Diets for the lazy - the best selection: recipes, tips


We all love to eat tasty food, but to cook the “right” food, to monitor the amount of protein and carbohydrates consumed, to go in for sports, not everyone likes to count calories.

And because they absorb all sorts of semi-finished products, click on fast food, sweets, without thinking about counting calorie foods and physical exertion. Well, women who do not want to spend a lot of time preparing low-calorie meals and playing sports can help a diet for the lazy.

Diet for lazy on ordinary water

The most megapopular and effective diet for the lazy - on the water. Observing it, you do not need to increase the amount of liquid you drink to five liters per day or reduce daily meals to one or two, which individual girls sin. In fact, it is not necessary to limit yourself in something. Want to eat a chocolate bar - eat. Would you like to eat high-calorie food four times a day, arrange five snacks, drink sweet tea - please. Just remember that 20 minutes before each meal or snack (even if it consists of candy) you should drink two glasses of water (about half a liter).

Some girls are outraged that, pouring water into themselves, they feel heavy and simply fear that due to the diet they will grow a big belly. It is strange why these ladies do not fear that he will droop away from baking, chips, and smoked meats. Leave your baseless fears that water will stretch the stomach. No, it will not stretch anything, but a large amount of regularly eaten food is easy.

Attention: The aforementioned diet for the lazy is not only about drinking water 20 minutes before a meal. It also prohibits the intake of any liquid during meals or for two hours after.

Observe an aquatic diet for the lazy should be for two weeks and no more than once a year. Throw in 14 days can be up to 8 kg. Why is this diet effective? Yes, indeed, at first I can’t even believe that without adjusting the diet and not changing the taste preferences, it is possible to lose weight.

Here are a few reasons for weight loss on a water diet for the lazy:

1. By consuming the first liquid, we eliminate the misinterpretation of body signals that come in when a person is thirsty. It turns out that sometimes, wanting to drink, people start to eat by mistake. If you understand that you don’t want to eat too much, you can be satisfied with one fruit.

2. Taking warm water instead of food, it is easy to deceive yourself by dulling a strong desire to eat a lot. The bottom line: hunger is suppressed - portions are reduced.

3. Fencing off calories that women could get from sweet soda, juices. After all, if a girl wants to drink coffee or juice, then before that she needs to take a portion of ordinary water. As a result, the juices no longer fit, and the water consumed, as you know, is completely non-caloric.

4. Psychological factor - the food begins to be associated with the obligatory use of 500 ml of plain water, which, naturally, can cause not the most optimistic feelings. Therefore, in order not to drink again, many girls are ready to refuse the next snack, having decided that it is quite possible to do without it. And, as experts say, most often it is the constant snacks that contribute to the appearance of extra pounds. In these cases, the majority of women will consume very refined, high-calorie foods.

Regular drinking of water also leads to the washing out of biological "garbage", normalizes metabolic processes, improves the gastrointestinal tract work, condition of hair, complexion, makes a person vigorous, energetic, increases efficiency. Owing to a decrease in the daily norm of calories and a more active lifestyle, due to an increase in the level of energy, there is an intense burning of fat.

You need to drink water in small sips, making small pauses. You can use the mountain, artesian or ordinary "raw" water, but not boiled - a dead liquid, devoid of minerals and salts.

Attention: if you really liked this diet for the lazy, then still do not try to sit on it for more than two or three weeks. Otherwise, it threatens the deterioration of the bladder, kidneys, increased pressure, the appearance of puffiness.

Since a diet for lazy people on water leads to partial leaching of calcium, sodium from the body, sticking to it, it is necessary to take special vitamin-mineral complexes. Although dieting does not have limitations in the usual diet, you should not eat excessively fried, sugary foods, baked goods and smoked foods. Spicy sauces, alcohol, and soda should be excluded from the menu. To improve the result and lose weight more, before you go on a diet, arrange for yourself one fasting day. It would also be nice to train yourself to eat at a certain time, play sports and sleep regularly for about 8 hours. Water diet for lazy is contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as people who have liver, kidney, and gastrointestinal diseases.

Honey diet for the lazy

To follow the honey diet is somewhat easier than water, because the obligatory use of liquid falls only on morning and evening. In this case, you should not drink ordinary water, but a special honey drink. Therefore, such a diet is categorically inappropriate for people who are intolerant to honey.

