Tasty, healthy and beautiful milk jelly at home. How to quickly and efficiently make milk jelly: the secrets of a white dessert


Milk jelly is one of the easiest and most delicious desserts. In addition, we must not forget about the benefits of this dish. After all, the milk that it contains consists of nutrients and vitamins. However, even this simple dessert has some features and tricks. In order to cook a really light and airy dish that will please relatives and friends, you should familiarize yourself with all the subtleties and follow the technology step by step.

Basic principles of making jelly from milk

First of all, it is worth deciding on the ingredients for jelly. Of course, it must be very high quality milk. It is better to take a pasteurized version of high fat content. It is he who is ideal for cooking.

An important element of this dessert is the gelatin base. It is better to choose gelatin, which dissolves quickly in a liquid. This will not only make cooking as simple as possible, but also save a ton of time. In addition, it is worth giving preference to high-quality gelatin, which will surely set and not fail, otherwise the remaining ingredients will be spoiled.

By adding sugar or a fruit base to milk jelly, you can dilute the sweetness with vanilla extract or flavor. In this case, the finished dessert will have a taste of ice cream. And its aroma will wake up the taste buds of everyone around. Of course, other flavors can also be used.

Pouring jelly, you should carefully monitor the sides of the form. If droplets of liquid get on the walls, they should be washed immediately, because in the end they will look like inaccurate stains.

Milk jelly goes well with sour fruits or berries. In addition, it is very harmonious in chocolate desserts. Therefore, you should experiment in this direction.

Classic Milk Jelly


1 tbsp gelatin;

· 3 cups pasteurized milk;

4 tbsp Sahara;

· Some vanillin or vanilla extract.

Cooking method:

· Pour milk into a bowl or pan. We give this mixture a rest for about half an hour. If it is instant gelatin, you can immediately put on fire.

· Heat the liquid until everything is mixed and the gelatin is completely dissolved.

· Add sugar, vanillin or extract to the finished mixture. Pour into a bowl or molds. In order for the dessert to completely freeze, it must be kept in the refrigerator for several hours. Can be left overnight.

· To serve dessert, you can decorate with a ball of ice cream, grated chocolate or fresh berries. This is a very fresh and light dish that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Creme brulee milk jelly

This dessert option is prepared based on the previous recipe. Thanks to the harmonious combination, you can achieve a bright exquisite taste that will impress the most fastidious guests.


Classic milk jelly

Boiled condensed milk;

Chopped nuts.

Cooking method:

· If it is necessary to diversify the usual jelly recipe from milk, you can pour only part of the mixture into the mold and let it harden.

· After that, cover the top of the dessert with a small layer of boiled condensed milk. Add nuts here.

· Put the molds in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Next, pour another part of the classic jelly.

· Alternate the milk mixture with condensed milk until it runs out. When the dessert completely hardens, decorate it and serve in beautiful molds.

Milk Jelly Quick Recipe

There is not always time for long solidifications and alternations. In this case, you can make jelly from milk in one go. At the same time, dessert is complemented by sliced ​​fruit. This is a very refreshing and tasty dish that will appeal to both adults and children.


· 1 glass of milk;

· 1 pack of gelatin;

Fresh fruits or berries.

Cooking method:

· If you cannot find fresh fruits or berries, you can use the frozen version. In this case, they need to let it drain, cut into cubes and put a part of them down the form.

· Next, prepare the jelly portion. Mix gelatin with milk and heat in a water bath until completely dissolved.

· Add the remaining fruit to the liquid. Pour the mixture into molds.

· In order for the jelly from milk to completely freeze, send it to the refrigerator for several hours.

· To achieve the most beautiful cut of the dessert, it is better to cut larger fruits. Decorate the finished dish with nuts or pieces of chocolate.

Milk Jelly with Bananas and Orange Slices

This recipe is ideal for children, because they love the fresh taste of milk jelly and fruits. In the concept of this dish, bananas and oranges fit very harmoniously, as they are moderately sweet and juicy.


· 1 banana and an orange;

· 3 glasses of milk;

150 g of sugar;

Vanillin or vanilla extract;

· 1 pack of gelatin.

