Sophora - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Sophora Japanese - general description

Sophora is a genus of woody plants in the legume family. Japanese Sophora is a powerful tree with a height of 20 meters or more with a thick chic spherical crown. The bark has a typical dark gray color, young branches are greenish and smooth. The leaves of Japanese sophora are quite large, on average - 20 cm, pinnate, like all legumes.

Yellow-white irregular flowers of Japanese Sophora are collected in large loose-paniculate inflorescences, the flowering period falls in the second half of summer. The fruit is green beans, but later they acquire a dark red skin. As with the rest of the legumes, the fruits are enclosed between two non-opening leathery flaps. Formed in September.

Sophora Japanese - places of growth

The genus Sophora is represented by 45 species native to Europe, South Asia, the Pacific Islands, Australia and South America. Only three to four cold-resistant species are common in Russia. For medicinal purposes use Japanese sophora.

Japanese Sophora - part of the genus - lives mainly in China and Japan, is widely cultivated in parks, gardens of the Caucasus, Crimea as a phyto-reclamation and ornamental tree. It reaches the best development on sandy and loamy soils. Shade-tolerant, drought-tolerant plant does not tolerate severe frosts, dies over time.

Sophora Japanese - medicinal properties

Sophora Japanese is a panacea for many diseases. It has an unusually rich composition and range of actions, along with a golden mustache or hellebore. In addition to the most important vitamins and trace elements, Sophora Japanese concentrated a large amount of routine - the best "friend" of the cardiovascular system. Laboratory studies have shown that flowers contain up to 30% rutin, the remaining parts up to 17%. After that, the plant began to be used in traditional medicine.

As you know, rutin has a unique ability to favorably affect the walls of blood vessels. It strengthens them, makes them elastic, cleans the walls of organic deposits, preventing clogging, and therefore, heart attack, stroke, blood clots. In addition, Japanese Sophora reduces cholesterol and blood sugar, treats anemia, gently eliminates hypertension and prevents the development of gangrene against the background of vascular obstruction.

The plant also has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect, relieves skin itching and irritation. Thanks to some substances, it cures diseases such as rheumatism, hemorrhage, thrombophlebitis, radiation sickness, vitamin deficiency, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, measles, typhoid, etc., and also helps to recover from past vascular accidents and prevent recurrence. The high iodine content has a beneficial effect on the state of the thyroid gland.

Sophora Japanese - dosage forms

Medicinal raw materials are unblown flower buds and fruits of Japanese sophora. As a rule, specialists are involved in processing and drying. Finished raw materials are transported to different countries, where they are sold separately or in combination with other medicinal fees.

For the best effect, Japanese Sophora must be used in conjunction with vitamin C, supplementing and enhancing the healing properties of the plant. For this case, in pharmacies is widely distributed herbal tea with rose hips, which has a very pleasant and mild taste. If desired, flowers and fruits can be purchased separately.

Sophora Japanese - traditional medicine recipes

Tincture for external and internal use in cardiovascular diseases: buds crushed 100 gr. put in a glass container and pour 750 ml of vodka, insist 10-12 days in a shady place, then squeeze the raw materials and use three times for 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals. It is necessary to conduct a 3-month course with 10-day breaks. Tincture is applied externally by applying compresses or rubbing.

Broth fortifying: prepared at the rate of 4 teaspoons of Japanese Sophora fruit 400 g. water. Mix everything, boil and simmer under the lid for 5 minutes. You need to drink the broth three times a day: in the morning, at lunch and before bedtime (required). It is used externally for washing wounds, rubbing it into the scalp, as well as for conjunctivitis, tonsillitis, fungal infections.

Sophora Japanese - contraindications

There are no contraindications. Medicinal plants are non-toxic. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to individual components of the Japanese sophora is possible.


Slavarod 10/18/2016
Apart from Saphora, the legume family includes White Acacia and Gladichia. Glyadichia also has a closest relative growing in India and the Middle East, called the Soap Tree. Its pods are ground and used for washing instead of soap. In addition to the listed qualities, Safora in Our family has always been a lifesaver for many stomach pains. For this, a semi-annual infusion was used. For cooking, Safora is removed from the tree before frost and placed in a dry, warm place for ripening. After it reaches the desired candidacy, it is dried. Then the glass bottle is filled with dry Saphora and filled with 40% vodka or moonshine. Then put the tincture in the pantry from direct sunlight and insist half a year. The tincture will turn out to be dark brown. I used 1 / 3-1 / 2 tablespoons to pour pain and waited until the alcohols evaporate by about 1/3, since I do not consume alcohol at all, then I licked a brown coating from the spoon. Usually, all the pain went from one spoon, rarely anyone had to apply a second time. Our grandmother Zafora drank courses, but she also lived for nearly 97 years! Although She was still very hungry during the hunger strike and miraculously survived, and after the war, due to lack of shoes she froze and suffered from catarrhal diseases, and all internal organs were torn from hard work! So Safora is really a miracle tree !!

VALENTINA 10/01/2016
I have been using Sophora for more than 5 years, in my opinion heals everything, heals any wounds, heals hemorrhoids, i.e. pulls out pus, for colds, diabetes, raises immunity, in general for all sores, on our recommendation very many people use it and nobody did not respond badly. 100g of Sophora fill the floor with a bottle of vodka, it costs 3 days, then they spin the berries through a meat grinder and fill with the remaining vodka and it costs 10 days, shake it daily, then it is drained and thickened, it helps with wound tumors and much more. Do not be afraid, this is tested on all of our the family

volif 08/04/2016
my father read without glasses at 81, thanks to sophora.

Galina 05/06/2016
The first time I meet such a name, and the plant itself is not familiar to me. But, I join the general opinion, the medicinal qualities of him, very worthwhile and necessary for human health. Thanks for the article, be sure to take note.

Wow! The bean family, and this plant has such growth! Yes, and bean fruits. The spectacle is probably impressive. It is possible that I will buy myself such an infusion. Yes, he and not only come in handy. Husband and parents will not hurt to drink.


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