Jam from apples through a meat grinder - we simplify the technology! Different jam recipes from apples through a meat grinder for a sweet winter


Apple jam is the most popular, familiar and common. It is prepared in a variety of ways, but the easiest way is through a meat grinder. This technology does not require much effort, saves a lot of time, allows you to easily and quickly process a large number of apples.

Jam from apples through a meat grinder - general principles of preparation

Apples for jam should preferably be used sour or sweet and sour. It is better not to take summer varieties that are quickly boiled to porridge. The fruit is washed, chopped. Then crushed through a meat grinder. In some recipes, apples are first steamed or baked, only then twisted, combined with sugar.

What else is added to the jam:

• other fruits;

• sometimes add water;

• aromatic substances.

Spices are usually used for aroma: vanilla, cinnamon, cloves. Citrus zest may be added. A special piquancy of the jam will be given a nutmeg with ginger. Fragrant additives are a personal matter, you can always adjust the quantity and assembly to your taste.

The main difficulty in cooking apple jam is the burning of a thickening mass. At the end, a thickening treat should be stirred as often as possible. It is advisable to use cookware with a thick bottom for cooking. A cast-iron cauldron, a stewpan, a thick-walled pan will do. You need to stir the jam with a wooden spatula or spoon, it is advisable not to use metal.

Jam from apples through the Amber meat grinder with triple cooking

The simplest recipe for amber jam from apples through a meat grinder. The fruits are twisted along with the peel. The treat freezes well during storage due to pectin, the maximum amount of which is just under the thin skin of the fruit.


• 2 kg of sour apples;

• 1.2 kg of sugar.


1. Apples are cut into slices. Stubs are thrown away. Total lobules should get 2 kilograms.

2. Apples twist together with peel.

3. Add sugar, stir. We cover the saucepan so that dust or any other debris does not get into it, leave for a couple of hours.

4. Put on the stove, boil for a couple of minutes. Cool and insist 10-12 hours.

5. Put it on the stove again, cook after boiling for five minutes. Turn off, leave for another 10-12 hours.

6. The last time we boil apple jam for 10-15 minutes. Pour the treat into jars and roll it up. Or simply lay out in containers, dry cans, cover with lids and store in the refrigerator.

Jam from apples through a meat grinder with steaming

This technology differs from the previous recipe by pre-steaming apples. Boiled fruit is much simpler and easier to twist.


• 1 kg of apples;

• 600 g of sugar;

• 0.5 lemon;

• glass of water.


1. This jam is also made from peeled apples. Fruits are cut into slices, placed in a pan, a glass of water is added.

2. Close the pan with a lid, place on the stove, simmer on low heat until the pieces soften. Remove the cover, cool.

3. Roll the boiled apples through the meat grinder.

4. Immediately skip half the lemon. The bones need to be taken out. Instead of full citrus, you can take a little citric acid and dried zest.

5. Mix everything together with sugar.

6. Bring to a boil on the stove, cook on low heat for about 25-40 minutes. Stir the treat regularly with a wooden spoon or spatula so that it does not burn.

7. As soon as the consistency of the jam begins to arrange, you can pour it into cans, if necessary, roll up a special lid for long-term storage.

Baked apple jam through a meat grinder

One of the most popular recipes for making jam from apples through a meat grinder. This delicacy has a special aroma and taste due to the preliminary baking of fruits in the oven. Sugar is added after baking and chopping apples.


• apples;

• sugar;

• water.


1. Rinse apples, dry. Cut each fruit into four parts, remove from the corner part of the stub and hard flaps. This is easy to do with a small knife.

2. Put the resulting slices on a baking sheet with the skin down, bake until soft at 180 degrees. See that apples are not burnt. Otherwise, the jam will have an unpleasant taste.

3. Remove the apples from the oven, cool.

4. Roll the baked fruit through a meat grinder. If the skins are tough, then they can be removed. But with peel, it turns out to be thicker, more fragrant, although not so tender.

5. If apple juice remains in the pan after boiling, then it must be added to the total mass.

6. Now for every kilogram of twisted baked apples, you need to add 700-800 g of sugar and 150 ml of water.

7. Stir, let it brew for an hour to dissolve the sugar.

8. Put the mass on the stove, cook to the desired consistency, but not less than half an hour. You can add cinnamon or ginger to the jam.

