How to choose a lipstick


In ancient texts you can find a comparison of “lips like corals”. It’s charming, but ... What poets and artists of the past centuries would do if women had the diversity inherent in the modern world!

Today, lipstick is not enough to choose only by shade (for example, coral). There are many factors by which it is possible to decide whether it is of high quality and not one more detail indicating who exactly it will suit ... In a word, this is a whole science. But for starters, everything can be reduced literally to several guidelines, which, in fact, will be discussed later.

If we are not talking about a well-known brand or lipstick already personally known, then it is recommended to choose cosmetics “live”, as many aspects of its evaluation are not available in the online store. And returning / exchanging cosmetics is much more difficult than other categories of goods. And here is the difference between a good lipstick:

  • unobtrusive, light and pleasant perfume fragrance;
  • the core is painted in one color (with the exception of lipsticks, where it is intended, for example - ombre);
  • easy to apply (tester on the arm) without lumps, bumps, does not spread, even if it is a liquid lipstick.

The probe, by the way, is unacceptable to use on the lips - it is simply not hygienic. To find out if the color is suitable, it’s enough to paint a small pillow of your finger, and then bring it to your lips and look in the mirror.

Before the expiration date must be at least 3 months. And opened lipstick, by the way, cannot be used for longer than 12 months - its chemical composition at the end of the term will inevitably begin to change and not for the better.

It’s good if vitamins (A, E), extracts of medicinal plants and SPF filters are found in the composition (the sun does not spare any part of the body).

And it’s worth mentioning separately about lipsticks for increasing the volume of lips, according to advertising that can replace “beauty injections”. This is explained only by the presence in the makeup of special components, for example, menthol, which cause irritation of the skin of the lips and, as a result, their real increase. Such an effect, by the way, is not felt too comfortable and it is not recommended to use such lipstick too often - in order to avoid severe allergies.

Varieties of cosmetics are updated with amazing frequency and it is useful to know that companies can differently understand cream lipstick, felt-tip pen, varnish and other variations.

In fact, this is the least important aspect to study in advance. Everything is decided at the moment when a woman is seduced by an assortment in a shop window or sees an advertisement ...

But at the finishes, that is, the effects created by lipsticks after coating, it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail, since these concepts are universal for all manufacturers:

  • Satin - the minimum amount of reflective particles does not create a wet, but as if a gemstone shine. Radiance fades moderately with good pigmentation;
  • matte - no reflective particles. It features the highest dense pigmentation, allows you to really "draw" lips. Recently, matte lipsticks are becoming more popular and have already received their gradations, sometimes partially combining with a satin finish and creamy textures. But luxury has a minus - a matte finish will emphasize all the imperfections of the skin of the lips;
  • transparent - minimal pigmentation, coupled with gloss - pronounced or minimal. In fact, this can be called a lite version of the glossy finish;
  • glossy - mirror gloss, the effect of wet lips. By the way, it doesn’t work very well in non-professional photographs. Pigmentation and transparency are different. Also in many women, it is this type of lipstick that is associated with stickiness;
  • Satin - a classic inherent in most lipsticks since the 80s. Intense shine is created by many reflective particles. Almost always combined with rich, good pigmentation.

After the first use, the lipstick should not:

  • spread from the heat of the lips or sunlight;
  • create a feeling of tightness, stickiness, and even more so - burning on the lips;
  • very quickly fade, fade (but naturally, it is doubtful that it will hold impeccably, for example, 24 hours as in advertising).

Just note - theoretically, you can create an image from start to finish for any lipstick, but to make it fit "as is", applied even to a clean face and not cause doubt, you can use the classic tips.

The whole variety of shades of lipsticks can be divided into three categories:

  • warm - peach, red, orange, golden;
  • cold - lilac, blue, pink;
  • neutral - terracotta, brown, beige.

And it is better to focus on both the shade of the skin and hair (color type):

  1. Spring - warm shades and beige with intense shine;
  2. Winter - cold, including plum, pink and red, dodging cherries and wines;
  3. Summer - warm, pink with bright pigmentation. You can take a chance for a new look with a cold shade, but not with a natural one (for example, cream);
  4. Autumn - neutral and warm, including reddish caramel.

But on the color of the eyes, fashion experts advise to focus less and less. Makeup options with lipstick, selected only according to personal taste and maximum - according to skin tone and hair color, usually turn out to be much more interesting.

The shape of the lips also matters. Stylists warn the owners of modest forms - narrow lips from dark shades, clear lines of a pencil and a matte finish - visually they will reduce the volume. Here you need light, bright colors, feathering and sometimes a little shine. With asymmetric lips, it is better to choose gloss and tones are light, not bright.

Experts in the field of fashion and beauty are not opposed to a woman having her favorite lipstick, but you should not stay faithful only to her and one shade, for years.

In principle, lip makeup (as well as eye and face tone) is recommended to be updated once a season, at least a little. After all, a woman is not a marble statue of Athena. Haircut and hair color may change, the skin will be decorated with tan or pallor, clothes will change ...

In short, lipstick should not become a link in a vicious circle of style.

And the final touch - the golden rule of makeup, adopted unofficially in the fashion world back in the 50s of the last century, states that the emphasis should be on one thing, eyes or lips, even if it is an evening make-up.


Watch the video: How to pick the best lipstick shades for your skin tone. Beauty. Vogue Australia (June 2024).