Cooking tender cottage cheese in a slow cooker from sour milk. How to make cottage cheese in a slow cooker from milk, recipes with it


The arguments in favor of home-made cottage cheese are, in principle, similar to any calls for a rational and balanced diet.

To use a multicooker for this purpose is, as usual, to save time and get an absolutely identical product every time.

The main thing is that the original components are of high quality.

Cottage cheese in a slow cooker made from milk - general principles of preparation

• Cook cottage cheese in a slow cooker not only from sour milk. For its preparation in such a “saucepan” you can take both fresh and slightly acidified dairy product. The main requirement for quality - milk should not have a sharp unpleasant odor and not be bitter. It is best to use homemade milk. The long-term dairy product contains preservatives that interfere with rapid curdling.

• The quantity and fat content of cottage cheese depends on the fat content and quality of the dairy product. The fatter the milk, the greater the yield of cottage cheese and, correspondingly, its higher fat content.

• Cottage cheese in a slow cooker from sour milk to prepare literally in a matter of minutes. Making a fermented milk product from fresh or slightly acidified milk takes a little more time. Such a dairy product should first be brought to a state of yogurt (curd).

• To speed up the folding process, use special starter cultures or add sour cream. After that, milk is kept on certain multicooker programs to speed up the process and separate the sour milk into whey and curd. Often, calcium chloride is used to rapidly coagulate milk. He not only quickly curdled milk, but also saturates the original product with calcium.

• Next, decant the whey and get cottage cheese. To do this, you need gauze, folded in two layers, a colander or sieve and a bowl.

• The lack of cottage cheese in a multicooker made of sour milk is that it cannot be stored and consumed for a long time without preliminary heat treatment. But from such a product you can cook tasty and healthy dishes. Such as vegetable terrine or casserole, their recipe is described below. Cottage cheese made from fresh or slightly sour milk is suitable for desserts and ice cream.

Delicate homemade cottage cheese in a slow cooker made of milk with sourdough


• two liters of 3.2% pasteurized milk (cow);

• four spoons of Bifidumbacterin sourdough.

Cooking method:

1. Pour milk into a clean bowl of the multicooker.

2. Add Bifidumbacterin and mix well. You can replace the factory sourdough with sour cream.

3. Close the lid and run the “Yogurt” option on the panel for five hours.

4. After the end of the installed program, set the timer for one hour, set the temperature to 95 degrees and turn on the “pot” again, but already in the “Multi-cook” mode.

5. Transfer the finished cottage cheese to a colander or sieve, covered with two layers of gauze, and wait until all the whey has drained. To make the liquid come off better, tie gauze with cottage cheese in the form of a bag and hang it for a while over a bowl.

6. From the specified amount of milk, about 400 grams of home-made cottage cheese is obtained.

Homemade cottage cheese in a multicooker made of milk, enriched with calcium (calcined)


• fat milk, homemade - 2 l .;

• 10% solution of medical calcium chloride - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully open the ampoule with calcium chloride and select a solution from it with a syringe through a needle. In order not to get hurt by the glass when opening, wrap the top of the ampoule with cotton wool well.

2. Pour milk into the cooking bowl. Remove the needle from the syringe and squeeze the chloride solution into the milk, mix.

3. For 20 minutes, turn on the slow cooker by setting the "Extinguishing" option.

4. Then open the lid and check if the milk has curdled well. It should be divided into two layers: the whey located below, and the curd mass lying sufficiently dense layer on its surface. If this does not happen, turn on the previous mode for another quarter hour and periodically check. Once the milk has curdled well, turn off the multicooker.

5. Cover a soft sieve with a couple of layers of gauze and pour the contents of the bowl into it. Substitute a small bowl under the sieve and leave it for half an hour.

6. Then tie the cheesecloth with cottage cheese in a bag and hang for a couple of hours above the bowl.

7. Get about a pound of calcined cottage cheese.

Delicate silky cottage cheese in a slow cooker made of milk with sour cream


• "factory", 3.2% milk - 1 liter .;

• 50 ml of oily store sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. Pour fresh, not sour milk, into the cooking vessel installed in the housing.

