Why are doctors in EU countries forbidding sugar to be added to children's tea?


European scientists urge to limit the addition of sugar to drinks and food. People who get used to the taste of sugar in childhood do not want to give it up in the future. In the European Union, ministers want to change the rules of nutrition before the end of 2019. Sugar and sweeteners in baby tea will be officially banned.

Why do doctors insist on refusing sugary drinks?

According to the scientific report, this step is part of a national strategy to reduce sugar, fat and salt in finished products by the end of 2018. The focus is on products advertised specifically for children. These include high salt foods and sugary soft drinks.

A Foodwatch spokesman said Europe lags behind international development.

Need advertising restrictions on baby food. Clear product labeling, an improved school diet, and soda tax are also required.

Kleckner also wants to ask the European Commission to ban sweet cookies. According to Kleckner’s ministry, sweeteners can significantly reduce the harm from food.

The Minister defended her voluntary agreement with the food industry to reduce the content of fat, sugar and salt in finished products. The food industry has pledged to take very concrete steps for a healthier diet. She admits for the first time that this is also part of the problem.

Kleckner invited representatives of science, industry, consumerism, healthcare and ministries to a roundtable on September 26. They discussed solutions and specific measures to reduce the amount of harmful substances in products.

In accordance with the agreement in principle, industry and product-related agreements must now be drawn up.

Target sugar and fat should be reduced. According to Kleckner, health insurance funds can contribute to promoting healthy eating habits.

What is sugar dangerous for children?

Overweight and even obesity are a visible part of the harmful effects of sugar on children. Excessive sugar intake is also the cause of a number of nutritional diseases. Children often develop tooth pathologies, chronic intestinal inflammation, depression, heartburn, and cardiovascular diseases.

Over 35 million deaths worldwide are due to excessive sugar consumption.

For children, WHO is already talking about an “obesity epidemic”. There is even compelling evidence showing the link between food advertising and childhood obesity.

Studies have clear evidence of a link between sugar intake and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Children already in preschool age have problems with learning and perseverance.

Unfortunately, the warnings of scientists are still ignored by many parents and education professionals.

Children actually consume large amounts of confectionery, snacks, branded cereal and lemonade.

The Robert Koch Institute recommends consuming no more than 10% sugar of total energy consumption. However, unfortunately, sometimes children consume 3 times more harmful products at home or at school.

What is missing for our children?

Children need to be given more plant foods - fruits and vegetables. Almost half of all children in Russia consume less than 50% of the recommended amount of plant foods. Most of them eat too much meat and sausages.

Whole grains and fiber-rich foods are consumed in small quantities. However, their nutritional value in relation to health is much higher than that of meat. The proportion of products with too high a share of white flour and isolated sugar is excessively high.

More and more young people are resorting to fast food offers. They often consume 2 times more calories than they should. Avoiding sugar and high fat concentrations help reduce the risk of chronic illness..

Foodwatch has long been calling for a ban on the promotion of junk food. Responsibility for the harmful effects of sugar cannot be assigned solely to parents. Reducing sugary foods will significantly increase the duration of the baby.
