Is a domestic rat a friend of man? Types and features of the content of decorative rats at home, useful information on the reproduction of animals


Someone considers rats to be creatures of the devil, like, for example, Europeans, someone is vile creatures, someone treats them with respect, but for someone they are cute and affectionate animals.

The rat is the closest and also ancient neighbor of man. And rats have long since become domesticated and live with a person nearby.

They do not live long, but heartily compensate for this shortcoming with their fertility and quick adaptability.

Breeds of domestic rats

Strictly speaking, in the case of these rodents it is not entirely true to speak of breeds. Rather, it refers to a set of characters that are combined in one individual. For decorative rats, the common names for colors and colors are used.

They differ in the type of coat or skeleton:

• standards of normal physique and with short, smooth, glossy hair;

• Rex with wavy hair and mustache;

• satin with shiny hair:

• naked (sphinxes);

• tailless;

• with eyes of different colors;

• dumbo with round, low-set ears.

Buy one animal or a couple of rats?

As a rule, a single rat is brought up as a pet. Even if she gets a second animal for the company, the breeding task, of course, is not posed. Many rat species will breed in your home all year round. And although the rat family can deliver a lot of positive to both children and adults, the problem of the device of rat pups will sooner or later arise. And therefore it is necessary to think about this before making a couple.

Because you have to worry about finding caring owners for the kids. After all, you do not want to give birth to these babies exclusively as food for various pythons, owls and ferrets. Namely, such a fate awaits many of them if you give the rat pups to the pet store.

So, if you are not ready to attach up to 15 babies, and it is precisely this litter that your rat will bring, make sure that they do not appear at all. And your pets will not suffer at all from such your decision. This will not affect their health or life expectancy.

How to breed domestic rats?

If you are determined that you will be raising rats, you should know the following:

• 5 7 weeks from birth - and puberty will come;

• Until the age of ten months, the rat has the most viable babies;

• The first birth should be no later than 8 months, otherwise problems cannot be avoided;

• Menopause occurs in 12-18 month old rats;

• The female’s estrus lasts from 12 to 24 hours every 4-6 days;

• Pregnancy lasts up to 25 days;

• Childbirth can last one and a half hours;

• The owner should take care of the shelter and building material and water for the female after childbirth;

• A rat-mother can have up to 20 babies at the same time 5-7 grams in weight;

• Babies will open their eyes between 12-16 days, and the hair will grow back in 8-10 days;

• For at least 5 weeks, baby rats must be with their mother in order to maintain immunity and adopt the maternal experience of life. After this period, males should be seated.

As a rule, only the behavior of the female will tell the owner about the readiness for mating.

The case of rats can be carried out by agreement of the owners of rats in any territory. It should be remembered that the male living with other males after a long absence, the neighbors will refuse to let back.

If your female categorically does not want to accept a male, it is better to separate the animals. Maybe she just didn't like him. It is advisable that she willingly mate.

The pregnancy of the female by some signs can be noted no earlier than the last week. It is then that she will quickly become fat and in a day can double in her waist. And at the same time, the desire to create a nest wakes up in her. By the way, she can do this almost on the last day before giving birth. And the owner’s task is to provide it with “building material”, in which quality small rags are suitable, especially valuable material is toilet paper.

The female may give birth on her own, but it is worth observing the birth, so if necessary, such as a prolonged birth, call the veterinarian.

First, pregnant, then lactating, the female needs a more fortified diet (vegetables, fruits, foods rich in animal protein). The health of her children will largely depend on this.

She does not need to be disturbed and especially frightened.

If you want to take the babies in your arms, first make sure that their mother reacts calmly to this. If mom has not shown any concern and you are holding rat pups in your hands, do not take them far. If mom showed her teeth and great excitement, put off her intention until better times.

If you are going to clean the cage, try not to disturb the structure of its nest in order to save the female from unnecessary worries.

Why do people have domestic rats?

If you still doubt whether it is worth getting a rat in the house, if your choice has not yet been made, there are several reasons in favor of such a choice.

They are funny and mannered, acquire habits and have character. They will become an interesting object for observation. They will amuse you and cheer you up.

They will quickly adapt to your regimen. You do not have to wake up from their activity at night.

They quickly get used to the hands. They are smart and clean. They will recognize you because they have a good memory. They distinguish their name and respond to the voice of a person they know. They adore affection and know how to sweetheart no worse than cats. They will relieve stress like cats. They can even be trained.

They do not have to walk like a dog. And in good warm weather, they are happy to take a walk on your shoulder, if you accustom them to this. Their mind is enough not to jump into the unknown from the shoulder, if they feel a threat from the side. They soon hide in the master's pocket (or behind the collar). You can calmly let them out for a walk around the room, just look after them.

Their maintenance does not require additional skills or significant costs. You will quickly become comfortable with the features of their content.


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