Ambrosia - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Ambrosia - General Description

Ambrosia is a genus of one- or perennial herbs, belongs to the family of aster and is a dangerous quarantine weed. The stem is erect, slightly furrowed, the height of the plant varies in the range - from 30 cm to 2 or more meters. Ambrosia root is powerful, long (up to 4 m), rod. The leaves are rather large (up to 15 cm), cirrus dissected. Not plain: the top is light green, and the bottom is slightly grayish.

The five-toothed ragweed flowers are concentrated in a spike-shaped inflorescence, consisting of 8-16 small yellow or yellow-green flowers. The flowering period is from the end of July to October, depending on the type of ragweed.

Ambrosia - types and places of growth

The genus includes about 40 different species of plants. Ambrosia is prevalent mainly in North America. From there it was brought to some countries, including ours. In Russia, three types of ragweed can be distinguished: tripartite, wormwood (used in homeopathy, folk medicine) and holometelic.

Weed lives in the southern, southeastern regions, the Volga region, Primorye, as well as in the North Caucasus and Ukraine. It clogs meadows, gardens, vegetable gardens, pastures, forest and coastal stripes. Develops a powerful root system, thereby draining the soil and suppressing the vital activity of other vegetation.

Ambrosia - healing properties

Wormwood - a very controversial plant, you should be careful before starting treatment and consult a specialist. The fact is that ragweed pollen can cause severe allergies - it all depends on the physiological characteristics of the body. It’s better not to take risks and be safe again.

We turn to the pleasant moments. Ambrosia contains a huge amount of essential oils, vitamins, minerals, beneficial compounds and biologically active substances that help fight many diseases.

The grass is widely used for hypertensive crises, fever, diarrhea, dysentery, bruises and wounds, the presence of helminthiases (parasites). Studies have confirmed the pronounced bactericidal effect of ragweed. To some extent, the plant helps to fight cancerous tumors (in the zero-first stage).

Ambrosia - dosage forms

For medicinal purposes, use the aerial parts of ragweed, seeds, roots, flowers and pollen. The aboveground part contains elements such as camphor and cinerol, essential oils are concentrated in the seeds (about 20%). On the basis of a medicinal plant, various alcoholic and alcohol-free infusions are prepared, oil and alcohol-ether extracts - both inside and out. For some ailments, ragweed juice can be used.

Ambrosia - a way of application

Recipe for infusion: add 300 tbsp. Of boiling water to 300 ml. tablespoons (without slide) of crushed dry leaves, insist half an hour and strain. Take two tbsp. tablespoons 3-6 times a day. This infusion is recommended for gastritis, enterocolitis, fever, as a prophylactic against colorectal cancer. External use for pain, arthritis and sprains is allowed.

Recipe for tincture: grind fresh flowers (or brushes), pour quality vodka (in the ratio of 1: 5), insist in a dark, closed place for about a week. It is necessary to take tincture half an hour before meals, 25-30 drops, 3 r / day for a month. It is advisable to use for neurasthenia, a tendency to convulsions, gastrointestinal diseases.

Recipe for an oil extract: chop flowers and leaves (fresh), add olive, rapeseed or mustard oil (1: 5), leave for two weeks. Use - external, for the treatment of ulcers, difficult to heal wounds and other lesions of the mucous membranes and skin.

Fresh leaves and juice of the plant are used in the form of compresses on problem areas, as well as osteochondrosis, tumors, edema, radiculitis.

Ambrosia - contraindications

- various allergies;
- pregnancy, breastfeeding;
- individual intolerance to the components;

Before using drugs based on ragweed, it is advisable to consult a specialist. With the development of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to take an antihistamine and stop taking the irritant.


Barbara 04/17/2016
I was interested to look at this plant itself. After all, I heard his name many times, and it is so interesting. Now I know how she looks. But, to be honest, the very properties of ragweed did not make much impression. There are safer plants.

Sonya 04/17/2016
Of course, this is a useful quality of ragweed - the fight against cancer. But, after all, it is said that it can help only at a very initial stage, and I believe that oncology is mainly found at a later stage of development.

Nata 04/17/2016
Nowadays, various allergies, when even newborn children suffer from all sorts of its varieties, there is no reason to use such plants. Although the name of this ragweed is ... well, you might think that this is generally some kind of panacea)))

Larisa 04/17/2016
Good. that this plant does not grow in the vastness of Russia. And then, I'm afraid. we would have started treating it quickly with it here))) After all, there are no prohibitions for the Russian person, we do not understand that there are any contraindications. We start if you apply something, then plenty)))

Karina 04/17/2016
Well. I did not notice any special properties of this ragweed. Our plants have all these qualities, and many have much more. But contraindications and all sorts of warnings, indeed, create a danger to the Russian person.


Watch the video: Ambrosia - ragweed pollen in Europe . - . (June 2024).