What to do with food poisoning at home: first aid. What to do with food poisoning at home for an adult


Food poisoning is a condition that requires immediate treatment. Whether the toxins have time to absorb into the blood depends on the speed of the measures taken. Treatment at home is possible with the first manifestations of the symptoms of the disease.

Causes of Poisoning

The onset of symptoms of foodborne illness is due to the use of stale foods. Such products are enriched with harmful microorganisms. The greatest danger for the occurrence of food poisoning are:

· Products based on milk;

· Eggs, especially raw;

· Dishes prepared with meat;

· Food that has a short shelf life;

· Sweet products with creams;

· Dishes made from seafood;

Pickled or canned mushrooms;

· Food purchased at public catering facilities.

The first symptoms of such an ailment can begin to manifest itself after a couple of hours after eating. The most common signs are:

· heat;




Some cases of poisoning may be accompanied by paralysis. This is observed with mushroom poisoning. Almost everyone is interested in what to do with food poisoning at home.

Poisoning ambulance

What to do with food poisoning at home? The first thing a person needs is to provide an ambulance. It consists in washing the stomach. If there is a suspicion of an ailment, then the stomach should be washed with a solution of potassium permanganate, provoking vomiting.

Once the contents of the stomach are out, you should think about reducing intoxication. To do this, take activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. After taking the pills, you may again feel the urge to vomit. It is recommended to endure them. From the first minutes of its exposure, coal is actively adsorbed. After vomiting, after half an hour, it is necessary to take coal again.

Since the ailment is accompanied by such general symptoms as headache, weakness, the body needs to rest. To do this, you need a cloth moistened with salt water. Salt will take on all the toxins, and the coolness will soothe. Due to this, the voltage passes.

In case of poisoning, it is very important to drink as much fluid as possible. To begin with, you should drink plain water. If there are no negative reactions, then you can start drinking tea. Also, herbal infusions and decoctions will not interfere. They have anti-inflammatory effects.

Each patient is shown daily fasting. Even if you are thirsty too much, only heavy drinking is indicated. The patient will be able to recover faster if he follows a diet.

First aid should always be prompt. While a person is considering what measures to take, toxins continue to be absorbed.

Antitoxic folk remedies

What to do with food poisoning at home and where to start? Often used traditional medicine. The most popular and popular recipes are:

1. A decoction of licorice root. Cut 2 tablespoons of the root, pour 0.5 l of hot water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Leave on low heat for 7 minutes. Then leave to brew for a couple of hours and filter. Drink half a glass three times a day, this remedy is effective for poisoning with mushrooms. The drug has an antiflogistic effect.

2. Infusion of horsetail. Prepare the infusion in a ratio of 1:20. Drink half a glass three times a day. This recipe is highly effective in case of lead and other metal poisoning.

3. Infusion of knotweed. This recipe is indicated for poisoning with toxic metabolic products. To prepare the drug, take 2 tablespoons of dry grass, add 0.5 l of boiling water, leave for a couple of hours, filter and take a third of a glass three times a day.

Herbs are often prescribed to treat poisoning. These are:

1. 7 tablespoons of chamomile pour a liter of cream and put on fire. Boil for 6-7 minutes. The first portion should be 300 ml. After drinking three times a day, 200 ml of the drug. The recipe is effective for over-saturation with tobacco.

2. Grate 200 g of lingonberries and 100 g of cranberries. Add 0.3 l of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink 50 ml 6 times a day.

3. If the poisoning is not too severe, it is recommended to drink a decoction of dill with honey. For 200 ml of honey drink add a tablespoon of dill herb and half a spoon of ground seeds.

4. In case of any poisoning, the alcohol extract of Rhodiola rosea is highly effective. Drink three times a day for 10 drops. Be sure to drink a little water. Dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of water and drink at the same time as the extract.

5. Grind the root of elecampane, take 20 g and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour. Take a tablespoon 4 times a day before meals. It helps with liver damage.

6. 6 g of dry dandelion pour 0.2 l of water and put on fire for a quarter of an hour. Leave for half an hour and then filter. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals.

7. An excellent antidote is milk. It is necessary to drink enough to induce vomiting.

8. In case of food poisoning, pour a tablespoon of dried chicory in a glass of boiling water and leave overnight. Divide the medicine into 4 doses and consume half an hour before a meal.

9. Even mix St. John's wort, chamomile, plantain, peppermint and quail. Brew 10 grams of the collection in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Drink 75 ml every hour.

10. Anise broth. It will take about 10 anise fruits. Add 350 ml of boiling water. Put on low heat for a quarter of an hour. After using it, induce vomiting. After the manipulations, drink again.

This is not the whole list of anti-poisoning drugs, but these recipes are most effective.

Folk remedies against poisoning

So what to do with food poisoning at home? How to deal with unpleasant symptoms and how to alleviate your condition? Traditional medicine can help with this. She offers such recipes:

1. Ornate. Most often, a decoction is shown. For its preparation, both seeds and root, grass are suitable. Drink a glass three times a day. It is also possible to apply the decoction externally.

2. Scutellaria baicalensis. Drink in the form of tincture 25 drops three times a day before meals.

3. In case of poisoning, it is recommended to drink a tablespoon of aniseed vodka. It must be dissolved in a glass of liquid in advance.

4. Mix 25 g of plantain leaves, 20 g of dill seeds, 50 g of rose hips, 30 g of mint. 3 tablespoons of this collection pour 3 cups boiling water. Leave for an hour. Filter, mix with lemon juice and honey. Drink 1 tablespoon before and after eating.

5. In order to neutralize poisoning, use vinegar. Drink half a spoon three times a day 20 minutes before eating.

6. Peel and grind 10 licorice roots. Pour them with 3 glasses of liquid and put on a small fire. The drug must be boiled up to 1 cup. Dosage is always selected only individually.

7. Take a tablespoon of reed flowers and sunflower leaves. In a tablespoon of horsetail. Pour the entire mass of 0.8 liters of boiling water. Consume 100 ml four times a day.

8. Mix horsetail, common oak, meadow clover in equal proportions. 3 tablespoons of collection pour a liter of boiling water. Drink 100 ml 7 times a day. The recipe is effective for mushroom poisoning.

When using such recipes, you can very quickly improve your condition.

What to do after poisoning?

What to do with food poisoning at home and what can I eat? The first day you need a hunger strike. After sticking to a strict diet. The following foods help after intoxication:

· Crackers, dried bread and tea;

· Not polished rice;

· mashed potatoes;

Oatmeal and jelly;

Rosehip infusion.

After poisoning, it is imperative to abandon salty foods and spices. Usually the first couple of days the patient does not want to eat food at all. This should absolutely not bother. The body needs strength for self-healing.


Watch the video: Symptoms of Severe Food Poisoning (June 2024).