Dandelion jam: how to cook. The best recipes.


Dandelion Jam - General Description

In a small roadside dandelion combines so many useful properties, it is not for nothing that they called it a "home doctor" - people say that it cures 100 diseases. It has been eaten as food since the days of our ancestors, preparing a variety of healthy and tasty dishes.

In China, dandelion is still considered a food product, it is specially grown on plantations as a vegetable for vitamin salads, various liquors and tinctures, medicines that can be prepared from succulent leaves and root, and, of course, dandelion jam, which of all times has been the most popular. Because of its yellowish - golden color, pleasant aroma and a huge number of healing properties contained in these small droplets of sun, it is called dandelion honey.

Judge for yourself - this is not just a tasty product, but also a remedy for cholecystitis and hepatitis, a medicine for the liver, stomach and excellent prevention of bronchitis and asthma, while it has practically no contraindications. Many housewives, once trying to make jam from dandelions, include this recipe forever in their cookbook.

In order to cook the jam, you need to make a minimum of effort, and most importantly - to collect barely opened juicy buds. The raw material for jam - dandelion flowers - is collected in the spring, as soon as the flowering period of the plant begins, approximately in April-May. Since this flower is considered a roadside weed in our country, try to go away from the roads in order to use more environmentally friendly and clean flowers.

Dandelion Jam - Cooking Utensils

This jam can be cooked in ordinary dishes that have the purpose of cooking food - an enameled pan, bowl or stainless steel product is suitable. Sometimes copper utensils are used. Jam, cooked in enameled dishes, can be left to cool in a container, from stainless steel and copper products it must be immediately transferred to glass jars, which are thoroughly washed and poured with boiling water. Immediately prepare the lids for the cans, so that you can close, turn them upside down and wrap them.

Dandelion Jam - Flower Preparation

To make jam, reminiscent of amber in color, you need to cook about 400 heads of May dandelion, separating them from stems and leaves. Inspect the forest lawns, the banks of rivers and streams, away from plants and factories. Dandelions should be collected at noon, in the bright light of the sun, so that the flower heads are maximally opened. Pour flowers with cold water (half a liter) and boil for about two minutes. Throw the resulting broth into a colander with gauze spread in it and let it drain, then squeeze it carefully.

Dandelion Jam - Recipe 1

Quick recipe. For quick jam, take 7 glasses of sugar and pour them with squeezed water. Bring to a boil on fire, spread dandelions and boil for 7 minutes. Pour into small cans, close the lid, wrap. After cooling, the jam is ready, you need to store it in the refrigerator.

Dandelion Jam - Recipe 2

Dandelion jam with lemon. This is a more complex process, for starters, dandelions are soaked for 24 hours in water. After pressing, boil in half a liter of water for 15 minutes. You can take one large or two small lemons, which are cut with zest, boiled and left to infuse for a day. After that, filter to remove pieces of lemon and flowers, add 1-1.5 kg of sugar to the remaining syrup. Cook jam should be in two or three doses, cooling it every time. The result should be a consistency similar to honey in color and viscosity.

Dandelion Jam - Recipe 3

Dandelion jam with oranges. In order to make jam from 250 grams of dandelion flowers, we need 2 oranges, 1 lemon and 750 grams of sugar for each liter of syrup. Washed oranges with peel are cut into four parts and thinly cut across each of them. Washed and dried on paper towels dandelion flowers are placed in a cooking bowl with oranges and pour 1, 5 liters of water. Cook an hour. Filter the resulting mixture and add sugar and lemon juice, boil for another 20 minutes. Before pouring into cans, they are allowed to cool completely.

Dandelion jam - recipe 4 (no cooking)

This composition does not require cooking. Pass the flowers through a meat grinder along with the stems and add 2 tablespoons of honey per 0.5 l of the mixture. Close the lid and insist 12 hours, stirring several times. Accepted as a firming agent along with green tea. This folk remedy is called dandelion ginseng, it raises the tone of the body and activates its internal forces.

Dandelion jam - useful tips from experienced chefs

- It is very important to preserve the largest amount of dandelion nutrients when making jam, so you should not squeeze it immediately after cooking through cheesecloth, leave it to cool and insist for a day so that the syrup is enriched to the maximum. After pressing, boil the jam again.

- If you don’t have a lemon on hand, you can use citric acid instead. To enhance the taste of jam, you can add a few cherry leaves along with flowers when boiling it.

- To taste, dandelion jam resembles honey. Its use as a medicine and restorative agent is best carried out on an empty stomach in the morning, taking a tablespoon of jam dissolved in water.

In order to enhance the therapeutic effect of jam, you can dissolve it when eaten in green tea or milk thistle solution. Dandelion and milk thistle very well combine their medicinal properties and enhance the anti-inflammatory, choleretic and tonic properties of plants.

In winter, the unusual taste of dandelion honey will remind you of the tenderness of the first sun and the peaceful labor of buzzing bees. Stock up on it and enjoy its pleasant aroma.


Cyril 06/11/2016
“Pour the flowers with cold water (half a liter) and boil for about two minutes.” Flowers, minutes, jam, recipes, on sites in the Internet ...
Either people became less, or how.


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