What dreams the church in a dream


Church - This is an extremely powerful image, the appearance of which in a dream can not be accidental. Often such a symbol indicates that a person wants to fill the existing gaps in his spiritual life.

A dreaming religious building can also mark the approach of fundamental changes in fate and the completion of an important life stage. Detailed understanding of all the nuances of such a dream will help the dream book.

Dreamed a church what does it mean

Interpreter of dreams Miller States that church marks are inevitable changes in a person’s life. To see her in a dream - you will have to face something alien and distant.

His interpretation gives Wang:

  • temple and the ritual attributes in it indicate that a person is currently in despair;
  • go to church and being in it is time to change and reconsider some views on life;
  • listen to worship, which conducts father, to be baptized - the person thirsts for love and recognition;
  • look outside at the temple with the doors shut up - loneliness and longing await you;
  • restore a ruined temple - soon reconcile with a close person.

If you dream of a church with icons

Temple with icons inside symbolizes the spiritual world of man and his inner state.

If a the church is richly furnished gold candelabras and other ritual utensils, this means that the dreamer in a given period of time experiences peace, tranquility and feels an extraordinary coherence of thoughts.

It is very important to pay attention to facespictured on icons - if they bright and joyfulA person is waiting for a calm future without any troubles and problems.

Gloomy face on the icon, cracked images signify the meaninglessness of life and problems due to their own stubbornness.

Dream of a church inside and out

Dream interpretation interprets such dreams as follows:

  • if the temple is in darkness, you will soon have to participate in the funeral procession;
  • to confess - you have done a bad deed that worries you,
  • see a dead man in the templewhom you knew in real life - the person you know will probably die soon, or you will become an unwitting witness to the tragic death;
  • cry in the temple - you have a kind and thin soul, soon you will find happiness;
  • see yourself in the temple with breezy clothes - waiting for you in mourning.

If dreaming the church outside see her in ruins - you lose your vital energy, you are haunted by problems and troubles from which you need to find a way out.

If you dream in a dream that she crumbling in front of you, - this marks the beginning of a new era, while the future prospects of the dreamer look rather vague and gloomy.

What dreams father and church

  • Often father is in dreams unbelieving people, to set them on the right path and to warn them against rash acts.
  • Interpretation of sleep in the dream book if dream of father or priest- you need to analyze your actions, recognize the flaws and repent of sins.
  • Sometimes priest may dream and appear in a dream as harbinger of disease.
  • A dream service with the participation of a priest - you may be seriously ill. If the dreamer sees himself as a father, he is full of indecision and doubt.

What dreams a church in a dream for a woman

If a Church dreams of a woman:

  • enter the temple - there is an obsession with yourself, you need to open up more to people and change your attitude towards them;
  • many temples - mental wounds hurt you;
  • burning candles - spiritual cleansing and renewal takes place;
  • bells that don't ring - a good period will come in life;
  • bell ringing to hear - the bad news;
  • rainbow over the temple - a good sign of close happiness and well-being;
  • dome - you are protected by a higher power;
  • if she had a dream church service - she deserves the respect of others.

What dreams of the church destroyed or abandoned

Destroyed or abandoned the church in a dream warns that difficult trials await you, but you will cope with them.

See in a dream dirty and dark dome, on which missing cross - you lose your property.

Burnt church / chapel warns about the upcoming long road. Probably, in foreign lands you will meet a person whom you have been looking for for a long time.

Unfinished red brick chapel promises peace of mind, if the walls of the temple are white - you will be present at the festival.

Building temple means financial gain for you.

Putting candles in the church why dream

Usually church candles dream to a meeting with an old friend. This event will be joyful if burning candle.

Extinguished candle means that you will soon be disappointed with something.

To put church candles - you hope for a better future. To translate the plan will take a lot of effort on your part.

Buy candles - someone will open your secret secret, which you kept for many years.

Extinguished candlestick says distress, you will seek help from friends, but they will turn away from you.

What dreams of communion and getting married in church

Wedding in a dream symbolizes happy changes in your life. Probably soon you will meet your soul mate.

If in a dream get married your friends - wait for promotion.

Stand in the temple when an unfamiliar couple gets married - will be lonely.

Which means participle? The interpretation of sleep in the dream book is the following: you are waiting for spiritual conversation and godly deeds. Perhaps you should donate to the temple.

Baptism dreams - family relationships will improve. You have a guardian angel who protects you from harm.


Watch the video: What does church dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).