What do mice dream of


What mice dream of - according to Miller’s dream book

The dream in which the mouse was seen can predict home turmoil, cheating by friends and business troubles. If you killed a mouse, it means that you defeat the ill-wishers. They allowed her to run away - a fight ahead with dubious consequences awaits.

The girl saw a mouse in a dream - she has hidden ill-wishers who are currently preparing some kind of trap. He sees a mouse on his dress - soon he will be scandalous with someone.

What do mice dream of - according to Wangi’s dream book

If in a dream the mouse is at a minimum distance from you, then this indicates that you need to urgently buy some goods, since prices will increase significantly. Seeing a sleeping mouse - your children are healthy, their peers do not ignore and do not offend.

If the mouse had a dream on Tuesday - you have a secret and hide it from a loved one. Everything secret becomes apparent, so it is advisable to devote it to your version of what is happening.

What mice dream of - according to Freud’s dream book

When mice dream, it can predict life in poverty, unsuccessful attempts to start a business and the intrigues of enemies, slanderers, which consist in interfering in your affairs with the aim of causing harm.
Also, this dream may indicate an unhappy marriage and naughty offspring.

What mice dream of - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If in your dream you fed a bat from your hand, then this predicts dangerous events that can be overcome through patience and endurance.

A flock of bats has attacked - you will encounter manifestations of aggressiveness and terrible evil.

A dead mouse portends material difficulties.

A huge number of mice dream of before the onset of difficult times - war, famine or pestilence.

What do mice dream of - according to Loff's dream book

If you are aware that gossip is spreading behind you, but you don’t know specifically the “distributor of life stories,” then after such a dream you will find out his name. I dreamed of a white mouse - it means that this person communicates with you closely.

Gray or black mouse in a dream - changes in life are not expected, everything will be as before.

What do mice dream of - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

You have a secret enemy.

If you dreamed that the mouse in your house ate food or something else - to shorten life.

Bat means intuition, knowing secrets or invisible danger. Seeing bats in motion - to someone’s evil strength and bad news. Sleeping bats portend an increase in intuition, which will help in difficult situations.

If you dream that a lot of mice are flying around and trying to attack, then this means that they are trying to "get" you from all sides. It’s better not to pay attention to claims.

What do mice dream of - according to Hasse's dream book

The dreaming mouse represents a secret ill-wisher.

Catch a mouse or see that it is in a mousetrap - profit is expected, an excellent gift or a successful purchase for a home.

What mice dream of - according to Meneghetti’s dream book

You may find yourself in an awkward position; it is a sign that in the future you will commit petty nonsense.

I dreamed that you catch a mouse - you risk being in a stupid position when looking for adventure on your own head.

What do mice dream of - according to Longo's dream book

A mouse in a dream predicts danger, so you need to be especially careful. If strangers do not inspire confidence, then acquaintance with them should be avoided. Good people, as a rule, have clean energy, so the emotions they cause do not need any “filtering”. If you experience discomfort when dealing with a person, it means that he does not have a very healthy aura and may have any effect on you.


Watch the video: What does mice dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).