Gout: folk remedies to remove excess uric acid from the body. How to cure gout folk remedies?


Gout or gouty arthritis - A disease that often affects men than women.

The disease usually affects the joints of the fingers, hands, feet, elbows, knees.

It is in them that uric acid salts are deposited due to:

• hypodynamia

• monotonous food (mainly meat)

• overeating

• heredity

• blood disorders

• renal failure

To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to contact a rheumatologist who, on the basis of examining a patient, studying biochemical blood tests, draws certain conclusions and prescribes treatment.

Together with the main therapy, you can use simple folk remedies that can slow down the progression of the disease, and in the early stages - to defeat it.

Folk remedies for gout - medicinal plants

In order for the body to quickly get rid of excess uric acid, use decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants.

1. Cowberry leaves They are famous for their diuretic, disinfecting, choleretic action. In addition, the leaves of the plant have pronounced anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, therefore they are actively used in the composition of medicines for gout.

So, for the treatment of the disease, use the infusion, which is prepared as follows: 20 g of lingonberry leaves, pour a glass of boiling water. Let the mixture infuse a little. Then strain it, cool and take a tablespoon during the day.

2. Stinging nettle - A plant containing in its composition substances that have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Nettle has diuretic, tonic, normalizing metabolism properties.

How to properly prepare a healing agent of nettle for gout? Squeeze the juice from the well-washed leaves of the plant and take it three times a day with a teaspoon.

Nettle has some contraindications. It can not be used for hypertension, increased blood clotting, in the last months of pregnancy, with kidney disease.

3. Birch leaves Hungry are indispensable for gout. They contain anti-inflammatory substances, so they are successfully used in the treatment of many diseases, including gout.

Prepare a decoction of birch leaves. Pour chopped raw materials (2 tablespoons) with boiling water (2 cups) and boil over low heat.

Allow the mixture to infuse, strain and drink for severe pains in a quarter cup (while eating).

4. Combine in equal quantities. Chamomile flowers and lime blossom. Pour a tablespoon of boiling water with a spoon (2 cups). Let it stand for a healing agent by which excess uric acid is excreted from the body. Drink several times a day for half a glass.

Folk remedies for gout - baths

1. Chamomile or mint bath - quite effective for severe joint pain. Both plants have a powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.

Prepare the decoction of one of the plants in advance. For example, daisies. 100 g of flowers fill with boiling water (10 l). To enhance the effect, add sea salt (200 g) to the mixture. Allow the composition to infuse, cool it and use as intended.

2. Foot bath from sage relieves pain and inflammation. Fill a pack of grass with boiling water (6 l) and boil, covered with a lid, for 10-15 minutes. Steam your feet in sage broth for about half an hour. Do the procedure every day for a month before bedtime.

3. Juniper no less effective for gout. Fill 50 g of the plant with boiling water (10 liters). Boil the mixture over low heat, cool, strain and pour into the bath.

Take water treatments in the treatment bath for no more than 40 minutes. After passing through 27 procedures, the course of treatment can be considered complete.

Folk remedies for gout - rubbing and compresses

1. Crush (until gruel) handful Calendula flowers. Add a tablespoon of vinegar and 10 teaspoons of iodine to them. Mix everything and rub the sore spots alternately: first chicken bile, and then this tincture.

2. Red fly agaric grind and, taking 1 part of the product, pour 5 parts of vodka on it. Shake well and send to the cabinet on a shelf for infusion (5 days). Use as a rubbing (pre-filtering).

It is important to know! Amanita - poison. Therefore, keep the tincture out of the reach of children!

3. Honey-salt compress. Combine a tablespoon of both components. Stir and put some of the funds on the gauze. Attach to the sore spot, slightly strung.

4. Severe pain relieves rubbing of inflamed joints iodine and aspirin. Dissolve 5 aspirin tablets in 10 ml iodine. The result will be a healing mixture, which should be used to treat sore spots immediately before bedtime.

The fluid has pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, therefore it is actively used for diseases of the joints.

5. Well proven for gout garlic. Prepare a compress: for a start, make a decoction of garlic. To do this, pour boiling water over a couple of cloves, boil over low heat for about 20 minutes, pour in fresh lemon juice (1 teaspoon), mix everything well and set aside for a while.

Moisten the cloth in the solution and apply the compress to the sore spots. Cover with cellophane on top, fasten and warm.

6. In the summer period, cover the inflamed joints with fresh ones. burdock leaves. The plant is known for its anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, diuretic properties.

Dampen a sheet of burdock in cool water and apply a fluffy (wrong) side to the joint. Secure. Hold until the pain stops.

By the way, this tool can be successfully used in the winter. It is only in the season to dry in the shade the big leaves of burdock, and in the cold soak them with warm water and apply to compresses for gout.

7. Mix a glass of olive oil with red pepper (10 g) Put to insist in a dark place for 9 days. Use for rubbing sore joints every day. Shake before use.

The rubbing helps to warm up the nerve endings, which, in turn, leads to a reduction in pain and inflammation. Before the procedure, it is advisable to wash the skin well with soap and water, and after rubbing it, warm the sore spots.

Gout diet

Proper nutrition for gout is an important part of treatment.

1. Eat regularly. Ideally, 4 times a day in small portions. Do not starve or overeat.

2. Lose weight. However, drastic weight loss is not recommended.

3. During the day, drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. Experts recommend to use, in addition to water, compotes, fruit drinks, weak tea, broth hips. Drink better between meals.

4. When gout can not eat these products:

• meat

• animal fats

• salted and fried fish

• canned food, caviar

• all kinds of legumes

• spices

• strong tea, coffee

• confectionery and chocolate

• raspberries, figs, grapes

• alcohol

5. It is recommended to include in the diet:

• dairy products

• vegetables fruits

• dietary meat (chicken, turkey)

• boiled fish, squid

In addition, with gout, you can safely eat cereals, pasta. The following sweets are allowed: jam, marshmallow, marmalade, chocolates.

6. Reduce salt intake.

7. Eat fearlessly white and black bread. Use olive, flaxseed oil.

8. During the period of exacerbation arrange fasting days.

Diet combined with basic treatment increases the solubility of uric acid and eliminates the disease.

General recommendations for gout

1. As a rule, the disease affects those joints that were once traumatized. Therefore, take care of your big toes and try to avoid too narrow shoes.

2. During exacerbation of the disease, keep the joint at rest and, if possible, in a raised position.

3. Apply a bag of ice (for 10 minutes) at the time of severe pain to the sore spot.

4. Eat enough watermelons during the season.

5. Drink plenty of fluids: herbal decoctions, weak tea.

6. Lead a healthy lifestyle.

If you do not treat the disease, then serious complications may develop:

• urolithiasis disease

• renal failure

• pyelonephritis

• hypertension

• coronary heart disease

Curing gout is a long process that requires a certain amount of patience and effort.

The main thing, noticing the first signs of the disease, to seek help from a doctor and start therapy in a timely manner. And use traditional methods as a supplement to the main treatment.


Watch the video: Gout - Mayo Clinic (June 2024).