Stewed cabbage with eggplant - the friendship was a success! Stewed cabbage recipes with eggplant and chicken, potatoes, mushrooms, vegetables


Eggplant and cabbage are two popular vegetables. They are great friends together, can participate in a variety of dishes. They can be baked (baked eggplants are incomparable!), Fried (a recipe for fried eggplants), but it is best to put out.

It's so easy to do!

Stewed cabbage with eggplant - general principles of preparation

Stew vegetables can be laid in the total mass without pre-processing. But more often they are fried.

Do this with all the ingredients either selectively. Eggplants are tastier with pre-frying. Also, this technique improves the taste of onions, cabbage.

Carrots, potatoes, tomatoes and some other vegetables can be thrown raw. Liquid is added to the products.

How can I pour stewed cabbage:

• tomato juice, pasta, ketchup;

• sour cream, mayonnaise;

• water;

• broth.

Liquids do not add much. The dish is cooked under the lid. After boiling, reduce the heat. Periodically, cabbage with eggplant needs to be stirred. Extinguishing time directly depends on cabbage. Summer vegetables are usually cooked very quickly. Winter cabbage is hard, sinewy, it can be stewed for an hour or more.

Simple stewed cabbage with eggplant

A universal recipe for stewed cabbage with eggplant. Suitable for vegetarians and losing weight people. To reduce calories, you need to reduce the amount of vegetable oil, you can use frying pans with non-stick coating.


• 0.5 kg of cabbage;

• 2 eggplants;

• onion head;

• 50 ml of oil;

• one carrot;

• 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;

• clove of garlic, parsley.


1. Cut eggplant into cubes per centimeter, sprinkle with salt, set aside for 15 minutes.

2. Chop the cabbage in the usual way, cut the remaining vegetables as you like.

3. Divide the oil into two pans. Put on fire.

4. Put the cabbage in one bowl. Fry until half cooked.

5. In a second frying pan, spasser the onions with carrots for a couple of minutes, stir well.

6. Add washed, squeezed eggplant. Cook together for about four minutes.

7. Combine the eggplant with cabbage in any pan or put in a saucepan, cauldron.

8. Dilute the pasta in a glass of hot water, add a little pepper, salt, pour the dish.

9. Cover, simmer until cabbage is soft. Stir occasionally.

10. Garlic with parsley needs to be chopped, mixed.

11. The dish is filled with greens, covered and infused for a quarter of an hour. Stir well before serving.

Braised Cabbage with Eggplant and Chicken

A variant of stewed cabbage with eggplant, which can be prepared with any pieces of poultry. Fillet is used here. If parts of a carcass with a bone are taken, then finely chopping them is not necessary, it is enough to divide them by joints.


• 0.4 kg of chicken;

• 2 eggplants;

• one carrot;

• 0.5 kg of cabbage;

• onion;

• oil, how much will go;

• 200 ml mashed tomatoes.


1. The chopped onion head and one grated carrot should be fried until golden brown in a pan.

2. At the end, add stripped eggplant to the vegetables. Cook with it for about five minutes.

3. Chicken fillet cut into cubes or cubes, put in a cauldron or in a saucepan with a small amount of oil, fry.

4. Add the chopped white cabbage to the chicken. Fry the chicken with the vegetable for another five or ten minutes. Cabbage should be browned.

5. Put the sauerkraut from the pan to the cabbage.

6. Add spices, grated tomatoes, mix well. Instead of fresh tomatoes, you can use pasta, canned tomatoes, diluted ketchup.

7. Cover the cauldron, simmer for 15-20 minutes until the cabbage is soft.

8. Spices, herbs add to your taste.

Stewed cabbage with eggplant and bell pepper

For this dish, it is advisable to use peppers of different colors. Then it will turn out bright and beautiful.


• 4 pods of pepper;

• 0.5 kg of cabbage;

• 2-3 eggplant;

• 2 large carrots;

• 3 tomatoes;

• onion;

• 0.3 cups of oil.


1. Pepper, cabbage, carrots and onions cut into strips.

2. Eggplant needs to be cut larger. You can cubes or cubes. Sprinkle with salt, leave to stand to exit bitterness.

3. Pour oil into a large stewpan or into a cauldron.

4. Put the carrots with onions, fry over high heat until transparent.

5. Add slaw. Fry until half cooked.

6. Rinse the eggplants, put in a total mass. Add pepper immediately, pour 0.5 cups of water, stir.

7. Cover, simmer a quarter of an hour.

8. Grate or dice tomatoes, add to vegetables. Salt, season, stir thoroughly.

9. Stew the cabbage for another 15-20 minutes. Be guided by the softness of cabbage. Season the dish with herbs, laurel.

Stewed cabbage with eggplant and potatoes

A variant of a hearty dish of stewed cabbage with eggplant, in which, if necessary, you can add any meat or poultry.


