Diet of Tatyana Rybakova: basic secrets. How to lose weight effectively, adhering to the legendary diet of Tatyana Rybakova?


People who have tried various diets, sooner or later come to the conclusion that to achieve success in losing weight and maintain the result for a long time can only be adhered to a healthy diet constantly.

It is on this principle that the diet of Tatyana Rybakova is built.

A living example of diet weight loss by Tatyana Rybakova

At the age of 14, Tatyana Rybakova weighed 105 kg, this, of course, was a trauma for her, and the constant ridicule of her peers added oil to the fire.

The girl tried a huge number of diets, but the kilograms quickly returned. Then she, having studied special medical literature on this issue, developed her own diet, which helped her lose weight by 50 kg.

The principles of the diet of Tatyana Rybakova

1. All foods consumed must be strictly dietary.

2. Distribution into 3 three main meals and 2 snacks.

3. Exclusion from the diet of fast food, flour, sweet soda, fried.

4. The implementation of feasible physical activity every day.

5. Dinner should be no less than three hours before bedtime.

6. Forbidden sweets in the evening.

7. The calorie content in each meal should be as follows: the main - 400 Kcal, snacks - 100-150 Kcal.

According to Tatyana Rybakova, the main thing is an understanding of what you eat. Various sausages, buns, cakes and canned food are not only very harmful to the body, but also occupy a huge share of the family budget.

So, breakfast Tatyana Rybakova’s diet should consist of porridge in combination with proteins. Such food allows you to get enough of it and give the body the necessary energy for a long period of time.

After 1.5 - 2 hours after breakfast, there is a snack with nuts, apples, grapes or orange.

Dinner - This is a dish of complex carbohydrates in combination with a salad. After lunch, a light snack is made with vegetables or dairy products.

Dinner - This is a meal that should be satisfying, but at the same time, useful. For example, low-fat fish with vegetables or dairy products with low fat content are perfect.

Diet of Tatyana Rybakova: prohibited foods

Products forbidden in the diet are the same as any dietitian will give during consultation. Chocolate and cookies are not forbidden, but only in moderation, their number of calories should not go beyond the permissible limits. These are the products that completely prohibited in the diet:

• sugar;

• flour products;

• seasonings of non-natural origin;

• mayonnaise and sauces;

• sausages.

There is reasonable evidence of such a ban - food seasoned with prepared sauces and seasonings is similar in its properties to a drug, it wants to eat more and more. Of course, those who are used to eating this way will be very difficult at the beginning of the diet, but to get the result you just need to forget about the existence of these products, and then a useful habit develops by itself.

Diet of Tatyana Rybakova: allowed products

Here is a list of the right ingredients that a human diet should consist of:

• dairy products with low fat content;

• turkey meat, chicken, veal, fish of such varieties as pollock or cod;

• vegetables raw or stewed;

• fruits, but only in moderation, dried fruits during snacks;

• seafood;

• rice, cereals and legumes;

• green tea.

Meat products and fish should be baked, steamed or boiled. Throughout the day you need to drink plenty of pure mineral water and black or green tea. Every day, you must eat kefir or low-fat cottage cheese, preferably in the evening.

Sample menu for the week on the diet of Tatyana Rybakova


Breakfast: oatmeal and 1-2 boiled eggs.

Snack: a small amount of any available berries or a handful of nuts.

Lunch: 1 plate of barley, ½ boiled chicken breast, 1 fresh cucumber.

Snack: some dried fruits.

Dinner: a salad of white or Beijing cabbage with a few slices of baked fish.


Breakfast: scrambled eggs from several egg whites and a plate of oatmeal porridge.

Snack: orange or grapefruit.

Lunch: a plate of buckwheat porridge and 2 pieces of boiled chicken and a couple of salad leaves.

Snack: 200 ml of kefir or one apple.

Dinner: steamed fish and some tomato salad.


Breakfast: muesli drenched in kefir.

Snack: 3 boiled protein.

Lunch: wheat porridge and 150 grams of beef goulash or beef stroganoff.

Snack: any fruit.

Dinner: carrot and apple salad and 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.


Breakfast: oatmeal porridge with two hard-boiled eggs.

Snack: dried fruits (not more than 5 pieces).

Lunch: unpolished rice and a small piece of grilled beef.

Snack: 1 any fruit.

Dinner: cod baked in the oven or pollock (about 200 grams) with a salad of grilled eggplant, tomato, peppers.


Breakfast: omelet from several eggs with lots of herbs and a glass of kefir.

Snack: low-fat cheese 50 grams.

Lunch: boiled lentils with chicken, 1 tomato.

Snack: fat-free kefir 1 cup.

Dinner: a small bowl of vegetable salad with a slice of cod (200 grams).