Jam from apples through a meat grinder with pumpkin

A variant of bright and thick jam from apples with pumpkin, which is also prepared through a meat grinder. It can be rolled up for the winter, it will be safely stored for 2 years or consumed immediately after cooling.


• 1.2 kg of apples;

• 0.8 kg of peeled pumpkin pulp;

• 1.0 kg of sugar;

• 0.5 tsp chopped zest;

• 0.5 cups of water.


1. Twist the pumpkin pulp through a meat grinder immediately into the pan, add clean water, put on the stove. Cook under the lid for a quarter of an hour.

2. Apples with peel, but also twist without bits, mix with sugar, let stand while the pumpkin is cooked.

3. Add the zest to the pumpkin.

4. Put sugar and apple in the pan.

5. Add fire, let the mass boil.

6. Cooked jam without a lid until cooked. Check the consistency by dropping a little jam on a cold plate.

7. As soon as the drop stops spreading to the sides, you can pour the treat into a dry, sterile dish, close it.

Jam from apples and plums through a meat grinder

Another recipe for fruit jam from apples through a meat grinder. This delicacy is prepared along with plums, it will turn out darker, it will have a completely different aroma and taste.


• kilogram of apples;

• glass of water;

• kilogram drain;

• kilogram of sugar.


1. Rinse the plums, disassemble them into halves, remove the seeds from the fruit during the process.

2. Cut the apples with any slices, discard the bits.

3. Twist everything together through a meat grinder.

4. Add water and granulated sugar to the fruit, stir.

5. Refrigerate for 5 hours. You can do all this the day before, let the fruit stand in sugar all night, and start cooking in the morning.

6. Bring the mashed potatoes to a boil, boil for 20 minutes. Cool completely.

7. Put the jam on the stove again, cook for about an hour. At the end, stir the treat more often so that it does not burn.

Jam from apples through a meat grinder with citruses

A variant of an unusually aromatic and vitamin treat from apples with oranges and spices. To avoid bitterness in taste, seeds from citrus need to be removed.


• 3 kg of Antonovka apples;

• 2 oranges;

• 1.8 kg of sugar;

• 200 ml of water;

• 1 stick of cinnamon;

• a piece of 10-20 g of ginger;

• 3 star cloves;

• vanilla is added to the workpiece as desired.


1. Cut the washed citruses into thin slices, remove the seeds.

2. Chop the apples in arbitrary pieces, but such that they pass into the opening of the meat grinder.

3. Twist the citrus fruits along with apples, add sugar and water to them.

4. Place a saucepan with the mass on the stove, slowly heat until sugar is completely dissolved.

5. Once all the sand has melted, you can add fire and begin to boil the mass.

6. Fold a piece of gauze or bandage in half, in the central part put a clove with cinnamon, ginger, cut into slices. You can use ginger powder, in this case 0.3 tsp is enough. Add immediately to the pan. Tie gauze with a knot, put in jam, cook together.

7. As soon as the mass reaches the desired consistency, you need to remove the bag of spices, squeeze with a second spoon.

8. Boil the delicacy for another five minutes, put it in storage.

Jam from apples through a meat grinder (with quince)

Fresh quince is not very popular, but it makes wonderful preparations, very tasty and unusually fragrant. With apples, this fruit combines perfectly.


• kilogram of quince;

• two kilos of apples;

• 1.5 kilograms of sugar;

• half a liter of water.


1. Quince is cut into pieces, twisted, poured with water and put on the stove. Boil for about fifteen minutes. If the quince is juicy, then you can add a little less water, 300-350 ml is enough.

2. During this time, you need to twist the apples, also cut into pieces.

3. Add apples to quince with water, boil for another ten minutes.

4. Add granulated sugar, stir.

5. Cook the jam until the desired density, approximately another 45-50 minutes.

6. Pour the hot mass into a convenient container, cool and close the lids. Or immediately roll up hermetically with lids so that the jam lasts longer.

Jam from apples through a meat grinder - useful tips and tricks

• Apple marmalade is easy to make from apple jam. It is enough to pour the mass on a baking sheet, dry in the oven for about an hour at a minimum temperature. Cool. The frozen treat must be cut with a knife into pieces of the desired shape and size, roll in sugar.

• If there is no desire to roll the jam, it can be boiled very much so that the mass begins to lag behind the walls of the dishes, then lay out in clean jars, cool under a layer of clean gauze. Then you need to remove the gauze, cover the neck with waxed paper dipped in vodka, and tie with a thread.


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