Indian onion - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Indian onions - a general description

The Indian onion is popularly called the branochka, ornithogalum, and tailed poultry. The plant is a perennial, belong to the family of lily. It got its name due to the presence of a finely sitting, green, covered with pale yellow scales of onion.

Alternating flat leaves emerge from the bulb, which at the ends are folded into tubules. Leaves do not keep upright, but fall, wriggling down. The flowering of large bulbs in the apartment occurs from November to December.

In biennial plants, a flower-bearing arrow grows 50-60 cm tall. It is very large, fleshy, not empty. Arrangement of flowers on the arrow is very similar to the placement of flowers on the arrow of the delphinium. All flowers bloom starting from the bottom. One arrow may consist of one hundred green flowers. Interestingly, by the time the last flower blooms, seed ripening occurs.

Indian onions - types and places of growth

Indian onion has nothing to do with India. He comes from South Africa. Today, onions are common in the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, Asia. With us it is grown as a houseplant on the windowsills of apartments and houses.

In total, more than 150 plant species belong to the genus "poultry farmer". Among the most famous are:
- lily of the valley,
- a scaffold,
- flying onion or mouse hyacinth,
- indoor chionodox.

All plants have a lot in common, have useful properties, and therefore they are used in the manufacture of various medicines.

Indian onion - healing properties

Indian onion is a very useful plant that has a strong analgesic and antiseptic effect. Thanks to its active substances, blood flow to diseased areas of the body is enhanced.

Indian onions are used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, namely:
- radiculitis,
- osteochondrosis,
- arthrosis,
- polyarthritis,
- deposits of salts in the joints.

It also effectively affects mechanical and infectious skin lesions, including bruises, abscesses, and tumors. The plant heals well wounds, cuts, relieves swelling after a bee sting, wasps, itching after a mosquito bite. With the help of Indian onions, rashes on the face, herpes on the lips, warts are treated. The plant is also used to relieve headaches.

Indian onion - dosage forms

The leaves, bulb and shoots of the plant contain a very large amount of mucus. It is she who has useful properties. Therefore, as a medicinal raw material, leaves, arrows, bulbs of a plant, as well as its juice, which is colorless, are used. From all this raw material, infusions, decoctions, ointments, baths are prepared, which, as a rule, are prepared on the basis of alcohol or water.

The highest content of beneficial biological substances in the largest leaves. It is also worth noting the very fast action of preparations from Indian onion.

Indian onions - recipes

In order to cure chronic sciatica, rub a loin with a small piece of leaf and wrap it with a woolen scarf. This should be done in just one minute, as the onion burns very much and acts instantly.

In order to relieve a headache, cure acute respiratory infections, rub the temples, nape, nose bridge, eyebrows, lymph nodes with Indian onion juice.

Juice plants also rub wounds and places of animal bites.

To cure joint diseases, tincture of Indian onion is prepared. To do this, fresh leaves of the plant are mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Such an infusion retains its healing properties for several years.

To relieve inflammation of the sciatic nerve, use a grind prepared by pouring moonshine on the chopped roots of comfrey and leaves and onions of Indian onion in a ratio of 2 to 1.

Indian onion - contraindications

Due to the high content of cardiac glycosides, the plant is poisonous.

The juice of the plant can also provoke an allergic reaction, as well as a rash, blisters, and itching. Particular care must be taken when interacting with the juice of the plant with the eyes; if it gets into the eyes, they must be washed immediately with water.

It is also not recommended to rinse your mouth with preparations containing Indian onion for people with bleeding gums, because it only enhances this process.


Larisa Avericheva 08/05/2016
Indian onion grew at my place for 3 years (presented by my patient), bloomed (beautifully, as in the picture). Decided to make medicine from it. Cut, chopped finely, filled with vodka. I felt itching on the skin of my hands (allergy). Now I'm afraid to use it ... (doctor).

Galina 06/12/2016
I have had Indian onions growing on the window for many years, but I did not use them. And then I read and decided to try. Do not rub any minute, SEC and that's enough. The pain has passed, but there was a rash (burn). It is necessary to apply very carefully.

Tania 05/12/2016
Africans, he comes from South Africa ...

Maya 04/22/2016
But, tincture of Indian onion, can be stored for several years. And many plants cannot boast of this. The action of their healing power is very limited. But, as for the rest, I agree - in this onion there is nothing of the kind that would not be in other plants.

Vika 04/22/2016
Yes, of course - our plants can also cure all the diseases that Indian onions treat. In general, each country has its own plants from all diseases. Simply, some act stronger, others a little weaker. You need to choose the right one.


Watch the video: Health Benefits Put Sliced Onion On Your Foot Overnight (June 2024).