Breakfast: a plate of herculean porridge with 2 eggs.

Snack: a handful of raisins or any nuts.

Lunch: boiled potatoes 2 pieces, steamed chicken breast, cucumber salad.

Snack: carrot and apple salad.

Dinner: boiled chicken and cucumber-cabbage salad.


Breakfast: millet porridge and omelet from 2 eggs.

Snack: pear or peach.

Lunch: a small bowl of buckwheat with 200 grams of veal goulash or lean beef.

Snack: a small handful of almonds and a few pieces of prunes.

Dinner: 200 grams of fish baked in foil with vegetables.

Such a diet for a week helps to gradually lose extra pounds, while satisfying hunger. Products for this type of food are inexpensive and are sold everywhere. This diet has no contraindications, since all the necessary substances and the right amount of calories enter the body with food without harm to health.

Diet of Tatyana Rybakova: important additions

For many people with a good appetite, this method of weight loss seems radical, but it is completely not justified. Tatyana Rybakova’s diet poses no threat to health. Experts say that this menu is balanced in the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which allows you to stick to it all your life. No wholesome foods are excluded from the diet, only those harmful to the body need to be removed. You can eat right and at the same time varied, it is not necessary to put yourself in a frame and sit half-starving. But to refuse baking and sugar, not to eat just before bedtime, to exclude fried is not so difficult, the main thing is that the person himself wants changes in his life and appearance.

Particular attention in the diet of Tatyana Rybakova is paid to the correct water balance. Necessary every day drink at least 3 liters pure still water and this, regardless of the consumption of soups. Water can be alternated with green or black tea, naturally, without sugar, freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices, chamomile tea, any herbal infusions. You can consume these drinks at least every hour, this causes the body to be saturated with moisture important for it, and the stomach will always be full, as a result, hunger will be much less likely to bother. It is not forbidden to drink a cup of black coffee once a day with the addition of skim milk.

To get a better result and keep fit, you must include in your life physical training. This may be fitness, which should be practiced 3 times a week for 1.5 hours, water aerobics or swimming 1-2 times a week. It will also be useful to go for a jog or a bike ride and a home version of physical activity (swinging the press, squats, running on the spot and other classical exercises). Especially need to strengthen the press, hips and pelvis. This improves the appearance of the skin, tightening them, makes the muscles work and strengthens physical health. Excellent diet Tatyana Rybakova will be supported by yoga, dance, Pilates.

Handle the skin scrubs, creams, oils, massage, body wraps and a contrast shower are necessary. So she will pull up, and will look much more attractive.

Most modern principles of nutrition require the exclusion of some important products for the body, so sitting on such diets, you must additionally take vitamins to replenish unreceived substances. The diet of Tatyana Rybakova is completely balanced, so taking vitamin complexes is not necessary. Vitamins are used at will or for medical reasons.

As for the frequency of food intake, we can say that it is recommended to eat at regular intervals of 2-3 hours so that there is no acute feeling of hunger. Such a schedule allows you to eat often, but in small portions, which is the basis of a healthy diet. Servings should not be large, 150-200 grams of meat food with a plate of side dish or salad, one fruit or vegetable, a glass of yogurt is enough. The easiest way to measure the amount of food rule of hand:

• one palm - a side dish and the size of a piece of meat;

• two hands - a salad of vegetables or herbs;

You do not need to consume extra calories, at the end of the meal there should not be a feeling of heaviness and a full stomach.

The results of the diet of Tatyana Rybakova

Of course, immediately throwing 10 kg per month with this schedule does not work, but leaving 4 extra pounds in 4 weeks is provided. In order for the cherished goal to become closer, you need to set yourself up and believe that everything will work out. Tatyana herself says that psychological attitude is very important, because if suddenly the losing weight does not see the treasured figures on the scales, he can, simply, abandon the diet and begin to spoil his health even worse. It is very difficult to say about the duration of such a meal, everyone continues it as long as necessary. But it is recommended to do it your way of life, in addition, getting used to a healthy diet is easy.

The founder of the diet herself lost more than 50 kilograms on it. This did not happen right away; patience, endurance and willpower helped. Tatyana does not offer to lose weight at all costs, she shows that it is possible to do this by eating varied, but at the same time right.

The diet of Tatyana Rybakova is truly a universal way to lose weight for everyone. It does not require huge costs and special products, does not have a negative impact on health, and allows you to achieve excellent results without unnecessary stress for the body.

Tatyana is an example of how people with a high degree of obesity can support such a diet. Currently, this food option is gaining an increasing number of fans, and the number of positive reviews is growing before our eyes. It is very good that the girls begin to understand: losing weight is possible only with proper nutrition and physical activity, and not with the use of special pills, teas and fasting.


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