Cooking method:

· First, prepare orange slices. Cut fresh fruit into suitable pieces and put them on parchment paper. Next, remove the oranges for half an hour in the freezer. After solidification, spread the bottom of the molds into slices.

· Prepare the gelatin portion. Dissolve gelatin in milk using a steam bath. Mix the liquid with sugar and add the vanilla extract.

· Cut the banana into cubes. Pour pieces of fruit into a cooled gelatin mixture. Pour the future milk jelly into the molds.

· The dessert will stay in the refrigerator for several hours until cooked. Its fresh taste will delight everyone who loves delicate and tasty sweets.

· Additionally, when serving, you can fill the dessert with a layer of melted chocolate.

Chocolate jelly with milk

Well, who does not like a bright combination of milk and chocolate? Especially when it is a harmonious dessert made with love.


· 1 glass of milk;

Vanilla extract;

1 tbsp gelatin;

· 0.5 bars of your favorite chocolate.

Cooking method:

· Mix milk with gelatin and leave for a while.

Melt the chocolate in the microwave in several passes for 10 seconds. For ease of mixing, you can add a couple of tablespoons of milk to it.

· We heat milk gelatin in a water bath. It is necessary to completely dissolve it in a liquid.

· Now you need to mix all the ingredients together.

· Pour jelly with milk and chocolate on tins or bowls. Let's freeze, leaving in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. When serving, sprinkle with pieces of black or milk chocolate.

Coffee Milk Jelly

Delicious desserts are not only loved by children. Adults are also not averse to enjoying the delicate taste of milk jelly, especially if it is well cooked. Well, for coffee lovers, the next dessert will be just the perfect complement to your favorite drink.


· 1 cup of natural coffee with milk;

· 1 same cup of milk;

50 g of sugar;

· 20 g of gelatin;


Cooking method:

· Add gelatin to coffee and milk in equal proportions. Separately, warm both mixtures, mix thoroughly and let them cool.

· In each jelly part, add 25 g of sugar and vanilla on the tip of the knife.

· Pour coffee gelatin into molds. Let it harden and pour milk on top.

· Ready-made milk jelly with coffee can be decorated with pieces of chocolate or just enjoy it in a classic way.

Milk jelly with cottage cheese

It is difficult to imagine this dish in an even more delicate format. However, it is cottage cheese that can turn this dessert into a real extravaganza for gourmets. It becomes tasty and light, like a snow cloud.


· 0.5 cups of milk;

1 tbsp gelatin;

1 tbsp Sahara;

2 tbsp water;

· 100 g of cottage cheese.

Cooking method:

· Important - use slightly damp cottage cheese. It will make the dessert more juicy and tasteful. Knead it with a little warm milk and add sugar. Mix everything thoroughly.

· Mix gelatin with water and heat, dissolving it completely.

· We connect both liquids, pour them into molds or bowls. Let the dessert freeze slightly in the refrigerator.

· Shortly before serving, take out the dish and decorate it with berries or grated chocolate.

Tips for making jelly from milk

The main ingredient of this dessert is milk. It should be natural, because only in this case the dish will turn out delicious. In addition, it is better to use milk with the highest possible fat content. This way you can achieve a nice soft texture.

For those who like experimentation, a great option would be to use baked milk. Jelly is tender and insanely delicious. However, it is not justified for all recipes, so you should be careful.

There are several flavors that are ideal for milk jelly. Among them are classic vanillin and its various interpretations, cocoa, coffee or even cinnamon. Jelly will become incredibly tasty if you add vanilla stick to gelatin milk when heated. Of course, at the time of cooling, it should be removed. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

Do not use boiled milk. A strange aftertaste may appear from it in the dessert. The best choice is pasteurized milk. A sterilized option is also suitable.

For jelly to freeze faster, you do not need to dissolve gelatin in water. It can be placed directly in milk. Besides the fact that this process will significantly save cooking time, it will give the dish an additional density in the texture.

If jelly with milk is prepared in layers, it is worth pouring individual parts of the dessert directly in the refrigerator. The fact is that during the transportation of molds, drops of liquid can get on the walls. This will create ugly stains that can impair the overall appearance of the dish.


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