Cream "Sundae" for the cake - that same taste! Recipes of light, air creams "Ice cream" for cakes and other desserts


Cream "Ice cream" - an ideal layer for any cakes. Delicate filling with creamy taste will decorate even the most modest cake, make it juicy, tender, give an amazing taste. Hit the ice cream?

Cream "Sundae" for cake - general principles of preparation

Creams with the taste of ice cream are prepared in many ways. Often based on custard with various additives. Whipped cream gives a special splendor and effect of melted ice cream. There are recipes with cream cheeses, sour cream, condensed milk. Sometimes, for density, dissolved gelatin is added to the cream.

Basic cooking rules:

• Cream. Most often, they need to be whipped to strong peaks, so you need to choose the most fresh product with a fat content of 30-33%. It is also important not to overwhelm the mass in the process, since peeling can occur in natural cow cream. If vegetable cream is used for whipping, then this does not happen to them.

• Sugar. Sand or powder is used, it all depends on the recipe. It is advisable to adhere to the dosages indicated in the recipe, since sugar affects the consistency of the cream.

• Milk. Commonly used for making flour. The fat content does not matter, you can use diluted dry concentrate or condensed milk.

• Butter. Smoothes the taste, makes the cream softer, softer, more airy. Usually the butter is whipped separately, then combined with the rest of the ingredients. For everything to work out, the oil must be softened.

Vanilla is usually added to the cream for flavor. But that is not the rule. You can add zest, liquors, coffee, cocoa or melted chocolate to the ice cream.

Air cream "Ice cream" for cake

A variant of cream ice cream for cakes, which tastes like classic melted ice cream. It can be used for any cake layers, ideally combined with vanilla biscuit. Potato starch is used, but you can take corn.


• 2 tbsp. milk;

• 1 tbsp. Sahara;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• 1 tablespoon of starch;

• 0.11 kg of oil;

• 160 ml cream;

• a bag of vanilla.


1. Pour granulated sugar into the pan. Add starch with flour to it and stir well so that no lumps form in the process.

2. Dilute sugar with milk, stir. We send the future cream to the stove, start to heat. Far from the saucepan we do not leave, we stir regularly. In the end we interfere continuously. As soon as the mass begins to thicken and boil, you need to immediately remove from heat. Leave at room temperature until completely cooled.

3. Whip the cream until lush foam.

4. Separately, beat the butter, which should be softened.

5. Now you need to combine all the ingredients of the cream. Immerse the mixer in the custard milk, add the butter in small portions, beat well, add the vanillin.

6. At the very end, introduce whipped cream. It is not necessary to mix the cream with them for a long time in order to maintain airiness, the effect of melted ice cream.

7. We use the cream immediately to lubricate the cakes or first we hold it for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator, the mass will become thicker.

Cream "Ice cream" for cake with yolks

A variant of a saturated cream with the addition of egg yolks. Corn starch is used, but it can be replaced with potato. Fatty cream not less than 33%.


• 1.5 l. starch;

• 130 g of sugar;

• 250 ml cream;

• vanilla sugar;

• 280 ml of milk;

• 110 g of oil;

• 4 yolks.


1. Separate the yolks. Put in a bowl, add corn starch and sugar to them, beat well with a whisk.

2. Separately boil cow's milk, remove from heat.

3. Introduce a hot stream of hot milk, while continuously stirring with a whisk so that the egg does not boil.

4. Put the mixture on the stove, boil with eggs until almost boiling. Remove from heat as soon as the mass on the sides starts to move away from the walls of the pan. Cool the cream.

5. Beat the butter.

6. Separately, whip the cream.

7. Combine all the ingredients of the cream. So that the mass does not exfoliate and lumps do not form, first add a custard in a spoonful of butter to the oil, put whipped cream at the very end.

8. Fill the cream with vanilla sugar or use a similar essence.

Cream "Ice cream" for cake with mascarpone

Chic version of the cream "Ice cream", which will be a wonderful addition to any dessert and not only cake. At the same time, the cream is prepared very simply and quickly, even a child can do it.


• 80 g of powdered sugar;

• 220 g cream;

• 220 g mascarpone;

• vanilla.


1. Pour the cream into a bowl, beat until dense peaks. It is important not to overdo it, as the cream may curdle, water will drain. Set aside.

2. In another bowl, beat the mascarpone cheese and icing sugar. For a long time this does not need to be done, it is enough to achieve uniformity. Add vanillin here.

