What is the dream of fat: cut, salt, buy, sell? Basic Interpretations: what is the dream of eating fat or choose it


Food seen in a dream can speak both of a subconscious feeling of hunger and portend the most diverse events in life. It is important to look at all the details of sleep in order to interpret it correctly.

What is the dream of salty fat? Worth sorting out.

Why fat is dreamed - the basic interpretation

For many nationalities, lard is a delicacy that is served in a variety of forms to the table. Fat can be eaten raw, salty, fried, but this product should not be abused, as it is rather greasy and heavy for the stomach. If you see in a dream how a stranger is handing you a piece of fat - do not agree to the offers of friends to someone to do something unpleasant, since even a small dirty trick can turn against yourself.

What is the dream of salty fat? It dreams of stagnation in business. You will try to move forward at least a step, but you will slip on your mistakes and on your biased attitude towards people and events. Why dream of fresh bacon? To something new and unpredictable in your life. You will have a feast and a pleasant pastime. Just do not pour out anyone’s soul and wait for encouragement. You yourself must learn and enjoy what life presents to you and solve your pressing problems.

If fat in a dream causes you bewilderment and dislike - do not be disappointed in advance. Most likely, you are fed up with relaxation and entertainment, and you really want to feel stability and comfort. A well-fed life is boring for you, and you are striving for something new, but you should be careful, as any changes now can lead to losses.

If you dream that you are cutting fat into pieces, you don’t really want to share your honors with other people. You just pretend to be a generous person, but you actually notice all the flaws of people and all their negative aspects. They will try to take you to clean water and make you nervous, but you need to stand your ground and not give up your position.

If you dream about how you wrinkle fat - such a dream suggests that you are likely to agree to a rather thoughtless step, to a risky business, although before that you will feel that something is wrong, something will be you embarrass constantly. Having a hint of sleep - go around the situation the other way, do not commit rash acts in the near future.

If you dream about how you throw a piece of fat to dogs - such a dream means that you have to sacrifice your financial independence in order for your business to survive in difficult times. Why dream of eating bacon? Such a dream can come to those who are waiting for important news, the conclusion of an important deal - it means that luck will be on your side, and you will get everything that you have been dreaming about for so long.

What does lard dream about in Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that fat is dreamed of the fact that in reality you will begin to exaggerate your capabilities in relationships and in sex. On the one hand, there is nothing illegal in it, but it will not bring you success, on the contrary, you will look rather strange in the eyes of your soulmate.

After such a dream, you should not experiment in sex and change partners. It is better to adhere to a stable and familiar course of events. If you dream of melted fat - you will experience an incredible sexual attraction to the opposite sex. If you dream about how you smear your body with melted fat - you yourself will become the object of desire. But at the same time, you will not begin to feel more confident in the relationship; you lack self-confidence and confidence in your partner. Perhaps you are embarrassed by your body and are trying in every possible way to hide its flaws. Do not worry so much, your partner perceives you as the person who you are.

If a young girl dreams of salty fat - she will be upset by the behavior of her gentleman. He will not only disappoint her, but he will probably change her, which will cause grief and tears. Why dream of fresh bacon? Such a dream may indicate that it is too early for partners to marry. If married people dream of such a dream, their relationship goes through the stage of renewal and right now it is necessary to accept all changes with joy and gratitude.

Why dream of eating bacon? Such a dream may indicate that the partners will soon be satisfied with each other and will no longer receive pleasure from tomorrow spent together. Already today they should change something in the relationship, add a touch of mystery and eccentricity to them, otherwise the routine will absorb them.

What is the dream of fat on the table? If you find a piece of bacon on the table and you cannot understand in a dream where it came from, pleasant surprises and pleasant acquaintances await you. Expect something serious from them is not enough, just allow yourself to enjoy the situation. If a girl dreams about how she feeds her lover with lard, then in reality they will have a period of joy and understanding in their relationship. If the partner is joyful and lard tastes good - the harmonious period will last a long time. If the partner in every possible way refuses to eat refreshments - then the joy will be fleeting and both partners will feel devastated due to what happened between them.

Why dream lard on an esoteric dream book

If you dream about someone putting fat on your doorstep - someone will give you a rather unpleasant surprise in your life, maybe a dream will show you this person, take a closer look at all its details and trifles, remember who you saw in a dream, with whom and what they were talking about. Any little thing can be important.

If you dream that you are having a meal and instead of a regular meal you bite off a piece of bacon - this means that you will change roles with someone. Perhaps your spouse or colleague will shift your responsibilities. In any case, this situation will not bring you pleasure. If you dream of a piece of rotten missing fat - your past will make itself felt at the most inopportune moment. Now any secrets will be able to surface. It is especially worthwhile to be careful in communicating with superiors, because there is a high probability of checking the quality of your work.

What is the dream of salty fat? To the bitter memories that are inspired by your meeting with old friends. If in a dream you cut fat into thin slices, you are prone to digging yourself, but it does not bring proper results and you simply waste time. Better do the thing that really brings you pleasure.

To dream of a market and buy fat on it is to meet dishonorable people who will reveal many of your secrets and turn out all your shortcomings. It is worth fearing the disclosure of betrayal, if it takes place in your life.

What is the dream of fat in other dream books

In the female dream book it is said that lard is dreaming of luck and success. If you see that it has a rough and thick skin - you have to go through a thorny path to success. If a woman dreams that her hands are smeared with fat, she will try in vain to defend her innocence and her status in society. If a young girl dreams that her face is smeared with fat, she will have to survive the betrayal of her best friend.

In the small Veles dream book it is said that fat is dreamed as the personification of glory and honor:

• Cut fat - to a happy coincidence;

• There is fat - there will be quarrels and squabbles in the family, someone will get very sick;

• Throw fat - refuse something very important;

• Step on the fat - go not your own way;

• Mash lard in hands - do not make decisions for a long time.

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that if you dream of a huge piece of fat - your life will become like a fairy tale, you will live in prosperity and prosperity. If the hostess dreams about how she serves salted fat on the table, they will respect her in the house and she will be able to maintain the warmth of relations and the warmth of the hearth. But do not relax, as households appreciate her for her complaisant character and wisdom.

It is good to see dreams in which you are surrounded by loved ones and relatives. It is even more pleasant to see in a dream how someone gives you presents. But what can a dream mean in which instead of decorations and flowers, lard is presented as a gift? Such a dream may indicate that welfare and respect from elders await you in reality. New doors and new perspectives will open before you. Take a closer look at the one who gave you such a gift, maybe soon you can start a family with this person.

Listen to your feelings after sleep - they are true.
