Favorite Vegetarian Vegetables: How to Grow, Care Features for Each


A vegetarian appeared in your family, or did you yourself decide to switch to plant foods? Vegetables, fruits and berries grown using large amounts of fertilizers are unhealthy. But none of us will be able to check everything purchased in stores for chemical composition. Many, understanding this truth, gradually turn their cottages, decorated according to all the trends of landscape design, into gardens. Flowers give way to greens and vegetables, not only in gardens, but also in apartments. Their cultivation is almost no different from flower care, but there are some peculiarities.

Beginning of work

Before you lay the garden - decide how much time you are willing to devote to it daily / weekly. If you are in doubt about your strength, plant a small piece of land to start with your chosen crops.

Landing place

If you have a large plot, sow the plants to form separate beds for them, but if space is limited, grow vegetables among the flowers. Another option is to plant vegetables in pots, troughs or crates.

Optimal conditions for growth

Vegetables need sunlight and heat, but they must be protected from the wind. This will increase productivity - plants will not have to spend energy to survive in adverse conditions. If your site is not fenced, then install shields along its borders, and if possible, build a high fence.

Vegetables love moist soils, but the level of groundwater should be below the location of their roots. If it lies close, then it is necessary to raise the soil level in the garden.

Compost compartments must be added to the sandy soil before planting and manure should be added regularly every year to retain moisture in the soil.

Site preparation

The site must be fully plowed before landing to the depth of the shovel bayonet. Falling stones must be removed. Use a hoe or a chopper to remove weeds. After that, make compost and mix it with the soil, re-digging the plot.

Most vegetables and herbs do not like acidic and alkaline soils. The preferred pH is about 6.5. You can check it with litmus paper. If it is acidic, add a little dolomite flour or liquid lime.

Top dressing

Even after making compost or manure, it is advisable to use additional fertilizers as the plants grow. For this, you can use fresh cow droppings with water in a proportion of 1/10, and chicken - 1/25. Your plants from their use will grow faster and become juicier. It is important to water the crops before and after fertilizing.


A layer of mulch retains moisture near the plants and improves the structure of the soil, and also inhibits the growth of weeds. Alfalfa hay, pea straw or sugarcane are ideal for mulching.


Vegetables need regular watering. The amount of water used depends on the weather, the main thing is not to let the soil dry. The best time to water is early in the morning.

What to grow


The root crop is rich in vitamins C, B, folic acid, as well as iodine and magnesium. It is added to soups and salads. May be stored for months in a cellar or refrigerator.

The distance between the seeds is about 7 cm, the seeding depth is 1-2 cm. After emergence, thin out, leaving a plant for every 15-25 cm.

Top dressing: once every two weeks.

Harvesting: in the fall, when the root crops reach biological ripeness. The plant is afraid of cold weather. Dig root crops no later than the air temperature at night begins to drop below +5 C.


Beans contain a lot of vitamin B6, zinc, potassium and copper. This low-calorie product helps to lose weight because it contains fiber and few calories. In young fruits, there are about 30 callas. per 100 grams of product.

Sow seeds in moist soil. The distance between the beans is 10 cm; the depth of embedding is 2-3 cm. Do not overfill the bed while they germinate. Before planting the beans, take care of installing a trellis or mesh on which it will curl. If you leave the plant to grow on the ground, it can become sick, and its yield will be less.

Watering: moderate, after flowering of flowers and the formation of pods regular.

Harvest: as it ripens or when ripe. Ripened beans are pickled or stored in glass jars in a dark, dry place. Young, tender beans are used in summer salads.

Sweet (bulgarian) pepper

This vegetable is rich in carotene, ascorbic acid, as well as vitamin A and P.

When the seedlings are reached in the growth of 7-8 cm, transplant them into the garden. The distance between adult plants is 30-40 cm. The depth of seed placement when planting on seedlings is 1-2 cm.

Top dressing should begin after the formation of the first flowers on the bush. It is better to use chicken droppings - infusion must be allowed to wander in a closed container for 1-2 days. Frequency 2-3 weeks.

Harvest: as it ripens or when ripe. The greatest number of vitamins and minerals is found in ripened fruits.