3. Now we connect both masses. We mix the blade with light movements from the bottom up. It is not necessary to shake the cream for a long time, otherwise the cream foam will settle, the mass will become denser, more liquid.

4. Use the cream immediately. It is better not to keep it in the refrigerator and cook it immediately before making cakes, especially since the whole process takes no more than ten minutes.

Cream "Ice cream" for cake on sour cream

This recipe is different from many similar custards. Usually, milk is used as the base, but sour cream comes here. Choose a fatty product of at least 25%.


• 600 g sour cream;

• 280 g of oil;

• 3 eggs;

• 4 tablespoons of flour;

• 250 g of sugar;

• vanilla, a little grated zest.


1. Put sour cream in a bowl, add eggs and sugar to it, pour vanilla with flour. Take a mixer and beat well for a couple of minutes. Pour a little lemon zest, but you can without it.

2. Put the saucepan in a water bath. Cook the cream until thick, stir constantly so that the eggs do not clutch in independent pieces.

3. Cool the brewed sour cream.

4. The oil should be softened, so we take it out to heat in advance. Beat with a mixer for 5-7 minutes. The mass should become light, slightly increase in volume.

5. In the process of whipping, add a spoonful of brewed but cooled sour cream to the oil. Ice cream ready!

Cream "Ice cream" for cake with gelatin

A variant of a denser cream with the taste of ice cream, which will definitely not leave the cake without our desire. Gelatin is used ordinary powder. If you need to replace with leaves, then the amount is calculated according to the data on the package.


• 1.5 tsp gelatin;

• 3 tablespoons of condensed milk;

• 2 glasses of cream;

• 45 ml of water;

• 150 g of powdered sugar;

• vanilla.


1. Immediately you need to fill the gelatin with prescription water, it should not be warm. Otherwise, clots will immediately appear, grains will not disperse.

2. Beat cream with powdered sugar until lush, introduce vanillin. Or we use the aroma with taste "Ice cream".

3. We heat the dissolved gelatin. You can simply place it in the microwave for a few seconds or heat it in a water bath. We try not to overheat the mass, we just bring all the clots to dissolution.

4. Pour the gelatin into the cream in a thin stream, whisk the mass with a mixer at the same time.

5. Add the condensed milk, beat for a few seconds. Turn off.

6. Use the cream immediately. It should not be stored in the refrigerator, because after cooling it will become denser, the curls will take their final shape.

Cream "Sundae" for cake with strawberries and mascarpone

Another version of cream with ice cream flavor for cakes. Instead of mascarpone, you can use another similar cheese. It tastes good with Almette, you can look for more affordable analogues. Fresh strawberries are used, similarly you can take strawberries, raspberries.


• 200 ml cream;

• 200 g of mascarpone or other cheese;

• 150 g of strawberries;

• 1 pinch of vanilla;

• 120 g of oil;

• 170 g of powder;

• 1 tsp starch.


1. We sort out, wash the strawberries, grind to gruel. You can wipe through a sieve or beat with a blender. It should turn out 150 g of mashed potatoes. Mix it with a teaspoon of starch.

2. Warm up the strawberry puree in a water bath until thickened, you get a kind of jelly.

3. Soften the butter, beat for 5 minutes, gradually add the cooled strawberry puree, then add the cream cheese in small portions. Stir well, do not whisk for a long time.

4. Pour the cream into a clean bowl, the whisk of the mixer also needs to be washed. Beat until soft peaks.

5. Gradually add powdered sugar and vanilla. Beat until smooth.

6. Now you need to combine both masses, carefully mix them with a spatula, the filling cream is ready!

Cream "Ice cream" for the cake - useful tips and tricks

• To whip cream easily and quickly, use a clean and dry bowl. Both the dishes and the product must be refrigerated.

• Do not use a blender to whip cream. Only a mixer or hand whisk will do.

• If the cream is not brewed, then instead of sugar it is better to use powder. It dissolves faster, grains will not crack on the teeth, the mass will turn out smoother and more airy.

• Do not try to soften butter near a hot battery, in the microwave, or in a water bath. Nothing good will come of it, the cream will be with grains, it will flow. It is better to grate the oil or chop finely with a knife, leave at room temperature for 50-60 minutes.

• If it is not possible to purchase greasy sour cream for the cake, then you can weigh the usual. For this, the product is placed in a bag of 6-8 layers of gauze, suspended for a while. Excess whey drains.

• In order for the oil to keep up with the rest of the cream, you need to add the ingredients to it in small portions, thoroughly whipping after each addition.


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