The recipe of the drink: 150 g of water is mixed with one large spoon of honey and ten drops of lemon juice.

Drink honey talker should be an hour before the first breakfast and two hours before bedtime. The last drink should coincide with dinner. You can eat all the products except starch, which neutralize the beneficial effect of honey.

Another rule concerns the daily calorie intake. It should not exceed 1200 kcal (and this together with honey). To be honest, it seems that kilograms are lost not because of honey, but because of a low-calorie diet. But a number of experts say that honey contributes to weight loss. And in order to confirm their words, they submit to the court another diet for the lazy, which is not related to counting calories.

The main feature of the next diet - the use of a tablespoon of honey before bedtime. Some nutritionists say that honey activates a hormone that promotes the active burning of the resulting fatty deposits. Having started the burning process during sleep, you can not worry too much about what you eat while you are awake. But it is better if, losing weight on a diet for the lazy, girls will eat more milk, including dairy products, and also fall in love with vegetables, fruits that are rich in fiber, carotene, vitamin A and do not contain starch.

For example, carrots, apples, beets, tomatoes, as well as paprika and daily use of honey will lead to even more active fat burning. The ladies who followed this diet said that weight loss was about 1 kg per day. They also noted an improvement in skin elasticity, a reduction in cellulite. True, everyone, as one, said that the honey diet works well only when you go in for sports at least three times a week (you go to the pool, to fitness, etc.) So it may not be the business ...

Diet for the lazy on vinegar

If you like to lose weight on the water, but still you have two glasses of liquid before a meal - a bit too much, then pay attention to the vinegar diet. Such a diet for the lazy involves the use of apple cider vinegar, which should be diluted in water. You will need a glass of plain water and a tablespoon of vinegar. This cocktail should be drunk half an hour before meals or before breakfast and bedtime. You can eat any products. Weight loss - up to 10 kg in two weeks.

Some experts believe that apple cider vinegar is an excellent tool for splitting fat, removing toxins and slags. Those believe that vinegar is suitable for combating cellulite. It has a general tonic effect. With regard to reviews about the diet, there are both positive - the girls really significantly lost weight, and negative - weight loss is negligible.

It is considered a more effective diet for the lazy, the essence of which - the use of water with vinegar before each meal. In any case, remember that losing weight on apple cider vinegar is not possible for people who have an increased acidity of the stomach, gastritis, etc.

Attention: after drinking apple cider vinegar, be sure to rinse your mouth. This will protect the tooth enamel from corroding.

Fruit and vegetable diet for lazy girls

Diet for lazy on vegetables, fruits and water is a guaranteed weight loss of up to five kilograms per week and beautiful skin color. At the same time, if you have oily skin, then you need to eat more sour and slightly greenish fruits, dry - sweet, ripe, normal - any. Cellulose, minerals, vitamins, which are full of fruits, vegetables, of course, are very useful for the body, but for people suffering from intestinal diseases, such a diet is not suitable for the lazy.

Adhering to the fruit and vegetable diet, you can eat both raw and baked, boiled, stewed fruits. Daily rate: two kilograms of vegetables and the same amount of fruit, as well as 2-3 liters of water. You can eat less. You need to eat only when you feel that you want to eat. Immediately after this, drink a glass of water. If after 15 minutes of hunger there is - it's time to eat. Foods are divided into five or six meals. To maintain the form, it will be nice to arrange a fasting fruit and vegetable day once a week.

Special attention to the use of fruits and vegetables is given in the Mediterranean diet for the lazy. It also calls for daily consumption of olive oil, unrefined cereals, whole grain bread, pasta, dairy products and sea fish (six times a week), nuts. In general, there is something to choose from.

Be slim, less lazy and go on a diet only after their approval by a doctor.

Fighting hunger for the lazy

The most common cause of a “breakdown” from the diet is the inability to overcome the obsessive feeling of hunger, resulting from calorie restriction of food and changes in eating habits. In order to reduce appetite and avoid disruptions, doctors recommend Cefamadar, which acts directly on the hunger center in the brain and reduces appetite. It does not contain sibutramine and acts gently, without side effects, stopping the intake does not provoke an increase in appetite and the return of “dropped” kilograms.


Watch the video: LAZY HEALTHY RECIPES! Healthy Recipes For Lazy People! Cooking With Liv (June 2024).