How to guess a womanizer in a man


Each person has disadvantages and advantages. But there are categories of men that any woman fears contacting. True, it is usually they who attract the fairer sex most. In this list of unreliable womanizer occupy one of the leading positions. The result of communication with them is always the same - a broken girl's heart. Lovelace seeks to pull the girl into bed as soon as possible, and for some it is also important for her to fall in love with herself. And then they throw another victim.

Smoothies are known since Lovelace, Casanova and Don Juan. Now the womanizer is called pick-up, but their goals are the same. There are even special courses at which modern men are taught the art of seduction. And they do not use this knowledge in order to find a wife for themselves. And how do girls defend themselves against experienced ladies?

The surest way is to calculate the dangerous masculine representatives at the very initial stages of communication. And run from them like fire. This short anti-pickup training will help to cope with such a task.

We study the physiognomy

Surprisingly, the propensity for Don Juan is considered an innate quality. And physiognomists claim that it is possible to determine the type of personality of a man by his face.

And they call main "facial" features of a womanizer:

  • fairly rare eyebrows;
  • big lips;
  • downward tip of the nose;
  • lower eyelids lowered to the middle of the eyes;

You need to be wary if all signs coincide in one person.

Yes, natural qualities are amenable to correction.

But it is better to communicate with those who have an open look, clearly defined eyebrows and the tip of the nose is looking forward.

Avoiding Doubtful Online Dating

Getting caught by a sex lover for one night on social networks is easy. How to calculate such a young man? Psychologists distinguish three main types of Internet-based womanizer:

  1. Major

He constantly boasts of his "money": an expensive car, branded clothing or endless trips to luxury resorts. In communication, he immediately shortens the distance with the girl, switches to "you", communicates on fairly intimate topics. Major wants to get sex as quickly as possible, with minimal financial investment.

  1. Experienced

He tries to conquer with his originality, likes to give compliments and uses phrases in speech. He at the very beginning of communication puts forward specific requirements for the appearance and character of a future girlfriend. In albums, he often places his photographs in a half-naked form.

  1. Newbie

He claims that he usually does not communicate with girls on the Internet. Can talk about his difficult past relationships to put pressure on pity. Sometimes it is on the site, but for a long time does not respond to messages. Suspiciously quickly knows how to make contact with a girl, says foldingly.

If a new acquaintance clearly fits a certain image, then you should be wary. One man may show signs of several types at once.

The attention of girls is rarely attracted to a guy who starts communication with the words "Hello. How are you?" Trite, unoriginal. And experts say: simple phrases in a conversation betray an inexperienced person. Perhaps such a gentleman should not be ignored.

A worthy man is trying to find out about the real life of a virtual girlfriend. He does not give her compliments and always responds quickly to messages. An unverified guy just communicates, and does not constantly start talking about sex.

We wave "bye" on the face-to-face meeting

The easiest way to find out the true intentions of a person at the first "live" meeting. We note the typical signs of a womanizer.


The womanizer has a well-groomed appearance and catchy clothes.

He will not necessarily be handsome, but he will conquer charm and charisma.

It is in good physical shape.


A lover of women knows psychology and knows how to manipulate people.

Such a man is able to surprise with actions. Inventive, self-confident type.

He counts several moves ahead, like an experienced chess player. He is a sociable person. He knows when and what to say.

Body contact

Womanizer violates the boundaries of the personal space of the girl. It is believed that the optimal distance during communication with strangers is the length of an outstretched arm.

As close as possible to a person at a distance of 50 cm.

The conqueror of female hearts already at the time of the first date shows disrespect for generally accepted norms.

He tries to touch the interlocutor, stroke her hand and do other similar things. Do not ignore this behavior.

Strange habits

The seducer shies away from answering various uncomfortable questions. He says little about himself, doesn’t tell anything concrete. He does not like to talk about the future.

Often uses the mirroring method.

He can repeat her interlocutor's gestures: turning her head, moving her arm or leg. Smile like her, or sit in the same position. After all, this behavior brings together. And if the guy does it ineptly?

It is possible that he was told about this method in pickup courses. A person has not learned how to simply put his knowledge into practice.


Lovelace is very nice. He can tell a trivial joke or mention adult films. Tries to make sex talk.

Makes explicit hints to test the girl’s reaction to them.

Any “slippery” conversations are best stopped immediately.

He gives compliments with a small amount of criticism: “you have a beautiful dress, but the color does not fit your eyes”, “cute pants, my mother had such a couple of years ago.” May recall the former. At the same time, she will not forget to mention why the current interlocutor is better. He calls his companion "bunny", "kitty" or another impersonal nickname, because it is suitable for any female person.

Womanizer asks a lot of questions, collects information.

He is trying to learn about the habits, interests, tastes of the girl in order to demonstrate the affinity of souls and similar outlooks on life. It may seem that I have known this man for a hundred years. However, he is not interested in the inner world of the potential victim, but where she lives, how she spends her free time, and what institutions she visits. Just in case, so as not to meet him there with another girl.

A man on a first date shows mail all of the above signs? Most likely, this is a typical womanizer.

Can still try?

Is it always necessary to repel a womanizer? After all, such an interesting and experienced man is a real find. He looks good, knows how to captivate with conversation, and will be able to give pleasure in bed.

Continuing closer communication with the womanizer is definitely worth it. If you need a fleeting affair, not a serious relationship. And to build a strong love affair with a ladies man is difficult.

After all, there will never be confidence in his loyalty.


Watch the video: 8 Hairstyles That Show a Mans True Character (June 2024).