2. Set the minimum time on the timer and start the multicooker in the "Baking" mode.

3. After four minutes, interrupt the program.

4. Insert sour cream in warm milk and leave for ten hours to sour, without removing the cups from the case.

5. Then sour milk soak for an hour and a half on the "Heating". Do not overdo it, otherwise the curd will gain a "rubber" density.

6. After that, remove the bowl from the housing and cool its contents.

7. With a large slotted spoon, carefully remove the cottage cheese from the whey and lay it on cheesecloth, spread on a colander.

8. After you take out the whole curd mass, tie the edges of the gauze so that a bag is obtained, and hang it. Be sure to place a deep plate under it.

9. If you like dry cottage cheese, after the excess whey comes off, put a bag of cottage cheese under the load.

10. From a liter of fat homemade milk, the output will be approximately 250 grams of tender cottage cheese.

Classic recipe for curd in a multicooker made of sour milk

To prepare high-quality cottage cheese according to the classic recipe, you need to take well-sour milk. It should not have an unpleasant odor or rancid taste.


• sour cow's milk - 1 liter.

Cooking method:

1. Pour milk sour to a condition of curdled milk into a clean cooking container installed in the multicooker case.

2. Turn on "Preheat" and hold the milk on this program for one hour. During this time, yogurt curds well, and is divided into whey and cottage cheese.

3. Remove the bowl from the case, pour the contents onto a gauze spread on a sieve, and leave for several hours.

4. Then tie the cheesecloth with a curd bag and squeeze lightly so that the remaining whey comes off.

Curd in a slow cooker made of sour milk with lemon juice


• 1 liter beginner sour milk;

• a small lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the cooking cup from the case and scald it with boiling water.

2. Dry with a clean towel and pour into it starting to acidify the milk.

3. Put the filled bowl back into the body and turn on the “pan” in the “Frying” mode.

4. Rinse the lemon, cut in half and squeeze the juice well, strain. For more juice to stand out, hold whole citrus for two minutes in hot water.

5. As soon as bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the milk, pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice, approximately 30 ml. Introduce the juice slowly while stirring the milk quickly. It will fold quickly.

6. After that, move the curdled mass into a colander lined with gauze, and leave it in it.

7. When most of the whey comes off, that is, after about two hours, tie the edges of the gauze. Form a ball from cottage cheese and put it on a metal sieve, and put a load on top.

"Sweet rolls" - a dessert of cottage cheese in a slow cooker made of milk


• 400 gr. cottage cheese according to any recipe described above;

• sour cream 15% - 1 tsp;

• six teaspoons of powdered sugar;

• a teaspoon of honey;

• 100 gr. fresh or frozen strawberries;

• pitted prunes - 100 g .;

• a small banana;

• coconut flakes in white and pink.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the banana into long strips.

2. Rinse and dry strawberries. Grind two-thirds of the berries into slices with a knife, and cut the rest into thin slices.

3. Wash the prunes and leave them in warm water for 10 minutes. Then dry and cut each berry along, in half.

4. Divide the homemade curd on a sieve into two equal parts. Mix one with sour cream and honey, and the other with icing sugar and sliced ​​strawberries. Beat both masses separately with a kitchen processor (blender) to a pasty state.

5. On a table or cutting board, spread the cling film and sprinkle it abundantly with pink coconut. Put a curd mass of white color on it with a rectangular layer, smooth it.

6. Along one wide edge, lay the halves of prunes and strawberry plates side by side. Gradually lifting the film on one side, carefully wrap everything with a roll. Do not remove the film.

7. In the same way, deal with the strawberry curd mass, spreading it on white chips, and for the filling using strips of banana.

8. Place the finished cottage cheese rolls in the refrigerator for half an hour, to freeze.

9. After that, remove the film from the rolls and cut them across into pieces.

"Tsar's casserole" with cottage cheese in a slow cooker made of sour milk


• two eggs;

• three tablespoons of sugar;

• half a glass of semolina;

• homemade cottage cheese - 400 gr .;

• one large sweet apple;

• two tablespoons of fat sour cream;

• a small piece of oil, natural.