The roots of the plant contain vitamins B, C, E, as well as provitamin A. The most useful carrot is purple.

The distance between the seeds is 3-5 cm. When shoots appear, thin them out and leave the sprouts at a distance of 10-12 cm, the depth is 1.5-2.5 cm deep. The soil should be well drained. Be sure to add organic fertilizers (compost, you can not fresh manure) before planting, otherwise the fruits will grow deformed. Before you start sowing, pour the sand into the barbs with a thin stream. Sprouts germinate slowly, about 2-3 weeks. At this time, it is necessary to weed the area from weed shoots.

Top dressing: every three weeks.

Harvesting: as it ripens.


The plant contains vitamins A, C, E, H, K, PP, as well as choline and apiol.

Sow seeds in cups to a depth of 1-2 cm. After the seedlings reach 7-8 cm of growth - transplant them into the garden. The distance between the plants is 20 cm.

Top dressing: every two weeks. Water abundantly, at least once a week, about 20 liters per square meter. Be sure to mulch, as the plant has shallow roots.

Harvesting: as the plant grows, breaking off the side stems or upon reaching ripeness. To prevent the bitter taste, you need to “bleach” the plants: wrap the newspaper around the stems three weeks before harvesting. Wrap height - 30 cm. Leave the tops free. You can use paper boxes made from milk, but you can not use film.


Cucumbers are 90% water, but rich in vitamins A, B, and PP.

To save space on the site to prevent disease, install supports and tie lashes of cucumbers to them. The distance between the seeds is 25-30 cm, the depth of planting is 2-3 cm. Self-pollinated varieties can be planted in the greenhouse throughout the year.

Top dressing: from the moment the ovary appears. Abundant watering every 2-3 days.

Harvest: as it ripens or when ripe. Avoid excessive fruit growth and yellowing.


Lettuce is an important ingredient in summer salads. It grows rapidly and can be harvested all summer-autumn season.

The distance between the seeds is 30 cm, the depth is 0.5-1 cm. Choose a place protected from the midday sun.

Top dressing: once every two weeks.

Harvest: as needed, picking young leaves.


To grow most varieties of pumpkins, you need a lot of space, as its vine spreads on the ground. For a greenhouse, where it is impossible to allocate a large area for a plant, it is better to plant nutmeg pumpkin - it can grow on a trellis. Golden Nugget can be grown in pots.

Before planting, it is necessary to form holes with a diameter of 40 cm and a depth of 25-30 cm. The distance between the seeds is 1-1.5 meters, it is better to immediately plant 2-3 seeds in the hole, leaving the strongest after the germination.

Top dressing: use monthly. The plant also needs strong watering. About a liter at the beginning of growth, in a bucket - at the end of summer.

Harvest: pick ripened pumpkins with a stalk. Store in a cool, ventilated area. Shelf life is 2 months.


Dietetic product. It is eaten boiled, fried. Most plant varieties are precocious. The full growth phase takes 8-10 weeks from sowing the seeds.

Sow seeds in small holes. The distance between the seeds is 1 meter, the seeding depth is 4-5 cm.

Top dressing: every three weeks from the moment of flowering (in the phase of fruit formation).

Harvest: as it ripens.



Young leaves look chewed and ragged. Streaks of mucus are visible on them.

Reason: snails and slugs.

Plant Processing:

  • pour the remnants of coffee grounds or eggshells on the plant;
  • make beer traps;
  • use preparations of metaldehyde or slug.


Leaves of a plant curl up on plants. Small green fleas are visible.

Reason: aphids and thrips.

Plant Processing:

  • pour with infusions of garlic, onions or celandine;
  • use drugs Karbofos, Intavir or Fitoverm. Repeat treatment 2-3 times with an interval of 10-12 days.


Chewed, damaged leaves with holes.

Reason: caterpillars.

Plant Processing:

  • dusting plants with tobacco;
  • apply infusion of onion, shag and garlic;

Use chemical preparations: Actellik, Kinmiks, Karate.


Watch the video: Vegetable Gardening: How to Plan a Highly Productive Garden (June 2024).