5 important topics to talk with your daughter


Without a doubt, raising a child is not an easy task. Any parent wishes his daughter or son happiness, better fate than his own. The frankness between children and parents, the opportunity to discuss any issue without concealment, friendship and goodwill in the family - this is all that will help the child in search of his own path in life. In forming the principles of any girl, the foundations that were laid in her by the mother play a significant role. How and what do you need to talk with your daughter in order to form her right attitude to the most important life situations?

So, the first question for discussion is the question of puberty, the most outspoken between mother and daughter. It is important for a girl to know the structure of a woman’s body, to learn how to build communication with men, where children come from, etc. It will be interesting for them to find out not from her friends, not from magazines and newspapers, but from her mother.

It is clear that you should not give a child an adult lecture on these topics, try to talk about it in a simpler and more accessible language. Explain to your daughter that these are not forbidden questions, start an open conversation yourself. For greater clarity, you can use the special literature with images. On this topic, you can talk with your daughter, who has already reached the age of 9.

The second question to discuss is innocence. The question is very delicate, so many mothers are interested in when and how this can and should be talked about. It is important to build a frank and cautious conversation. Try telling your daughter how the relationship between a man and a woman is built, how to behave properly. Explain to your daughter that you should not get rid of innocence, it can only be lost. According to some psychologists, such conversations should be entrusted to the pope so that he himself could approve the personal life of the child. The most suitable age for such a conversation is 10 years.

The third question - the use of alcoholic beverages. Usually, girls try alcohol for the first time after they start, “grown-up”, to like a boy. Girls want to look older, braver in his eyes. Only children still have difficulty assessing the rate of alcohol consumed, therefore they often commit shameful nonsense. Therefore, it is necessary to explain to the daughter what the real consequences of excessive efforts to become faster than the adult can be.

The fourth question is religion. If the family is a believer, it makes sense to take the daughter with you to church, as there it will be easier to explain the meaning of faith, its meaning, etc. You can give the child a children's Bible with beautiful illustrations. So gradually you will teach your daughter to spirituality. Talking about sex education in accordance with religious beliefs can be started quite early, from 7-8 years old. If family members are unbelievers and believe that a growing child should decide on this issue, then you should either not touch this issue at all, or offer a special literature (on the history of culture or religion) to the daughter, where she could familiarize herself with all existing theories of origin life on earth.

The fifth question is fashion and personal style. Some girls put on high heels early enough and start using cosmetics. Therefore, it is extremely important to instill a sense of style in the girl. Explain to your daughter that she should not imitate her friends or classmates. You need to have your own image. Help your daughter, ask who her favorite actress or singer is, what exactly she likes in them. Perhaps some of the features of your daughter's idol can be adopted by her too. But all this needs to be done in moderation, with tips and advice helping the younger girl in targeting taste and style.


Watch the video: 10 IMPORTANT THINGS YOU CAN TEACH YOUR CHILD BY AGE 10 (June 2024).