Nervous breakdowns of a young mother


The appearance of the baby for many moms and dads is a great joy. The pleasant bustle of the relatives and the second half quickly cools down, and mom is left alone. Constant cleaning, washing, cooking, caring for a baby - everything turns into a routine. Such work is hard and "low paid", resulting in depression and nervous breakdowns.

Those mothers who were active before the birth of a baby suffer the most. They want to escape to where there are no worries. How to solve the problem of nervous breakdowns?

First, the child is not a hindrance. Just a problem of fatigue, wet diapers and night screams. Remember that for your childless girlfriends your baby is a cute toy. Do not be afraid to invite them to visit you, they will be glad that they will not interfere with you. Let them understand with the baby, and at this time you will relax a bit. It also happens that the mother herself pushes herself in the frame: "Do not! I myself." Having heard such a phrase from her several times, close relatives will be afraid to ask you to babysit at least two hours with the baby. Do not refuse such help, a few hours without a child will not make you a bad mother. On the contrary, it is a reason to distract from the needs of the child and give yourself time.

Secondly, there is no time for your hobby. Many inexperienced mothers are not yet accustomed to the new role and believe that the child simply does not give time for their implementation. If you like to sew or knit, then this is an excellent job for creating a new thing - a bootie, a duvet or a cap.

Third, a finished career. Now your whole family depends on your spouse and this can be repressive in terms of finances. If you have a computer and the Internet, then freelancing will be your earnings. The advantage of this work is that there is no framework. You can work while the baby is sleeping, or once a day, or every day for an hour, the main thing is to deliver the order on time. So you will help at least a little money for your family.

Sleep is very important not only for the baby, but also for you. It is clear that in such a period a full sleep is only a dream. For example, to get enough sleep, you can take the baby to bed at night. In the same day, while the baby is sleeping, you will also sleep. Thanks to a full sleep, you will have a good state of health and mood to care for your baby.

Sometimes failures occur because of a spoiled child. The reason is that from the very beginning, the baby is spoiled by both parents and grandmothers. And when parents notice that the child behaves selfishly, then they put restrictions and rules. It happens that the changes for the child go smoothly, and it happens that the mother has to endure. It is especially hard when the baby constantly harasses his mother with whims, whining, throwing away food and toys. During such a period, a young mother needs help: try to rest every evening from your child. If it is possible to leave the baby to his father or relatives, this will be a good solution to the problem.

And finally - do not forget about her husband. Despite the fact that you are tired at home, your husband also gets tired at work. Take care of him, listen to him and say pleasant words. From such behavior a man will try harder to please you.


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