6 methods to win any dispute


An integral part of interpersonal relations between people are disagreements, which subsequently go into the stage of a dispute. This is absolutely normal, because each person should have his own position, which he must be able to defend. But not everyone finds the right words and does not have the so-called "talent for persuasion." Let's figure out how to win in any dispute and convince your opponent of their innocence?

What is the secret to success?

In order to achieve Victoria in the dispute, it is necessary to find either suitable arguments in their favor, or find a significant disagreement in the words of the enemy. Only a few are able to quickly navigate in such situations.

For the rest, modern philosophers and psychologists have developed several truly “working” strategies, which will be discussed in this article.

Listening skills

One of the most effective ways to win a dispute is considered to be a method that involves a thorough analysis of the opponent’s words.

There are frequent cases when a person incorrectly formulates his own thoughts or even betrays a lie at face value. This is exactly what the enemy needs to be caught!

As soon as you feel that a person is not sure of your beliefs, start to bombard him with questions, moreover, of a provocative nature. The more provocations you can come up with, the more chances to win. Indeed, as practice shows, it is precisely with a large number of questions that the majority may have confused thoughts, and, accordingly, contradictions can be found in their words.

This leads to the fact that the opinion of the enemy is becoming increasingly implausible, therefore, yours will be considered as more preferable and true.

Acting skills to the rescue!

Also a pretty good way to gain victory in a conflict is to use artistry. This does not mean that you need to groan and pretend to be a great actor.

You just need to use some acting techniques that show your opponent that his point of view is ridiculous and ridiculous.

For example, you can smile maliciously, laugh when you hear the opinions of the opposite side, etc. Such tricks have a strong psychological effect on a person, forcing him to seriously change his point of view. Ultimately, this can lead to the coveted result.

Give in to win

The meaning of this method is clear from the name. Sometimes you need to show a person that he is pretty tired of you with his position.

As a rule, in such cases they say: "Yes, that's all right, you're right. Just fall behind!" or something like that. Such a psychological straightforward technique can lead the enemy to a dead end. He will understand that the opposite side did not surrender because they recognized their own wrong, but only so that they would finally be left behind.

As a result, the opposite side will diligently think about convincing arguments in their favor, while you can suddenly attack with your own 100% convictions, due to which, most likely, you will win.

Using examples

When presenting arguments, it is worth supporting them with relevant examples. This makes them more appropriate and believable.

Such examples are easy to find using the Internet, statistics from various universities, etc.

It is important to note that the examples must exactly confirm your words. They can be in the form of statements of great people, any scientific experiments, statistics, graphs, and the like. According to the experience of many people, it is adherence to this strategy that largely determines the winning side.

Speech Acceleration

When a person begins to overwhelm his opponent with his arguments, and even speaks pretty quickly, he leaves him no chance to properly process the information he has heard and creates the impression of a “reinforced concrete” confidence in his own rightness.

However, it should be noted that the arguments should indeed be convincing. Otherwise, it is likely that the adversary may notice a contradiction in your words.

Cold head

Keeping calm and reasoning is the main key to success.

In no case should aggression be shown. This way you demonstrate that you feel obvious insecurity in your Victoria and at the same time give a psychological advantage to your opponent.

It will be much better if you remain quiet, calm and polite than show your opponent confidence in victory, and at the same time prove yourself as an intelligent person.

Are there hopeless situations?

Unfortunately, in some cases, not one of the above methods can help you. Indeed, situations are not uncommon when people lose a dispute before it starts, as they argue on absolutely unambiguous questions, the answers to which science has already found.

For example, it is useless to argue that the Earth attracts to itself all objects located on its surface, etc.

To avoid such situations, you need to constantly enrich your own knowledge and expand your horizons by reading various kinds of literature, preferably in the scientific field.

Winning a dispute is not difficult. It’s enough not to get into trouble with a stumbling block, that is, with the topic of disagreement, and adopt a certain strategy, and it’s best to use several of them in suitable situations.


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