What does the witch dream about: conjures, divines, brews potions, whispers spells? Basic Interpretations - What a Witch Dreams About


Plunging into a dream, a person expects to relax and gain strength. But, sometimes, dreams only bring anxiety and apathy.

What does the witch dream about? It’s worth sorting out.

What does the witch dream of - the main interpretation

Witches at all times feared and avoided. They were considered the keepers of secret knowledge, and others considered them rather strange. Witches are usually divided into those who do good and those who serve evil forces.

The appearance of a witch in a dream is a very disturbing and exciting sign. Many begin to panic and look for hidden meaning in this. In fact, such a dream can only be a warning of impending joy or sorrow. In order to reliably determine what lies ahead, you need to interpret the whole dream.

It is important to pay attention to such details of sleep:

• Whether you dreamed a good witch or an evil one;

• What was she wearing?

• Where did you meet the witch;

• What did she tell you;

• Who else was in a dream;

• What emotions accompanied your dream.

If you dreamed of a kind sorceress who was trying to help you - a dream book interprets such a dream as a harbinger of positive changes in your life. You can get unexpected help or unexpected good news that will help you resolve many issues, including financial ones.

If you have had health problems before, then such a dream portends you a speedy recovery. You worry and lose heart in vain, you just have to wait a bit and you will get the desired result.

If you dream that your beloved has turned into a good witch, your relationship will begin a favorable period that will last quite a long time. This is not a simple coincidence. You worked on relationships for a long time and finally got the opportunity to fully enjoy them. If in the role of a good witch you dream of your ex-lover - soon you can meet her in reality and try to restore her former passion.

If you dream of your beloved woman in the role of an evil witch - expect a cooling of feelings and relationships. You are waiting for a period of clarification of the relationship. But it is not always negative. After it, your relationship can go to a new level. If you can not ultimately find a common language with your soul mate - the relationship may end.

If in your dream a witch conjures you, you should be wary of the machinations of enemies, they can be much smarter and more cunning than you. If it seems to you that someone is constantly watching you in reality, then this is indeed so. The dream book warns that a conjuring witch in a dream is a symbol of another person's intervention in your life.

It is important to look closely at those dreams in which the witch divines on cards, or with the help of a crystal ball. Her predictions may come true in reality. Such a dream can actually portend the future. It is important to remember what it was she who heaped upon you. If the witch wondered with the help of a crystal ball, it is important to remember what pictures you saw in him, perhaps these were the faces of people you knew. If you really saw familiar faces - such a dream could portend you soon communication with these people.

If in a dream you got to the witch's house - you can also wake up in an unfamiliar and unusual place. The dream book advises you to remember exactly how you felt in the witch's house. If everything seemed nice to you and did not cause fear - in reality there is also nothing to fear. If you feel uneasy, and you tried to get out of it in vain - such a dream portends you in vain attempts to clear your reputation.

If the witch was in a dream in your house - expect uninvited guests who may come to you with far from good intentions. If she came to you at work - expect trouble in the professional field. If the witch wrote something in a language you do not understand, such a dream means problems with documents.

If she whispered spells - someone will tell you strange things in reality. Do not believe in everything that you hear, only believe in what you see with your own eyes - this is how the dream book advises. If a witch in a dream made a potion and tried to give you water to drink, such a dream warns you against noisy parties and drinks. You can afford to drink a little more than the norm, but you must remember who was sitting at the same table with you and control your actions, otherwise your reputation may be damaged.

If your mother or mother-in-law turned out to be a witch in your dream, such a dream portends a conflict with them. At the same time, you will be absolutely right, but you cannot prove your case. If you dream that the witch started knocking on your windows or doors in the middle of the night, such a dream means that you will face loss after loss. This will be one of the most difficult periods in your life that you have been warned about.

What does the witch dream about in the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says that witches dream mostly of troubles and troubles. A dream in which a witch conjures can portend a negative impact on you from a loved one. It may not be about magic, but even a slight conflict will significantly affect the course of your affairs.

If a witch strokes a black cat in a dream, a woman in your life is very jealous of you. If she tries to warn you in a dream - listen to her every word, the true truth may be hidden in him.

If a young girl dreams about how she turned into a witch, she will soon lose love and be heartbroken. If a pregnant woman has such a dream, she should take care of herself and take care of her health. If a young woman dreams about a witch kissing her lover, such a dream could portend a rival who is much more cunning than the woman herself.

If in a dream a witch tries to treat you with something - you will find deception and betrayal at work. One of the colleagues is trying to sit you up and take your position. To prevent this from happening, you should be smart and work hard. In this case, your superiors will appreciate the efforts and encourage. If there are several witches in a dream, and they scare you greatly - such a dream means that soon a group of people you know will turn against you. We can talk about both financial and love issues.

What does the witch dream about in Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that if a man dreams of a beautiful and well-groomed witch, such a dream speaks of his undisclosed sexuality. He wants a partner for himself much stronger than him energetically. He needs a woman passionate and wise.

If a man has a dream in which he kisses a witch and she disappears, his relationship will dissolve in the same way. He does not even have time to look around, as his beloved will betray him. If a man dreams that he drank the potion from the hands of a witch, he will be intoxicated with love for another person, who will eventually deceive him.

If a young girl sees a dream in which the witches gathered on the coven, she lacks the determination to build a relationship with a man. She is afraid of her personality and sexuality. She does not accept her body. Such a situation and such an attitude towards oneself can lead to apathy and despondency. To avoid this, the dream book advises not to envy other girls, but to learn from them to be feminine and sexual.

If you dream that your man turned to a witch for help - such a dream indicates that he is unhappy with your relationship and will look for opportunities to improve them. He shares his experiences with others, rather than sharing them with you. This is the fault of both partners, since you yourself have pushed your lover for a long time, gave him reason to doubt the future of the relationship.

What does the witch dream about in other dream books

In the Erotic Dream Book it is said why the witch dreams - such a dream warns you of rash acts and relationships. Try not to trust anyone in the near future and not to conclude important transactions for you.

In Miller's Dream Book it is said that if you dream of a witch, such a dream portends you new adventures and unforgettable moments in life. Do not get too carried away with relaxation, because you can forget about what was promised and substitute those people who count on you. Troubles and minor troubles await you in household chores. But do not immediately lose heart and become disappointed in life. Dreams only warn of a possible development of events, but a person is able to change their course. That is why it is important to work on yourself and always strive for the best.


Watch the video: What does witch dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).