Cooking method:

1. Put the cottage cheese in a bowl and mash all the lumps with a fork.

2. Separate the yolks from the proteins (2 eggs). Add the yolks to the cottage cheese, and whisk the whites in a separate bowl with sugar.

3. Add semolina, sour cream to the curd and mix thoroughly.

4. Cut the half-peeled apple into small slices and add together with the proteins to the curd mass. Mix gently.

5. Moisten the cooking container well with butter and place the curd in it.

6. Cut the rest of the apple into thin slices, spread on the surface of the casserole and gently squeeze. Lubricate the surface with a beaten egg.

7. Set the baking mode on the multicooker and turn it on for half an hour.

"Creme brulee" - ice cream from cottage cheese in a slow cooker (from milk)


• 50 ml of pasteurized 3.2% milk;

• homemade cottage cheese - 200 gr.;

• 1/2 can of boiled condensed milk;

• milk chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Using any kitchen processor (blender or food processor), beat home-made cottage cheese with boiled condensed milk to a pasty state.

2. Pour in milk and repeat whipping.

3. Then spread the curd into silicone molds and put it in the freezer for 5 hours.

4. Before serving, the molds must be removed and the ice cream sprinkled with chocolate chips.

Vegetable terrine with homemade cottage cheese


• a pound of cauliflower;

• onion;

• a small young zucchini;

• garlic - 3 small segments;

• two yellow bell peppers;

• tomatoes - 3 pcs.;

• high quality olive oil;

• any spices - to taste;

• 150 gr. hard cheese;

• homemade cottage cheese - 200 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the peppers, wipe dry with a towel, spread on a baking sheet and set for half an hour to bake at 200 degrees. Then cool slightly, peel each seed and peel, and cut into small pieces.

2. Dismantled the inflorescences of cauliflower, dip in boiling water and boil on low heat for a quarter of an hour.

3. From the tomatoes and zucchini, remove the peel and cut into medium-sized cubes.

4. Grind the garlic with a knife. Rub the cheese into coarse crumbs.

5. Pour two tablespoons of oil into a thick-walled pan and fry the onions and garlic on it for about two minutes. Then add the zucchini with tomatoes and continue to simmer until all the moisture has evaporated.

6. Divide the cottage cheese into three equal parts and arrange in separate bowls.

7. One mix with pulp of bell pepper and 1/3 of grated cheese.

8. The second with chopped cauliflower, and also add a third of the cheese to the mixture.

9. In the third place the cooled fried vegetables, the remaining cheese and stir well.

10. Remember to lightly salt each mixture.

11. Cover a small rectangular shape with parchment, grease the paper with olive oil and lay the prepared curd masses in dense layers. First, the mixture of cottage cheese with bell pepper, then the cabbage mass, and on it the cottage cheese mixed with fried vegetables. Be sure to sprinkle the bottom layer with spices.

12. Level the top layer and slightly press down the contents of the form (compact).

13. Bake vegetable terrine in the oven at 180 degrees in the range of a quarter of an hour. Cool well and put out of the form, turning on a plate.

Curd in a slow cooker made of sour and fresh milk - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Do not heat coagulated milk for too long. As soon as the serum is well removed, filter immediately. Otherwise, the protein coagulates, and the curd turns out to be stiff (rubber).

• From home-made cottage cheese, more is obtained.

• Granularity as well as dryness of cottage cheese depends on the duration of whey decantation. The longer the cottage cheese will be in a gauze bag in a suspended state, the drier the cottage cheese will be and accordingly its graininess will increase. For the same purpose, you can put a small load on a bag of cottage cheese. Whey comes off faster and better.

• Do not add a lot of calcium chloride to the milk, otherwise the cottage cheese will be bitter. Use the amount strictly prescribed by the recipe.

• Calcined cottage cheese is useful for children. It strengthens bones well. But do not abuse it. A large amount of calcium is harmful to the body, especially the elderly.


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