• 0.5 kg of cabbage;

• 0.1 kg of onions;

• 0.3 kg of eggplant;

• 0.5 kg of potatoes;

• one carrot;

• a spoon of tomato paste;

• cooking oil.


1. Fry onions with carrots for two minutes, add cabbage. Cook together. Do this immediately in a cauldron or in a pan for further stewing.

2. Cut the peeled potato tubers in arbitrary pieces.

3. Heat oil in a frying pan, put the potatoes, fry until golden brown on top. Make a strong fire, do not cover with a lid.

4. Take out the potatoes, shift to the cabbage, you can continue to cook the dish over low heat.

5. Add a spoonful of oil to the pan after the potatoes, sauté the diced eggplants. Send to the cauldron.

6. Pour in a glass of water, cover and simmer for ten minutes.

7. Add spices, a spoonful of pasta. If there is little water in the cauldron, you can dilute the tomato. Shuffle.

8. Cover again and bring the dish to readiness.

Stewed cabbage with eggplant and mushrooms

For such cabbage, you can use both salted and fresh mushrooms. Here in the recipe fresh mushrooms are indicated. They are convenient in that they do not require boiling.


• 2 onion heads;

• 0.3 kg of eggplant;

• 0.3 kg of champignons;

• 0.5 kg of cabbage;

• pepper, carrot;

• tomato at will.


1. Mushrooms should be washed well, put in a cauldron with warmed oil, fry.

2. As soon as the crust begins to appear, add chopped onions with carrots.

3. Eggplants are cut randomly, soaked and added at the end. Cook with them for another three minutes.

4. Cabbage is chopped into strips, added to the cauldron.

5. The seeds of Bulgarian pepper must be taken out, the fleshy part is cut into strips or cubes, transferred after the cabbage.

6. To extinguish, pour a glass of water, cover the dishes with a lid, cook until cabbage is soft.

7. Five minutes before the stew is over, add all the spices, tomato paste or grated tomato, add salt and stir well.

Stewed cabbage with eggplant in a slow cooker (with sour cream)

A simplified recipe for stewed cabbage and eggplant, which are cooked in a slow cooker. A little oil is added, if you like fatty foods, you can add more.


• 20 ml of oil;

• 2 eggplants;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 700 g of cabbage;

• 120 ml sour cream;

• one carrot;

• 0.5 multi-glasses of water.


1. Pour oil into the multicooker, set the baking mode or frying.

2. Add one grated carrot, fry a little. Optionally, add to the stew and chopped onion.

3. Add the diced eggplant, toast together for about four minutes.

4. During this time, you need to chop the tomatoes, chop the cabbage.

5. Put cabbage on top of eggplant, sprinkle with spices.

6. On top make a layer of chopped tomatoes.

7. Pour prescription water.

8. Sprinkle the tomatoes with spices, pour the dish on top with sour cream.

9. Close, set the quenching mode, cook for 50 minutes. At the end of the dish you need to stir, add spices if necessary.

Braised Cabbage with Eggplant and Beef

The meat version of stewed cabbage. So that the beef does not delay the cooking process, you can resort to a little trick.


• 300 g of beef pulp;

• 0.3 kg of eggplant;

• 0.4 kg of cabbage;

• one pc. Luke;

• oil, spices;

• carrots.


1. Soak the eggplants cut into cubes, let bitterness come out of them.

2. Cut the beef pulp into plates across the fibers, beat off. After this, chop into strips. This technique will reduce the cooking time of the meat, you will not need to stew it separately.

3. Fry the beef in oil until golden brown.

4. Add carrots and onions to the mass. Roast further.

5. Add washed and squeezed eggplant.

6. Next you can put cabbage. Stir thoroughly, cook another ten minutes without a lid.

7. Add a glass of boiling water, spices, close and simmer for 30-40 minutes. Sprinkle the dish with herbs.

Eggplant stewed cabbage - tips and tricks

• You can add not only meat to stewed cabbage, but also minced meat, sausage, sausages. With them, the dish turns out not only tastier, but also more satisfying.

• If the cabbage itself is hard and dry, the stew will take longer to cook. Such a head should immediately remove the thick veins. To achieve their softness and bring to readiness, it will take a lot of time.

• Instead of fresh tomatoes or tomato paste, you can add salted vegetables to the dish. But this must be done in the second part of the quenching. Otherwise, acid and salty juice will increase cooking time. The same goes for the rules for using eggplant prepared for the winter.

• Stew cabbage with frozen eggplant. In this case, the product does not need to be fried, it is possible not to thaw. Pieces are laid before stewing.

• If there is a lot of slaw, it does not fit in a pan or in a cauldron, then remember to remember the vegetable by hand to reduce the volume before laying.


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