dry product.

• If you want to fry pork until crisp, then you can roll the pieces in wheat flour before that.

• So that the baked dish does not stick to the form, the container should not only be greased, but also sprinkled with crackers on top.

• If pasta is cooked in advance, it must be greased. A few drops of vegetable oil are enough.

• If pasta made from durum wheat is used, it is not necessary to rinse it after cooking. She will not stick together and will keep her shape perfectly.


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